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10 Questions

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    10 Questions

    Um.... ewe. You have completely turned me off, Hippie.

    He is all yours ladies! Have fun!


      10 Questions

      hippie37;211400 wrote: .......strange!

      Nice to meet ya Dave! Was starting to feel a bit out in the wilderness alone with a million screaming banshees!lol
      No one understand an alcoholic better than another alcoholic; very cliched I know, but very true which is why I get on well with people on this forum (mainly women at the moment as there seems to be a lack of blokes on here). And I do use that word alcoholic loosely in respect to others as I can only speak for myself. I'm a stinking dirty alcoholic hippie at heart!!!LOL
      Nice to meet you as well. There are way fewer men on the board than ladies. I think they live duel lives. All PTA, garden party, and book club by day, but get 'em goin on this board and they transform into saucy wenches. If you actually met them at a party and called their bluff, I think they'd fold, but I like their cyber selves quite a bit. Never seen a group of women who could make a minority of gents feel so welcome, so they're OK in my book.

      I took an art class recently and I was the only guy. They all had history with each other, but I thought our common interest in metal work would serve to assimilate me into their group. No soap. 5 months later and they still hadn't defrosted. Talked around me, one word answers to my questions, etc. Anyway, the MWO chicks are NOTHING like that. They'll take you in from day one and can hold their own when the discussions get , shall we say.. racey. Visited chat yet? look over both shoulders before you log on.

      and what the heck kind of cyber-pheromones are you giving off? You've got them whipped into quite the frenzy.

      And as for the bassoon, #1 played it for a while (he seems to play a different inst every year) and I just loved the sound. e could just play scales and the rich, deep sound would sooth the savage soul. Anyway, my old answer would have been the sound of a dry martini being shaken. But I'm here for change.....



        10 Questions

        12Many, you are a dear thing. I used to (mentally) pronounce your name "Twelve Many" and thought you were an Indian or something, and that was your tribal name...then I realized, d-uhhh, it's "One Too Many". As my husband often says, "for someone as intelligent as you are, you sure are dumb!" (Said lovingly, of course.) He's right. And I suck at Su-do-ku as well...

        Your metalworking-class story reminded me of the experience of a dear friend from college days, only his experience was just the opposite! He was a young single guy, alone and friendless in Chicago, fresh out of law school and putting in punishing hours in a big fancy law firm. No chance to meet WOMEN, he moaned. He tried the posh bars---no luck; he's brilliant and funny but looks like Woody Allen...tried synagogue, but everyone was married, engaged, or pregnant...finally, he hit upon a brilliant idea: join an amateur theatrical group! He was (according to him) the ONLY non-gay man at rehearsals. He said that once the female chorus members in his first show, "Guys and Dolls" realized THAT, they were all fighting over him! He ended up marrying a beautiful blonde and they have two lovely children (who look like her, I'm glad to report.)

        So...maybe polish up your acting and singing skills and hit the boards! But you must promise to let us all on MWO host a cyber-engagement-party!
        Jane Jane


          10 Questions

          1 What is your fav word? LOVE:h

          2 Least Fav word? Evil

          3 What turns you on creativly, spiritualy, emotionaly? Beautiful places,sunsets,kayaking(riding a euphoric wave),music,my Hubby's smile.& (cowboys) & the horses they ride in on!

          4 What turns you off? Little mean people & arrogance.

          5 Favorite cuss word. God F***n Danm it! (when I'm really mad!)

          6 Sound I love. Buzzzzzzzzz!:H (Just kidding). Laughter! And good music.

          7 Sound I hate. Someone being abused. Be it human or animal... verbal or physical.

          8 Profession I would love to attempt. Trapeez artist!

          9 Profession I would not like. Mortician

          10 What I would love to hear God say... "Come on in, your Grandma's right over here.":h

          PS Jane Jane! I loved your comment to St Peter! That was soo perfect! If my Grandma's not there... I'll meet ya for that drink!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            10 Questions

            1. What is your favorite word? ocean

            2. What is your least favorite word? minority

            3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? nature

            4. What turns you off? ignorance

            5. What is your favorite curse word? fuck

            6. What sound or noise do you love? leaves rustling , ducati motorcycle reving

            7. What sound or noise do you hate? people fighting and yelling

            8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? actress

            9. What profession would you not like to do? the guy or girl that cleans up the mess after the porno is finished filming. Ick

            10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? no worries we won't keep you if you chose not to stay
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              10 Questions

              now that was very extreamly weird I'm with you AFM
              Gabby :flower:


                10 Questions

                1. Content.
                2. Defeated.
                3. Sun or Moon over Water. Preferably Highland, makes my heart swell.
                5. It's not my job.
                6. Beginning of Dr Hook's - When your body;s had enough of me..
                7. My Ex - saying anything
                8. Psychiatry/Psychology.
                9. Sell such as old age chairs/beds/equity release to those who really believe you are not just a sales person on commission.
                10. Well done you, against all odds... come on you in and pull you up a chair....we need to talk. xx
                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  10 Questions

                  1. What is your favorite word? serenity
                  2. What is your least favorite word? lite
                  3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? parks, gardens
                  4. What turns you off? bigotry
                  5. What is your favorite curse word? turdburglar
                  6. What sound or noise do you love? early morning birds
                  7. What sound or noise do you hate? people eating with their mouth open
                  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? eagle handler
                  9. What profession would you not like to do? President of USA
                  10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You're in luck! A couple of your friends are here.


                    10 Questions

                    I have enjoyed reading about you all... I like discombobulated too!!!
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      10 Questions


                      This is hillarious...Thank you for cheering me up....will answer soon.


                        10 Questions

                        here goes

                        1. fluffy and soft
                        2. snog..I had trouble even typing that lol ..although I love to do it.
                        3. music music music!!!
                        4. no music
                        5. has to be FUCK dunnit!....sorry.....
                        6. the sea and the serene!
                        7. fingernail scraping on blackboard.
                        8. vet
                        9. nurse..wierd I know..can take care of animals but not people.
                        10. I forgive you for EVERYTHING....yeah..I wish !!!! if only!


                          10 Questions

                          1. What is your favorite word? copacetic

                          2. What is your least favorite word? mother f##r

                          3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? family

                          4. What turns you off? administrivia

                          5. What is your favorite curse word? tartar sauce

                          6. What sound or noise do you love? a baby breast feeding and "singing" from it

                          7. What sound or noise do you hate? knife sharpening

                          8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? H. S. Math Teacher

                          9. What profession would you not like to do? Nursing home work.

                          10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? welcome
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            10 Questions

                            1. What is your favorite word? beautiful
                            2. What is your least favorite word? hate
                            3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? nature
                            4. What turns you off? narrow minded people
                            5. What is your favorite curse word? The F one
                            6. What sound or noise do you love? My dog's snoring
                            7. What sound or noise do you hate? Hunter's guns
                            8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Actress
                            9. What profession would you not like to do? Abbatoir
                            10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Hurry up! Happy hour is about to begin...the beer is free and won't make you ill, give you hangovers or make you act like a fool- all your friends are already there.


                              10 Questions

                              Marbella If your friends are already there doesn't that say something about the booze!!!lol

                              I like your answer to question 7.
                              What sound or noise do you hate? Hunter's guns
                              . Even though I'm not vegetarian anymore I think the way animals are hunted these days is despicable. I was very much in favor of banning fox hunting here in the UK for that very same reason. I've been on a few Hunt Sabs. and it is amazing the hard line these country folk take over it as do the Animal Libs in repect of their views. So you can imagine 2 stubborn factions arguing over it it was never going to be polite (for want of a better word)

                              Love and Happiness to you M
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                                10 Questions

                                I LOVE your answer for #10 Marbella! Don't we all wish, eh?!

