To my amazement I've made it to 1 year(and 1 day:H ) AF.
To all those just starting out and thinking how hard it is, I wish you all the best of luck.
Just hang in there and it can happen, it aint easy at times but it is so good to look behind you and see the days and weeks of not making an utter drunken idiot of yourself mounting up.
To all those just looking in on these boards and not quite sure if they can bite the bullet and do it....jump on in.There are great people here, all on the same journey as you, who will support and encourage you, as they have done so magnificently for me.
Thank you to all those who have cared for me on the way and thank you so much RJ for providing such a wonderful haven for all of us to free ourselves of this monster...
Love and hugs to everyone
Victoria xxooxx