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I did it!!!!!

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    I did it!!!!!

    Great tattoo! Anxiety is the worst. i agree if you aren't against getting some help from a doctor or looking for a more natural way. Gaba, lithium orotate, lithium carbonate, SAMe,calmes forte, there's lots of stuff that can help with the anxiety.

    Great job on being sober.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      I did it!!!!!

      great job

      As I said before, good job, I am rooting for you, this weekend is scarry for me as we have drinking family in town, so it will be VERY hard for me to be AF and watch them enjoy their drinks..................:upset:

      There is always Monday to start over though, right!!!?? or Sunday after they all leave..........going to a football game tomorrow too, which ought to be fun, and a challenge!!!

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        I did it!!!!!

        Hey MA,

        If ya want to chat about it this weekend I know I'll be here posting away



          I did it!!!!!

          Good Job Buddha! Anxiety, nervousness, jittery.. they're all part of the first few days of being AF. You are going through physical withdrawl, we all do. Try and think of it as having a mild case of the flu. It will pass and you will feel so good and proud of yourself. Getting off this alcohol roller coaster is well worth a couple days of feeling uneasy.
          You can do it and it's not THAT hard if you really put your mind to it and have the attitude that you will not cave. Keep reading and posting and we will help you through it. Have faith in yourself..



            I did it!!!!!

            great stuff mate, you are on track one you are past the hump it should get easier, it may take a few attempts, mostly it is about really convincing your mind that alcohol is poison and for it to reject it.. and I thought my tat was big! great detail you must have a good artist

            cheers max
            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


              I did it!!!!!

              Hey Buddha! How goes it man? That is one big bad ass motherf***n tattoo!!!

              Best tattoo I've seen in a very long time You are really lucky to have such a good tattoo artist who obviously has some good quality inks. Pass on my respect to him/her on your next sitting!!

              Have you suffered with panic attacks in the past Buddha or have they only come about since you have stopped drinking? either way mate panic attacks are real nasty pieces of work when they wanna be. It doesn't help matters as well if you are feeling a bit paranoid about things. The good thing is you are on here mate and people are willing to listen and give you advice. I only got panic attacks in very dire situations and mine were more related to my drug taking than giving up the drink and they were definitely more psycologicaly induced as I suffered with extreme paranoia which in turn brought about the physical conditions 10 fold. I actually ended up in hospital after one after I fucked my head up that bad with speed. I was on Beta blockers for days! I found also that panic attacks were like bad 'trips' you just have to do what you can to ride em out and doing things positive and calm helps (as does a nice hot cup of tea!!!)

              Hang in there mate it will get better That is something I can promise you. It is still early days for you Buddha and no one is going to beat you with a stick if things get the better of you. You just have to pick yourself up and try and try again if need be, if that is what you really want! You have to give this 110% in these early days and go above and beyond your expectations and goals and the most important thing is you have to be honest with yourself about whether you are giving up because YOU want to. You are doing this for YOU and YOU alone. Not your family or your friends or the pope or the guy next door. This is for YOU!. Sounds selfish? Damn fuck'n right it does but it is the only place you can start mate with YOU! (lecture over!!!!!LOL)

              good luck mate with the anxiety and attacks and I hope all your choices are good ones. I've only just joined this forum myself so now doubt I'll be speaking to you more!

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                I did it!!!!!

                Each day gets a little get a little stronger. Keep going...


                  I did it!!!!!


                  Great going, man. I know it's hard, but you are doing the hardest part of it right now.

                  As for the anxiety - yea, big league anxiety attacks always hit me for the first few days AF - I mean big time. I find that GABA (gamma-amino-butyric-acid) at 1000 mg per day helps me tremendously with that. But the anxiety does subside a little every day until about 4 days in for me, I'm pretty good. I've even had to just spend a day or two in bed just to deal with the anxiety. Glutamine, Kudzu, lots of water, they all help an awful lot also.

                  Hang in there. We care so much that you do and I'm sure you will. Keep posting. This can be a great weekend for you (even though you may feel like s*** - great in the long run)
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    I did it!!!!!

                    I got the MWO book!!!

                    Hey everyone,

                    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been in bed reading and tring to get past the cravings and panic attacks. The book is great and the forum is even better. It's day # 4 today and I'm still a little.......I don't even know what to call it.

                    I'm going to go read some more MWO and have some Tension Tamer tea. I just wanted to check in so no one would worry about me. Things are going good Tell others about the tattoo......I'm glad you like it. I got it 3 or 4 months ago when I tried to quit drinking (that lasted about a week) to protect me.....I think it's doing it's job now. He watches my back just like all of you do. :thanks: again for the support.




                      I did it!!!!!

                      Howdy Buddha!

                      Good to hear from you again! Checking in on forums like this really helped/helps me to gain wisdom and insight into others who are traveling along the paths to sobriety or moderation and I really don't know what I would of done without the help and support I got /get.

                      Stick with it man and take good care of yourself!

                      Love and Happiness
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        I did it!!!!!

                        Hi Buddha! So glad to see you. I've been thinking about you this weekend. So happy you're doing okay. Has not been "a walk in the park" for me either. AT ALL!!!!. GRRRRRRRR!!!!

                        Looking for forward to hearing more-

                        xx wonder


                          I did it!!!!!

                          Hi buddha,
                          Great to see you`re hanging on in there.........keep`ll feel miles better in a coupla days.

                          Starlight Impress x


                            I did it!!!!!

                            Great to hear from you Buddha and especially that you are doing so well. We've go your back, don't worry. You just hang in there! You're doing a fabulous job.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                              I did it!!!!!

                              Good Job Buddha! The first few days are the hardest and you're picking them off one by one. Stay focused today. Tell yourself you are only going to go through this once. We are here if you need us...



                                I did it!!!!!

                                Oh this is a relief, Buddha, I've been reading this thread in a bit of fear, but it seems you've made it through the worst now. Please just post tomorrow so I know you are ok. After this, you should be fine. 5 days is usually what it takes.... and the rest of your life, too. You have really worked hard and you have accomplished so much.


                                p.s. I'm on day one, after many many many AF periods. It feels good but the anxiety is never fun.
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

