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I did it!!!!!

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    I did it!!!!!

    Hey everyone,

    My 1st day sober!! It's been so long, I forgot how good it feels. My mind and body feel great but I dodn't think I'm out of the woods yet. I feel like a panic attack will hit me at any time and I got the shakes (just a little).

    I took all my pills and hope I don't get to stressed out at work:bonkers: .Wish me luck. Talk to ya all when I get some more time.



    I did it!!!!!

    Hiya buddha..........:goodjob:

    Is scary when we first quit, but what the Hell..........let`s see you do it tonight again!!!

    Starlight Impress x


      I did it!!!!!

      Hi Buddha....congrats on day 1!! You can do this. Deep breaths and come here if you need a boost. Be very nice to yourself today and remember how good it felt waking up this morning.

      :h good for you!


        I did it!!!!!

        Way to go buddha!!

        It is awesome to wake up rested and refreshed isn't it?

        Things may get stressful but you can always come here and we'll help you.

        Sending good thoughts to you for the day!

        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          I did it!!!!!

          Be strong. You are stronger than the voice of Al(coholic) so show him what you are made of-


            I did it!!!!!

            Go Buddha!!! Right on!!!!

            Come here and post whenever you get squirrelly, no matter what - got me through those first few days (last week). Drink lots and lots of water. You're doing awesome!!!

            luv, beth xox


              I did it!!!!!

              hey everyone,

              I just feel like talking because I'm having a nasty panic attack (an elephant on my chest). Someone check out my tattoo on the guys forum. Tell me what ya think. It's not is a Tibetan protector diety.



                I did it!!!!!

                Hey Buddha-

                I loved your tattoo! I'm way into all the tibet symbols and iconography. I thought it was amazing. More on that later - what's happening with the panic attack?



                  I did it!!!!!

                  Hey Beth,

                  If I try to ignore it and breath deep for awhile they go away. This one hasn't gone yet but I am drinking a lot of water and walking around, hopefully it will be gone soon.

                  Thanks for checking out the tat.........I love it too. I got 4 or so more sittings before it's finished. I'll post more pics of it as I get it done!!



                    I did it!!!!!

                    Hey Buddha-

                    Cool! I couldn't tell that it wasn't finished! Definitely want to see the finished product.

                    I may have said this already, that I read that physical cravings pass in 15-30 minutes. I try to approach the panic attacks the same way - breathe, post, drink water, tell myself it will pass, read posts, repeat (ha!). The walking around sounds good too.

                    Are you taking any meds or supps ?



                      I did it!!!!!

                      I'm just a little worried.

                      I don't want it to be more serious (withdrawal). All panic attacks seem different to me as do withdrawal symp. Just nervous ..........I should be ok. I'm not alone.



                        I did it!!!!!

                        No Buddha - you're definitely not alone.

                        I don't know what your alcohol consumption was like, but obviously that will affect how serious withdrawal symptoms are. If you start to feel REALLY bad - get to a doctor. If you get to shaking, chest pains, hallucinations - go immediately to the ER.

                        And even if you don't feel really bad, you could also go to a doc. Some people get prescribed just a few days of librium or something like that to take the edge off in the first few days. You don't have to suffer more than necessary to succeed! And rest and sleep are important.

                        And, if you're feeling like you can ride it out - well, keep posting! drinking water, taking supps, deep breathing, walking around...... and it WILL get better.

                        I'm only 7 days in (had long period of AF before a lapse), so my memory of day 2 is VERY fresh! It was really hard.

                        Hang in there - big hugs,



                          I did it!!!!!

                          Buddha - I had some preeeeetty bad panic attacks when I first quit. They do subside after a couple of days. Exercise is a good thing for them. Like going for a brisk walk or something.

                          If you feel your withdrawal is getting BAD, please go to the ER or something similar.

                          The first few days are the roughest. If you can get through these, it gets a bit easier day after day.


                            I did it!!!!!

                            I felt very jittery when I 1st quit buddha.......lots of people here swear by gaba.......a natural supplement to help ease panic. You can get some from the health store here, but should be able to easily find it stocked locally, if you want to get some quick. I can`t personally vouch for it though........I bought it, but taking it kinda fell by the wayside for me.

                            Starlight Impress x


                              I did it!!!!!

                              Hi and you are doing great and nothing worse than anxiety. You should be fine lots of good advice here. Be careful and if you need the help of a doctor just to get a check up why not thats what they are for. They can check you out and tell them you have made a lifestyle change and feel pretty anxious.

                              Good, good, good job

