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    Hi All,
    I haven't posted this week but I have been reading and checking in twice a day. Had 7 AF days then had 1 wine. That was ok, didn't feel too bad about it. Then have had 4 AF days and went out last night and thought I would be ok to have 1 wine after work to unwind (ha ha ha). Any excuse!!!! By the end of the night I had 4 more. Feel like crap today and have proved to myself that I can't moderate. Looks like I am going to have to be TOTAL AF. It is a scary thought though. Does anyone else feel like this???
    I promised my counsellor that I would try for a week from visit to visit AF. Now I feel like I have failed.
    Have a good day


    Hi and congrats on the good work so far. I think you should be proud of yourself for what you've achieved.

    Put in perspective, having one night when you drank more than you had planned doesn't negate all the effort! And neither is that a reason to give up and go back to full-on drinking.

    Progress is progress, and you're doing great. Compare this to how you used to be, and you'll see how far you've come.

    Be proud!

    Gem x
    Free since 26th February 2012



      We never FAIL, we but just try again. Fail is not a word but merely an observation of YOUR mind, come on....

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......



        Thanks Gem,
        It does make me feel a lot more positive when I hear it from someone else. I must lighten up on myself sometimes I think. I and all of you have done so well with every little effort we do!!!
        From 1 Aussie to another!!!!



          Debruce: Great job on going 7 days AF, then 4 days AF. Take one day at a time. Don't be hard on yourself. The longer you try, the more AF days you will have behind you. At some point, you will realize the first drink wasn't worth it to begin with. You will also realize, the longer you don't drink, the better you feel. At which point you will weigh the options as to whether or not you really want the drink and will think through the consequences of what that one drink will bring. I have gone AF many of times, only to have a relapse. I have learned from my relapses and after 118 days of being AF, I like and enjoy being the sober me. Keep up the good work. Cute pix of the pup. I have a Yorkie with a similiar face as your Westie. I think the pup is a Westie. Am I right?
          September 23, 2011



            Thanks for the words of encouragement. Muchly appreciated and everything you say is good!!
            Yes she is a Westie, her name is Sami and she is my baby, nearly 3. I think she is the most spoilt dog in the whole wide world!!!!



              Debruce: Sami is adorable. My dog's name is Barnacle Bill "Barney". If Sami is the most spoiled dog in the world, then Barney is second! The little critter is on the couch with me right now. I can't get enough of the little guy. Dogs are great, aren't they? Give Sami a kiss for me! - Reenie
              September 23, 2011




                Seems that we can only see our mistakes while others see our successes. I consider 7 days AF, 1 wine, 4 days AF, then a lapse as success. Look, none of us is perfect - especially when just starting out. But isn't that a lot better than you did before? And don't you want to do and again and do even better next time? That's progress and success. Don't beat yourself up. Take every slip as a lesson and one that makes you stronger and more resolved. You're stronger today than you were before your slip - and more resolved to be successful. Keep letting us know how you are doing. We all want to help in whatever way we can.

                P.S. sorry to steal your thread HI REENIE!!!!
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                  That's right, Debruce, we do all need to lighten up on ourselves sometimes - I guess it's called "loving discipline". I'm working on finding that balance between putting gentle pressure on myself to do better, and at the same time, changing my habit of beating up on myself for not already being where I want to get to!

                  Am loving the pic of your dog, she's so cute!
                  Free since 26th February 2012



                    Hi debruce,
                    If mods is your goal, you seem to be doing as well as can be expected at this time. I think it takes a lot of hard work to get the balance right........if you truly believe you have it in you to successfully mod, then it`s much like going AF for good, in that baby steps will get you there in the end.

                    You`ve done well with the AF just need to work on limiting your drinks to a couple on the nights you are allowing yourself to drink. Hey!!!!..........would you listen to me!!!!.........if it were that easy, I`d happily be a mod!!! :H

                    Starlight Impress x

