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    Hello Everyone,
    I was around these boards about five months ago and was really enjoying the friendship, the support, the advice, the camaraderie. However, as people like me are want to do, I fell off the wagon and ended up in a pretty bad place again. I'm back, though, six days AF and hoping to keep it going for as long as I can. I did fourteen days last time and hope to do better than that this time around. I'm feeling good within myself at the moment, but my trouble is that I get so bloody lonely that going out to bars seems such a good idea - I guess I'll just need to post away like mad to make up for it!

    Glad to be back,



    Hi raoul..........glad to have you back.
    I think that`s one of the keys to staying sober.........we have to find other things to do to fill the time we used to spend drinking. I think loneliness is one of the main triggers to cause people to drink at home........silly really, because drink is no substitute for real company. A new hobby is good, or an evening class to make new friends. away to your heart`s content!!!

    Wishing you loadsa love and renewed strength,

    Starlight Impress x



      Hi Starlight,

      Thanks for the welcome back! I think you are absolutely right about having other things to do and to that end I'm going to go for a good walk or a swim this afternoon. The loneliness is a wee bit different in that all my friends are friends through the glass and I guess I'll just have to make new ones along the way. Thanks again,




        hi Raoul! I'll be if you start doing some healthy social things like going hiking etc you'll meet some heathy friends. if you look around in local newspaper or on the net there are some hiking, boating etc types of clubs around that welcome those of all skill levels.
        be well and congrads on the AF time!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)



          I'm feeling good within myself at the moment, but my trouble is that I get so bloody lonely that going out to bars seems such a good idea
          Hi Raoul! I had exactly the same problem as you yesterday, where the attraction of going to the pub and catching up with old friends over a pint (probably 10/12) seemed logical to me. (read thread 'Fighting the Demons'). I do like spending a lot of time on my own but I still need support myself now and again from friends and forums like this. I'm learning to be single again at the moment as the past 12 years I've always had a partner there with tea and biscuits for me!!. Some people just naturally find changes like that easy and some don't. I used to a long time ago but when your trying to stay sober as well it gets to be that little bit harder to adapt!!!

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009



            Welcome back Rauol! Try to free your mind of thought of alcohol. Keep yourself busy. Make a list of all the things you dreamed of doing and start doing them. Finish uncompleted projects. Read books. Join a gym. Rent movies. Do anything that keep you occupied. Before you know it, you'll pass day 4, then day 14, and then on your way to breaking another AF record! Keep trying and stay busy! Good luck-Reenie
            September 23, 2011



              Hey Raoul!!! Yes I definately remember you.
              Glad to see you back here.

              Sober since 30/06/10



                Thanks everyone for the kind words. I hope I didn't let anyone down but I didn't last day 7.

                However I didn't go mad and managed to moderate it so I aint beatin myself up.





                  raoul;214284 wrote: Thanks everyone for the kind words. I hope I didn't let anyone down but I didn't last day 7.

                  However I didn't go mad and managed to moderate it so I aint beatin myself up.


                  That's a good step for you Raoul, the fact that you knew you were going to have a drink but you managed to moderate it. good on ya!!

                  Love and Happiness
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009



                    Raoul, lovely to see you back ...... I'm really busy at the minute but couldn't not post for you ...........

                    You CAN do this .......... I'm rooting for you ........

                    :l :l :l :l

