Although I may come across in my posts as positive and humorous concerning my drinking I still, like everyone on here, am learning to deal and cope with the demons inside that insist on me going to the pub! The change of lifestyle for me has a been a big one, as you will know having read my introduction, and I am still in the early stages of adapting myself to that.
Today is one of those days for me where I find myself alone for the week-end without a care in the world. This week-end is all about me and I cannot seem to get the idea out of my head of going to the pub for a drink and a chat about life and shit! and all the feelings of being free and able to do what I want to do without any interference from anyone is really getting to me. I'm not down or depressed or anything like that. I just really feel like 'partying' a bit even though I know what the consequences will be tomorrow. My brain is literally doing my head in!. It's really sunny outside as well which is adding to the attraction of getting out. I know I've got a real battle on my hands today! The psychological craving for that bachelor lifestyle I had in London is all to creeping up on me. and It's the first time I've been single in over 12 years!!!!LOL. I know I have the willpower to get over this as it is not the first time and I am learning fast about what triggers me but the demons are strong today. May the force be with me LOL
Love and Happiness