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Why Now ??

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    Why Now ??

    500 and how many drinks?

    Well, when you put it like that...well yes, stop now I say to myself. Maybe instead of counting days which can seem cumbersome at the same time rewarding I should count drinks I have not taken...boy the numbers would add up fast.

    I am posting because I was 9 months AF 2x...and both times went back. Why one would ask? Because I focused on the wrong damn thing. I focused that drinking was my problem and it wasn't...what was the problem is the "why" I drank...even though I thought I headed that off...I realize now I barely touched the surface. That is what I am working on now. If I can blast that out of the water...then I don't think at 6-whatever months I would still have to think about...not drinking and how great it was or wasn't. I don't drink because of alchol....but I need to remove it to get to the task at hand to find a permanent solution that doesn't leave me feeling like relape is just around the corner.



      Why Now ??

      Changeling - 864 drinks starts with 1. You've answered your own question! Don't have the one and the other 863 stay exactly where they need to be...on the shelf in the store...

      Good luck to you - and to everyone else....go forth and have all the fun in the world and wake refreshed with pounds/dollars still in your pocket!!

      A New Year Midnight here at MWO - lovely! Healthy cheers!
      Love FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Why Now ??

        Wow, I REALLY like the idea...count the drinks you DIDN'T have!!

        A positive way to look at not drinking.

        I am going to start doing that. I will physically take that money I would have spent and put it into savings. (My usual 1-2 bottles vino/day, roughly $12 / day, geez, adds up fast!!)

        By Christmas, I should have enough saved to get through Christmas debt free!!

        Great idea.

        Christmas morning sober, grandkids running around with their paid for toys, granny smiling like crazy!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          Why Now ??

          Another thing that needs to be counted along with that horrendous amount of alcohol, is the damage you are doing to your liver, brain heart......

          Something I have pondered lately is:

          You never know which drink is the one that pushes you over into IRREVERSIBLE damage!

          Just a "happy " thought to add to the "negatives" side of the equation!



          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Why Now ??

            Thanks so much for posting, I too have had a relapse and how I needed to read this today. I have lived in a bubble until this morning when I woke up and realized I am not immune to this monkey on my back that I need to be cautious of forever and always. I have been feeling so invincible with Topamax. This place and you people help me realize what I need to do. Reading your postings is such a powerful testament, thank you!


              Why Now ??

              Hiya Changeling...

              I have spent a number of Christmases sober (didn't really think about it) and a number of New Year's Eves sober - and they were the best i've ever had. One, I got to watch all the funny drunk people and not make a fool of myself, and second, I didn't have a hangover and had a wonderful time putting a plate of bacon and eggs under my husband's nose the next day

              You may find you have a better time too!!

              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                Why Now ??

                I love your way of thinking !! You have hit the nail right on the head.. Stay AF and by Christmas you will be that much further along..

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  Why Now ??

                  I haven't had 27 cans of beer this week!


                    Why Now ??

                    Yep - and at 1.15 per can (price of Stella - my poison -from my local corner shop!) that is 31.05 pounds you have saved.

                    About 1600 pounds per year - what could you do with that?



                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

