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Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

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    Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

    Hey everyone,

    Over the weekend I rested and read the MWO book. I'm just going with the vitamins & herbs to stop the cravings. I still have some anxiety but it seems........mild this morning. I do feel a lot healthier and not as depressed as usual. I feel proud of myself, for once, each time I write the days I'm AF.

    I changed my lifestyle completely over the weekend. I decided to change almost everything. It seems really cheesy but I'm going to try not to curse......I swear like a trucker. Plus I decided to get rid everything I don't need, want or use, be a true minimalist .......going back to my Buddhist beliefs. I've been slacking a lot do to the alcohol and depression. Thats just one of the key things that I truly regret when I think back at all that I abandoned. I want to meditate way more with my AF time. Things are good

    I gotta get some work done.....I'll check in later.



    Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!


    I am with you. Figure out what is truly important to save and what is not worth it.

    I, too, believe in "not cursing" because it is derogatory. Period.

    When you figure out what is importnat, throw away the rest.

    What is important will reveal itself to you, by God or by Buddha. (hmmm, one in the same) and you will "know" what is right let go of and the rest you should keep.

    Once you have "cleaned out" what you do not need, you can figure out what is important by what you have kept. I am not kidding about this. Look at what you have kept and figure out what is important.

    Not a puzzle, a clear picture of your life.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

      Quick question

      Hello again,

      What are the hypno cds like? If you can even explain them............are the worth getting?
      They are a little too much money for not knowing too much about them. I wish MWO homepage had a sample download!!



        Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!


        Good for you! Getting back to the minimum is such a freeing and humbling feeling. I am also a practicing Buddhist and know that when my meditation slacks there is something off balance. But the best place for me to figure that out most times is on the cusion, it is hard sometimes, but always pays off...

        I am not sure if you have heard Pema Chodron's Audio titled "Getting Unstuck", but it is worth getting if you have a chance. She is an amazing Buddhist teacher. Sounds like you may relate. I love it and listen to it at least a few times a year....

        Take care and I look forward to getting to know you...


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!


          I didn't have great luck with the CD's.. I didn't like the subliminal messages. I really need to know what is going in my mind. I can get the same, or better results with meditation. I know they work well for some people, though...Just my opinion.

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

            Pema Chodron

            Hey MM,

            I just finished When Things Fall Apart last week. I got a few helpful ideas from it. Now I use/read Always Maintain a Joyful Mind; it's a collection of fifty-nine pith teachings (called lojong in Tibetan) to help them develop wisdom and compassion amid the challenges of daily living. It also comes with a CD of guided meditation.

            I like to read books from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kelsang Gyatso and Thich Nhat Hanh.



              Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!


              Wonderful! All great teachers. I just got back from a 7 day silent meditation retreat at Spirit Rock, Jack Kornfields retreat center in California. It was with Tsultrim Allione (, and was on the teachings of Prajnaparamita (The Heart Sutra) and Feeding The Demons (a Tibetian Chod practice). I HIGHLY recomend the Feeding the Demons practice/meditation. It is just as it sounds. It is an amazing wat to get in touch and dissolve our inner demons. There is a CD on Tsultrims website called Feeding the Demons and another called Fear.. .. Really interesting stuff....

              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

                So funny you said you are trying to be a better person all the way around...I have been trying to do the same. Maybe if I be good from here on out, I can make up for the time I wasn't.....LOL


                  Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

                  Great to hear you`re doing so well and feeling so positive, buddha.
                  It`s amazing to realize just how many things we`ve neglected in our lives when still "happily" steeped in booze and fabulous to have the freedom and energy to tackle some of our abandoned interests, having left the drink behind.

                  Much love,

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

                    Hi Buddha!

                    I totally drowned any sense of spirituality I had with drink for years and obtaining that back is going to be harder than ever. I took a slightly shamanistic approach to life I think but my belief system includes all kinds of ancient traditions including buddhism, paganism, astrology,etc. very much across the board really but favouring more towards shamanism.

                    Glad to hear you are doing Well Buddha mate!!

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

                      Hey Buddha-

                      Glad to hear you're doing well - that's awesome. Practice, mind, and everything else, naturally uplift in time without the alcohol. That's fact.

                      I hope the anxiety subsides sooner rather than later for you- that part's the worst to me. And if you think about it, how much worse could discursive mind get for someone with 'alcohol issues', than in these first days (or weeks) AF ?! I see that so clearly in my own experience this time. Don't forget it's largely chemical, the brain/nervous system freaking out from withdrawal. But it puts on such a show!!! scary stuff!! and hard to ignore or cool down. Talking about it here is helping me so much. I'm a world away from where I started-

                      big hugs-

                      wonder xx


                        Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

                        you sound great buddah glad to hear that 5 days AF have really opened you to positive things positive life.
                        so nice to read hat you are on your way to a healthier you.

                        good monday news

                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                          Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

                          :goodjob: sound in wonderful form!

                          Stay strong

                          Suze x
                          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                            Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!

                            Namaste Buddha and way to go!

                            I'm on AF6 and reading Spiritual Housecleaning. Basicially cleaning your house and soul together. Tough going, but like you, it's good to get back to my soul. Every night I've been reading my 1000 Buddist sayings and meditating a bit (nothing too much) before sleep. This weekend I've got a Mindfullness Retreat for the day that I just can't wait to attend. One whole day of silence and meditation. I'm ready.

                            Glad you're here. Hey, glad we're all here.




                              Day # 5 feeling great!!!!!


                              I am glad you are feeling so positive!

                              Alcohol certainly does not make for good meditation - I, too, was not making enough time for the important things while drinking.

                              Now, at almost 100 days Alcohol free, I am spending my time getting back to my practice, and living life as mindfully as I can.

                              It feels good to be actually observing the 5th precept instead of making lame excuses!

                              I always "justified" (excused!) my drinking by telling myself I was not drinking to get intoxicated. Indeed I was rarely so intoxicated that it was obvious to anyone else.
                              BUT - although I was nearly always "in control" - I certainly wasn't mindful!
                              And - the lack of mindfulness often extended into periods when I was not actually drinking - ie when recovering from drinking or lack of sleep due to drinking - or mentally planning my next drinking session, planning where and when to get supplies of drink etc etc.

                              Sadly, it is only after becoming alcohol free that I have fully realised this.


                              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

