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Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

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    Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to share something I've learned in my DBT(Dialectal Behavioral Training) course.

    I found it really helpful to know and I'm gaining the skills to apply it. I'll explain:

    My pshyciatrist explained that our minds can be compared with an elephant, and left to roam out of control cause cause a great deal of damage and devastation, eg, trampling crops, even killing people!

    A mahout is the Indian elephant driver, he gently trains the elephant and eventually the elephant can do alot of good, helping to build, move heavy items and becomes a very valuable possession. The key word is doing it gently.

    I'm learning to do this through 'mindfulness', originally a buddist teaching which focuses in living in the moment, not dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, but living in each moment, and feeling the joy, or the sorrow, or anger, without judgement, in the moment.

    The course is designed for people with Borderline Personality Disorder, which about 60% of people who have had abusive, invaliding childhoods have, it also affects those with Post Tramatic stress disorder, and about 80% of us drink (or gamble, take drugs or cut/burn ourselves) to escape our painful emotions.

    I'm posting this so that if anyone identifys, they can ask their doctor or look on the net to find out more, and personally I think these skills should be taught as a matter of course in high school, what a difference it would have made to my 20's and 30's!!!!

    It's been nothing less than a miricle for me to learn skills that help regulate my emotions, and I'm starting to enjoy my life like I never thought possible.

    And needless to say I'm drinking much less as I'm learning new ways of dealing with my thoughts-feelings-behaviours.

    Hope this helps someone! Luv Jas
    :thanks: :h

    Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

    Well - I've have been TRYING to tell you all................

    Lots of love :l


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

      I'm listening and learning from you, the masters.
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

        It's very hard to take myself seriously with that huge pumpkin arse, it may have to go.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

          Ooooooops........guess that`s where I`ve been going wrong all along.

          Seriously!!!!...........I want to learn how to live in the moment. Better blinkin` gonna!!! lol

          Starlight Impress x


            Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

            Thanks for that Pisces/Jas-- it's great to hear you sounding so positive. I am moving in that direction too, with meditation and buddhist thought.

            Flip--definitely give the pumpkin an elegant and hasty exit, it will make us all feel better.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

              Love the elephant analogy Pisces Thanks for sharing it here.....

              wonder xx


                Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                Flip's pumpkin ass is kinda growing on me personally....

                For anyone interested, there is an excellent book out that takes on the entire metaphor of the rider and the elephant. It is called "The Happiness Hypothesis, Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom" by Jonathon Haidt. Haidt is a professor at the University of Virginia and the co-editor of Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well Lived.

                This book (and several others in the Positive Psychology field) have important things to say to people who are suffering from depression as well as for people who are seeking more happiness in their lives. Using the rider and elephant metaphor, we are all a rider AND an elephant. Our mental health depends on the two working together, each drawing on each others strengths.

                Anyway, I just finished this book and found it very insightful, helpful and a fun read too. It seems to be right along the lines of what Pisces is talking about without specifically mentioning DBT(Dialectal Behavioral Training.
                ?If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.? -Wayne Dyer


                  Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                  Hi all, Great Thread.....

                  I've been trying to live just in the moment for a very long time; it is definitely not something I do naturally. Any other information on this would be very beneficial, especially to be able to feel the sorrow, love, anger without judgement part.



                    Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                    Hi again,

                    Just thought I'd mention that DBT uses 'mindfulness' as taught by Buddists, it is a course designed by Marsha Lineham for helping people with 'Post Traumatic Stress' and 'Borderline' regulate their emotions and take control of their life, with the goal being to 'Live the Life you WANT'.

                    There's heaps of info on the net about it, and like I said it should be taught in high school, invaluable skills for life...

                    Thanks for the feedback, and will try and find that book!

                    Luv Jas
                    :thanks: :h


                      Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                      Very interesting, thanks Jas.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                        Hi Everyone, I found this in the paper today and thought I would share some of it with you on this Thread.

                        by Barton Goldsmith, Living in the now has always been a sound, if elusive, philosophy.

                        Staying in the mombent dosen't require years of meditation or therapy, however. What is required is an intense desire to get the most out of our days and to get really good at pulling ourselves back when we start to fall into our self-made pits.

                        Most of us are dweilling either on the pain of the past or the fear of the future.

                        If your thoughts run in these directions only occasionally, that's fine. Emotional problems occur when we let our minds wander in despair on a regular basis.

                        When you constantly worry about losing what you have or not getting what you want, it prevents you from enjoying even the simplest of pleasures.

                        Not being able to relish the beauty of sunset or have your heart warmed by a the smile on a child's face is no way to go through life. If this sounds like something you do, be proactive and start finding ways to appreciate whatever you have -- no matter how dire your circumstances.

                        There are hundreds of books about living in the moment, and at least an equal number of songs and poems. Perhaps this idea inspries writers simply because it is so difficult for us, as human beings, to achieve.

                        Animals, on the other hand, are able to adjust to the natural flow of their lives. Even in the midst of tragedy, most are able to get along just fine.

                        We have all noticed how a dog or a cat with a missing limb seems to go on as if nothing had changed. If only we could be as accepting of our own circumstances.

                        If you dislike your life right now or how you are feeling, you probably, somewhere deep inside yourself, have the power to change it.

                        Start by looking at how you'd like your life to be. If you lack the strength to imagine that right now, just look for the willingness to look.

                        Even if daily living seems chaotic, and you can't seem to catch a break or a breath, you should take at least one moment out of your day to value your existenct. Just smile at the irony or sight at its wonder.

                        Done. Hope you like it.



                          Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                          It's great to hear you sounding so positive, Jas--I've only heard good things about DBT. Reading this thread makes me think of the many ways I can apply mindfulness in my own life RIGHT NOW!

                          Lots of love,:h

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                            That's cool. My daugter's school teaches stuff like that to the girls when they gate to around 12 (she's 9 now) and they are a brilliant bunch of kids - and in a girls school that's rare - they all get along well (of course not all the time) - but this type of thinking certainly workd with kids.

                            Funny about the elephant analogy - I once heard that used in term of having an alcholic in the family - like sitting in the lounge room with an elephant and ignoring that it's there.

                            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                              Controlling the elephant-becoming my own mahout...

                              Hey Jas thanks for this my last partner had Boarderline personality disorder but she refused to acknowledge it or seek treatment it eventually distroyed the relationship to the point we nolonger even speak now. I will look into the programme and thanks Justin I'll look out for the book I never stop looking for answers or solutions, one day something will make sense. Cheers guy's Kimbo
                              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!

