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My Aunt died last night :(

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    My Aunt died last night

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's hard to say goodbye to someone you love.
    Good for you for being strong though. I'm sure your Aunt is smiling down on you now. Thoughts & prayers are with you.:h
    :l Judie
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      My Aunt died last night

      Buddha: I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt's passing. Going 7 days AF is a big achievement. I understand this is a difficult time for you. Please do your best to abstain during this sad time. I was very hung over the morning my Grandfather died. I drank like mad the night my Grandmother died, and once again was very hungover the next morning. It's emotional enough to lose someone you love, let alone having to deal with the shakes and nausea. I truly feel for you. Time will heal all wounds. Your Aunt will forever be in your heart and around you. Continue to keep up the good work. - Reenie
      September 23, 2011


        My Aunt died last night

        Buddha, I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunt. You are very strong and brave. I'm sure your Aunt would be so very proud of you.


          My Aunt died last night

          What sad news :l But what a strong person you have become to stick with it under such stress.....:h

          Rest in peace, Buddha's aunt

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            My Aunt died last night

            Thank you

            Hey everyone,

            Thank you all for your kind thoughts on this sad day. You've all made it a lot easier being at work knowing I'm not alone. The people I work with aren't the best shoulder to cry on. It's nice to have a support group like this and know someone will be here to help:h .

            Thank you



              My Aunt died last night

              Bless your sweet heart, Buddah, you were so happy yesterday. I will be strong for you tonight just so that you too will make it through.

              I hope that your saddness will pass quickly and know she is a happy girl today.

              Love and prayers..........Theresa


                My Aunt died last night

                Oh Buddah, my heart goes out to you. Loosing a loving, kind and kindred soul like your aunt must hurt a lot. She has not left you, but is in every fibre of your being. She feels with you and through you and she would be so very proud of you winning your battle.
                Hugs to you, you are in my thoughts.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  My Aunt died last night

                  Sorry to hear of your Aunt passing Buddah. May her memory help you remain strong.



                    My Aunt died last night

                    Hi Buddha! I lost my Gran only 5 weeks ago so I can appreciate what you are going through. I was also very close to her and she probably new more about my drinking than my parents did. She was someone who I confided in a lot and shared many of the same viewpoints about this crazy world we live in.

                    I found it very hard to deal with at the time as I also had other issues happening in my own relationship, but I was there for those who were in need of emotional support, like my Mum. I was still only 3 months AF and admittedly I got complacent and this lead to me falling on my arse, metaphorically speaking, about a week before the funeral.

                    You really seem to be positive at the moment, reading your posts, so tread carefully, keep that positive attitude maintained and don't get complacent like I did.

                    My condolences to you and your family Buddha!

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      My Aunt died last night


                      Sorry to hear of your loss. Stay strong, remember the good.

                      Love to you and your family,



                        My Aunt died last night

                        Buddha - I am so sorry to hear of your loss.... some people are just really special and sometimes even more special if the ones we 'expect' to be close just aren't... I have an 'aunt' (elderly cousin) who is everything to me and I dread her passing.... having the 'rest' of the family still around and not understanding or caring will seem to make it even harder... Not much help I'm afraid except if empathy has anything going for it...

                        Stay strong and 'dry' for you and her together - she'll be really proud of you. As we are of you...

                        Love and hugs
                        FMF xx :l :l
                        "Remembrance is a form of meeting..."
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          My Aunt died last night

                          I'm sorry to hear of your loss...

                          Stay strong. 7 days is big. You don't want to start over. A time like this is exactly what The Beast looks for. Don't allow him the satisfaction of getting the best of you. Stay in control, you'll feel much better in the morning.



                            My Aunt died last night

                            Hey honey, you are my girl hope you are ok and sorry for your loss. Anytime you need me I will be around just let me know.



                              My Aunt died last night

                              Buddah: You are giving your aunt something. Your unadulterated sorrow. She deserves it & so do you. I'm sorry, Mary
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012


                                My Aunt died last night


                                I am so sorry for the loss of someone who is so special to you. I am sure your aunt would be very proud of you and you are honoring her memory by staying sober now. You are a wonderful person for doing this for yourself and for her.
                                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

