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My Aunt died last night :(

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    My Aunt died last night :(

    Hey Everyone,

    Last night was really hard for me but I made it throgh without a drink or a cigarette. She was the only one in the family that really understood me or even tried to. I miss her so much already:upset: .

    I'm at work now, I'm tring not to break down. Please post and give me something to smile about today. The good news is that it's day # 7. I know that if I drank away my sorrows last night I would have been even more depressed today. I hope I have that same mindset tonight.......wish me luck.


    My Aunt died last night

    So sorry to hear about your Aunt. It's really hard to loose somebody we love, I have lost both parents and an aunt I was also really close to so I know how you are feeling. It's not easy but try to be strong, it will be much worse if you drink and achieving 7 DAYS is a huge achievement.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.



      My Aunt died last night

      Awww Buddha, I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunts' passing... I'm sure that she wants you to be all that you can be today and everyday on... Try to remember the warm memories you shared with her, knowing that she felt the same way about you .. She would be soooo very PROUD of you to not smoke or drink during this sad, tough time... Post lots and allow us to be a safe place for you to share your feelings... Thank-You for allowing me to respond to such an emotional event in your life... Smile, when you like, laugh when you feel like it, and cry when you must... We all here care very deeply. , Sincerely, xxx

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        My Aunt died last night

        Am so very sorry that you`ve lost someone truly special to you buddha.
        I know you must be very sad, but please try to be strong today........your aunt is very proud of you.

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress x


          My Aunt died last night


          Much love and sympathy for you on losing your aunt.


          Good on you for not allowing that to derail you. You are being very strong!!

          Jump onto chat tonight when you get home. It will help the night pass when you are lonely and the thoughts start jumping around.

          Again, condolences on losing a loved one.
          AF April 9, 2016


            My Aunt died last night

            Hi buddha27,
            You will be in my thougths, try and stay strong and you have been doing so well.
            Iam sure your aunt will be looking over right now and guilding you.
            With very deepest sympathy.
            family is everything to me


              My Aunt died last night

              Dearest Buddha-

              I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so painful.

              A big Buddha hug to you. Hope you can spend time with us today and tonight to help get you through-

              Luv wonder xxoo


                My Aunt died last night

                Hi buddha - I am so sorry for your loss. Sounds like she was very special and certainly very special to you. You can keep to your plan in her honor. She would have to be pleased about that. Do you have to be at work? Well, maybe it is helpful to be around other people right now.
                I'm so sorry - take care of yourself.


                  My Aunt died last night

                  Hi Buddah, try to focus on the positive today, the fact that you haven't drank or smoked in 7 days is wonderful. Your Aunt would want you to be happy, and not to be sad over her. It's natural to be upset.But we have to trust that the ebb and flow of life is for a greater purpose. I'll be thinking of you


                    My Aunt died last night

                    Very sorry to hear about that. You are amazingly tough to manage to stay away from the most obvious temptations. It's great that you had an aunt that cared and understood you. You are honoring her memory by staying sober.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      My Aunt died last night

                      wow buddha so sad. you are very strong hugs to you
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        My Aunt died last night

                        Buddha - I am so sorry for your loss. Your Aunt will always be with you in your heart. She will be very proud of you for taking control of your drinking. Well done on your 7 days. ***BIG HUGS***


                          My Aunt died last night


                          It's always difficult to lose someone near and dear to your heart. You have shown incredible strength in avoiding alcohol during this stressful time. Remember to cry and mourn as it comes. Eventually you will be able to celebrate your Aunt in the style she would have wanted.

                          Love and Hugs to you!

                          Suddenly I see
                          This is what I want to be
                          suddenly I see
                          Why the hell it means so much to me.

                          -KT Tunstall


                            My Aunt died last night

                            Hi Buddha, so so sorry for you, but also so so proud of you for not giving in to the beast ......

                            Sending big BB hugs your way :l :l :l :l


                              My Aunt died last night

                              Hi Buddha, It is so painful to loose someone you care deeply about. They will always be with you though, holding you hand in silence, and as time passes you will treasure your memories of her. Stay stong. You know you are.

