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Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

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    Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

    Hi Lucky - here's the new guy. His name is Diesel cuz he purrs like a diesel engine. He got here on Sunday and it was love at first sight for both of us!
    I'm introducing him to the other 2 VERY slowly (I''ve learned that the hard way), and so far so good. No socializing going on, but no fights either.
    You guys may have done this already, but I always love to meet the pets (feline, canine, reptile, whatever) - so if anyone has a picture to post, please do! And I'd like to know something like:

    Name: Diesel
    Favorite Activity: 'Making Biscuits' (kneading)
    Favorite Spot: under the bed (currently)
    Last Seen: Sitting in the window with his head tilted watching leaves fall
    Last Heard Saying: "Please don't make me come downstairs and meet those other cats!"

    Hope someone's game! luv, wonder xxx

    p.s. If you haven't posted a photo (this was my first time) go to 'manage attachments' below, browse, upload, then click the paperclip at the top of this window and click on the title of the photo. Attached files [img]/converted_files/13431=2249-attachment.jpg[/img]

    Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?


    Diesel looks like a real love. I have two cats who absolutely hate each other but seem to manage. :H

    Then this lab/weimerany mix showed up at my house last year on my 50th B'day and he drives both of the cats crazy.

    I will get hubby to take a pic so I can download. I love all three of my "animals" because they all came to me. (Okay, to us, the family in general) But my daughter always says, "the cats and the dogs find their owners" and she is right.

    My vet just laughs at me, though, I figure I am putting his kids through college.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

      db2fromala;213930 wrote:
      I love all three of my "animals" because they all came to me.
      I feel exactly the same way Cindi! I had a very sudden loss of a pet in August (one who had also 'found ME') and I was crushed. I was tempted to fill in the grief with a new pet right away, but I knew that in time, just the right furry someone who needed me (and vice versa) would show up at my door. And that's what happened with my new BFF Diesel. Can't wait to see your pic-


        Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

        What a cute kitty!!! Thanks for posting WW! I will have to load some kitty pics. I have 2. Both found me and I adore them. Tom loves making muffins on a fake fur blanket. Sometimes he seems to do it with all 4 feet! Kitty loves snuggling and sleeps like a doll in my arms and purrs really loudly too. Both like to walk on my laptop keyboard as I type. Each has very different fur. They go outside too but it is really really safe for them. They could not be happier.


          Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

          wahhhhhhh! making muffins with all 4 feet!!! :h :h :h :h can't wait to see-
          will find pics of my other guys too-


            Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

            how is diesel doing?


              Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

              thanks for asking lucky...... he's doing great! most of the week he has stayed upstairs, while the other 2 (major nelson and bee) stayed down. No getting along, but no fighting either. Today he came down at least 4 times to sniff around and while there were no major fights, there was some growling and hissing. So, there's slooooow progress, but I think they'll eventually gel. fingers crossed. For now he's king of the upstairs and seems happy.

              luv wonder

              p.s. I LOVE your new avatar. I love jellyfish (to look at, not swim with). think they're amazing


                Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

                I rescued a cat today - My daughter's ex boyfriend moved house a week ago and his mother abandoned the two teenage cats. I was driving past and saw one, so grabbed it (the other one is missing) and took it home. It's not very well liked by the existing puss, Poppy, but they will just have to get along. He is SOOOO affectionate! and pretty.
                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

                  That is fantastic flip!!!!

                  Thanks for the update WW.

                  Cats make me so happy.


                    Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

                    congrats flip!!! sounds like a beauty! what is his name?
                    Cats make s me so happy too lucky. so grateful for them.


                      Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

                      We haven't named him yet - aparently his name was Trouble, but he doesn't answer to it, so it doesn't matter what we call him! he's so pretty, grey clouds and a cute little white face with verticle stripes on his cheeks where his whiskers grow.
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        Lucky Here's Diesel - Any Other Creature Photos?

                        flip- are the pads to his paws pink and is his nose pink?

