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3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

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    3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

    I have decided it`s time to give some sort of explanation as to why I`m more or less lurking for the time-being. Not that I believe explanations are expected here.......we understand each other and thus have no great expectations of each other. I have already posted in Subscribers, but there are so many more of you here who mean so much to me, that I feel I want to explain where I`m at. So many of you have been instrumental in my becoming sober.........I could always count on you.......and did.

    I think I shocked myself by actually managing to quit drinking and subsequently experienced a natural high........I was ecstatic to realize that I no longer had to accelerate the rudiments of my day to reach the evenings which I devoted to myself and the serious "art" of drinking. Drinking will always remain an option, simply because drink exists. However, drinking is no longer what I choose to do........I`m probably as safe from drink as any of us can be.........I was only ever psychologically dependent on it (albeit for years) and I am no longer a victim of that dependency.

    I have talked before about my belief that to fully recover from alcohol dependency, one must strive to become well in mind, body and spirit. My current malaise occurred as a result of never venturing beyond just such talk. I had remained caught up in the moment........I never managed to move beyond the feelings of joy at becoming AF. I now fully appreciate, that for me anyway, becoming sober has merely been the tip of the ice berg. I successfully swam against the frenzied current that was my dependency and now I have come to realize that I must ride the waves.

    I truly believe that I have suffered some sort of nervous breakdown........I am somewhat loathe to use that term, as feel it is perhaps rather outdated, but I know what I mean by that, and can only hope that as so many of you are of a similar age to myself or older, that you will understand my current state of mind.

    I sought the help of my G.P. yesterday and was prescribed citalopram and referred for many of you will know, I am personally an anti meds girl, but have finally decided to embrace the help I so obviously need........I guess I am only now beginning to truly understand the "whatever it takes" philosophy.

    I have gone back to basics and am now working on my survival tactics........I need to learn how to eat properly, sleep peacefully and exercise gradually. I suddenly feel compelled to live a very simple life and plan to explore buddhism to discover an inner calm. To be perfectly honest, I feel I am over my dependency, but that I now have to address all the causes of my becoming dependent in the first place.I will only ever become truly well through identifying and treating those causes.

    My love of pretty things has gone right out the current psychological state has taught me just how superfluous material things are. Today, my ultimate goals in life are to be well and to be happy, by whichever means it takes, nomatter how long it takes.

    All my love,

    Starlight Impress x

    3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

    Good luck Starlight, you have been an inspiration to many, also there with a kind word of hope. I totally agree with you, that we need to address the underlying causes of why we drink. One cannot be of one mindset, that they DO NOT wish to drink any longer and yet continue, feeling like crap with a hangover and loaded with guilt. Unless your a hard core alcohol dependent person, the desire is purely mental. God speed with your discoveries, I too am on a personal journey to discover my inner demons and make peace with them once and for all.

    God Bless
    Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


      3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

      I wish you everything you wish for Star.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

        So great to read your post Star. Sounds like you're turning a big corner. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

        With regard to Buddhism- you may want to try a book or 2 of Pema Chodron's: People particularly like "When Things Fall Apart" and "Start Where You Are". This exceptional teacher has a gift like no other for speaking very personally and from the heart about our deepest emotions and daily life challenges from a Buddhist perspective. And she does so in a way that is very readable and contemporary. She is truly a treasure. And a great place to start. PM me if you would like other suggestions about books/tapes or how to get started with meditation.

        Look forward to hearing more about your journey all around. You're a treasure too -

        Luv, Wonder xx


          3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

          Hi Star!

          Hope you haven't lost too much of your twinkle!.

          It does get really hard at times when the 'honeymoon' period is over and we have to start really working and building an alcohol free life for ourselves. I can so connect with your post here on Literaly everything you say hun. I could of written that about myself (no bullshit). I had to re-address my approach to sobriety after I had a lapse not long ago. That was to bring things back to basics and not get too caught up in the reasons why and Philosophising too much about it. I needed to do that in the beginning and went for counseling for 12 weeks to address those issues but I also needed to focus on simple things so as not to get too bogged down with them. I've been on and off anti-D's for many years and have a long history of depression. I was first prescribed Seroxat back in the early nineties and that episode was enough to scare the living daylights out of me concerning prescription drugs. The horror stories that have been coming up in the news concerning seroxat over the past few years is phenomenal as well. How doctors could prescribe that drug to people with alcohol problems is beyond me. Anyway enough of the rants, that's a whole new issue :soapbox: . I'm currently taking citalopram 40mg a day and disulfiram which is a form of Antabuse. Like yourself, and, after my experience with seroxat, I loath taking prescribed meds, If I could do without them I would, but I can't at this moment in my life and (as you are getting to know my philosophy) I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about that. I'm not ashamed to call myself an Alcoholic and I'm not ashamed to have to say I rely on tablets to maintain my sobriety for as long as I see fit until I'm ready to reduce them. We all need a helping hand at times in whatever shape or form and I'm really glad you have had the courage yourself to realise this and to do something positive (even though you may still have your doubts) There is nothing embarrassing in admitting it Star and as you say "by whatever means necessary".

          You know I'm around on the forums most nights so if you ever want a chat feel free to post me privately and I will 'come' in the chat room (couldn't resist that one!!).

          Love and Happiness
          :nutso: Hippie
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......


            Good luck in the journey. You and I started about the same day in July AF and I have followed your progress with a sense of shared interest.

            The next step awaits you.



              3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......


              Yes, you have turned a major corner. You have stepped beyond the cycle of thinking only about not drinking to moving on to empowering yourself in your daily life. Amazing, isn't it that it is past that 90 days mark everyone talks about? You finally have YOUR brain back.

              From here on out, you will be figuring out what you want to be when you grow up. I envision bright and beautiful things for you.

              What a special person you are, Star.

              Much love and strength to you in your next phase of growth.

              AF April 9, 2016


                3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                Hi Star
                You have been there for so many on this site, although I am new here, I have read loads of your posts, you give such wise advice. I just wish you luck in your journey.

                Mary:l :h


                  3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                  I feel for you

                  Star, you have been an inspiration for me here too, sorry you are having pain right now, but that is necessarry for our growth, you are going through it and it may feel never-ending, but it will pass...........

                  Alcohol was my (still is at times) best friend and medication for 30 some yrs of my life, it is so painful at times that I go right back to it, it is familiar, even though it is poison to me!:yukko: I wish you luck and health!

                  Your friend in love, hand in there.................hope to hear from you soon!!

                  MUCH LOVE!!!! HUGS too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:l :h

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                    Hi starlight,
                    God, star you was the one and others, made me realize that i should go to my G.P(idid) Thanks. It felt like a weight lifted from my shoulders. Like i said before i do look up to you, I WISH you well in mind, body and spirit in strenght.

                    Take extra lots of care, from the bottom of my heart.
                    family is everything to me


                      3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                      Starlight, I so wish I was were you are although you are having a hard time right now, you are way ahead most of us!!! Well done you have achieved so much and have been so much of an inspiration to us newbies.

                      I remember my friend (I have mentioned her in a number of posts- 10 years AF) said when she first became AF, after a few months, she began to feel she had finally beaten the beast and was filled with a feeling of euphoria, which was better than any high she had ever gotten through drink.

                      Needless to say, this cannot last forever, then she went on a bit of a downer, due to no longer having the euphoric feeling!

                      I wonder if this is the point where you are, and now just need to stabalize to normality?

                      Whatever it is, I am sure you will overcome these low days, and I think it is a great idea to go deeper into Buddhism. I feel meditation would be a huge asset, I have plenty of tapes and books on the subject but as yet have not seriously set the time aside to try.


                        3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                        Star, I know you'll get through this with the positive spirit you've shown so far. About the gentle exercise, how about yoga?

                        Whatever you do in the next few weeks/months, know that our good thoughts and prayers are with you across the miles. I rarely say rosaries these days any more, but I will get out my great-grandmother's antique Spanish rosewood beads and say one especially for your peace, joy, and true recovery. And I'll go to church and light a candle for wonderful Starlight. You've been such a light in the darkness for me, on this site!

                        Jane Jane


                          3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                          Hi Star,

                          Congratulations for three months of sobriety...Wow! that is truly an accomplishment. It sounds like you are truly on your way to a much happier and healthier life. It is also not surprising that with your new clarity of mind, not lulled by alcohol, you are exploring other areas of your life as well. There is much wisdom in Buddism, as I have found there is wisdom in most belief systems. I know that you will find a way that works for you.

                          As for giving up beautiful things and living a simple life. That is certainly an individual choice. What I am about to say is my belief and in no way is a criticism of any one else. I believe that life is all about balance. We are not here just waiting to die.I do not believe that if we can't take it with us, it is of no value. I love beautiful music, art, laughter, good food, pretty clothes and a pleasant confortable home. I have absolutely no guilt over this. I do not go into debt for the love of beautiful things........beautiful things enrich life. I guess what I am saying is, do not feel guilt over what you enjoy, as long as it is in balance.

                          Best Wishes to you dear Starlight.......enjoy your quest for a happy life!

                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                            Hi Starlight

                            You have been an inspiration to me over the last two months. You have given so much on these boards and we are truly grateful. I am now wishing you peace in both mind, body and spirit. I truly recommend the counselling. I started on-line counselling on 1st September and I have benefitted so much from it. Instead of running away through alcohol I have stood still, off loaded so much hidden hurt and pain from the past, analyzed it and learned from it. I feel much stronger and more confident as a result.

                            Good luck on your journey and congratulations on a wonderful achievement.



                              3 mths. sober, yet it`s only just begun......

                              Hi Starlight,

                              I am very new here, but have been lurking too for sometime. I have read so many of your supportive and giving posts to other struggling individuals and have gotten so much value from your thoughtful advice. I have wanted to let you know that for awhile now, and thought "Now" is a very good time. Thank you for being you. You really are a gift to this site and as you move forward my heart is with you, as I can only hope to be in your shoes some day.

                              I have known for a long time that talking to a professional is probably the next step....I feel like I am right behind you in my journey if I ONLY have the guts to move that far forward.

                              You are amazing and very strong....


