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Full moon and drinking?

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    Full moon and drinking?

    MyHeartIsDrenchedInWine;214386 wrote: Is this a trigger for anyone else? I really overdid it last night and asked myself why, why, why??? Then someone mentioned a full moon is approaching and it happens to them too! Could it really be?
    Oh yes heart, the past 2 nights instead of my usual 1 glass of wine I drank 3. I streached them out as not to get drunk, but I don't feel anybetter about it. I blamed it on being lonely,since Hubster is out of town.


      Full moon and drinking?

      Hi Hippie - um, not well read I'm afraid in that I would dare to 'interpret' your moon in Socrpio; it all depends on everything else.... come to Penzance and it'll all be answered for you! Look up Celtic (lunar) Astrology and Helena Patterson (local author who's read all my charts amazingly)... there are some very good books out there to give you your answer...and some seriously bad ones! Beware! If they tell you to name your dog 'Wardrobe' and marrry a girl with green know the sort.!!! 'On something'! I just know that the moon affects me and is responsible for the tides of life... And that I am ruled by the great moon Goddess 'Ceridwen' - OK....! She must be crazy!

      It's the Celtic history and mythology that fascinates me - must be something to it as it's so old....long way from Russel Grant!

      Oooops Beatle!! Wont ask!!

      Well, hormones, moon and life = me gnashing teeth today and wanting to cry all the time....hey ho. What fun! This too shall pass....I'll run to/away from (?!) Ceridwen then!

      Hang in there folks tonight....less tomorrow (moon that is!) and then Samhain (Celtic New Year on November 1st....) Down to the dark for 'work on rejuvenation' to awaken at Brighid (spring)....sounds good doesn't it! (Ony stuff I've heard - there are those who really know!) Keep busy and fight the urges!

      Love FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Full moon and drinking?

        Dear Findy,
        Thx for the great information. Where is your moon?


          Full moon and drinking?

          MyHeartIsDrenchedInWine;214386 wrote: Is this a trigger for anyone else? I really overdid it last night and asked myself why, why, why??? Then someone mentioned a full moon is approaching and it happens to them too! Could it really be?
          WOW me too, the moon was full in taurus. stubborn moon. I actually didn't drink a lot but I drank fast and on an empty stomach. I feel yucky and I look yucky.
          Usually full moon in pisces or scorpio is what makes people indulge in the evil fluids.
          full moon sign is always the opposite sign of the sun. i.e sun is in scorpio, full moon is in taurus.
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            Full moon and drinking?

            the moon was void of course yesterday which means it was neither in aries or taurus.
            it's is usually a time to not make decisions. everything at that time is 'up in the air'
            now the moon is full in Taurus. I'd say for drinking, the water signs are the ones to watch for.
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Full moon and drinking?

              Any experienced alcoholic knows the few days before the full moon are deadly.

              I feel I am dealing with a bunch of amateurs :H :h


                Full moon and drinking?

                marbella;214823 wrote: Any experienced alcoholic knows the few days before the full moon are deadly.

                I feel I am dealing with a bunch of amateurs :H :h
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  Full moon and drinking?

                  :moon: Yep definately a BIG Full Moon out here early this morning...It looked like daylight about 3 AM.
                  Too bad it was so windy I might have gone for a moonlight paddle.

                  I notice the urge to drink much more around the full moon...(it's usually along with my cycle too)
                  Don't worry Marbella.:H There are a few non-amateurs here too! Lets hope we never have a contest! (Keeping the "evil-Twin @ we speak...)
                  Bring on the extra L-Glut tonight!

                  Speaking of tides...check out the Otter Point slideshow under the moderation thread if you want to see a nice tidal show...
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Full moon and drinking?

                    Hey trix, thanks for that information I now have an excuse to drink!!!!!!ROFLMAO.

                    You know I'm only kidding!!

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      Full moon and drinking?

                      I actually have always know that I was a "full moon drinker". My gal pals and I would look back on the nights we would "go big" and guess what.. full moon.

                      There are many therories.. many I believe, many are just weird.. but I know tonight is a full moon.. and we are in mercury retrograde (double whammy), so I for one am going to go home and hide under the covers!!

                      I actually have to wax more frequently during this time.. maybe I am part wolf... (kidding)


                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        Full moon and drinking?


                        You're right, I behaving myself tonight : ) Wow, you have a wealth of knowledge on this subject! Is there a book or something I should read? Or just look it up online?

                        Thanks SOOOOO much,

                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson


                          Full moon and drinking?

                          Oh no My Heart!!! I only know that there is a wealth of knowledge out there!! Google 'Full Moon Effects' for pages of 'fun'!! The true Celtic Druids are the ones to get to talk about it.... they run from the west coast of France right up to the west coast of Scandinavia.... Cornwall is rich with them being 'on the line'....

                          Hope everyone survived!!?! Still dying to know why mercury retrograde was such a big thing, MM!!??

                          Here's to a few days hence when moons and cycles (grrr! Too 'old' for this now!) have passed by!

                          Love FMF xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            Full moon and drinking?

                            Well, here you go....amke of it what you will!!... even if in 2000!

                            update Feb 1, 2000: According to Allan Hall of the Sunday-Times, German researchers Hans-Joachim Mittmeyer of the University of T?bingen and Norbert Filipp from the Health Institute of Reutlingen claim that "a study of police reports for 50 new and full Moon cycles" shows that the moon is "responsible for binge drinking."

                            According to Hall, Mittmeyer and Filipp claim in their paper "Alcohol Consumption and the Moon's Influence" to have studied police arrest reports and blood-alcohol tests of 16,495 people and Mittmeyer said "The results show there is a definite correlation between new and full Moons and the amount of alcohol consumed."

                            Hall writes:

                            More of those with an excess of 2ml of alcohol per 100ml of blood inside them - drunk, according to German law - were caught by police during the five-day full Moon cycle.

                            On average 175 drink-drivers per day were caught in two German states two days before a full Moon, 161 were caught during the full Moon cycle and the figure dropped to about 120 per day at other times.

                            Jan Willem Nienhuys, a mathematician in the Eindhoven (Netherlands) University of Technology, claims that "Hall's story is a garbled version of a story by the German Press Agency DPA." According to Nienhuys, Hall invented the notion of a five-day full Moon cycle; the expression is not used by Mittmeyer and Filipp in their paper. Furthermore, 668 of the 16,495 arrested and tested were found to be sober, leaving 15,827 with alcohol in their blood, but only 4,512 with more than 0.2 percent blood alcohol (i.e., drunk).

                            According to Nienhuys, the 161 figure refers to the average number of drunk drivers arrested on any given date in the lunar month; he believes this number was arrived at by dividing 4,512 by 28 (rather than 29.53, the length of a lunar month) and hence should be 153, not 161. About the only thing Hall got right, says Nienhuys, is that Mittmeyer and Filipp do claim to have found a significant correlation between the moon and excessive drinking. He notes that the pair provide graphs but no statistical analysis of their data. When such an analysis is done, says Nienhuys, one discovers that the study is "pompous pseudoscience." According to Nienhuys, a standard statistical test yields p-values which show that there is nothing to investigate.

                            Got it?! :H Enjoy!!!

                            FMF xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

