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    HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In honour of the lushlets birthday.......I would now like to hijack this thread to talk about something with no relevance wotsoever to the title...........

    The water stalworts (Callitrichaceae) are a difficult group. Their leaf shape varies with the prescence or depth of water, and the ripe fruit, often needed for identification, sometimes being hard to find.
    Leaves opposite, oval or rhomboid to linear, often forming a rosette on the surface of wet mud. Fruits usually brown, more or less rounded and globular, not or scarecly stalked, the styles spreading or erect and the mericarps winged.
    They are here arranged in three groups suggested by the Dutch botanist H.D. Schotsman.

    Thank you ladies and gentlemen and good night


      HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      That brought a tear to my eye Wee. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Very deep Wee, thank you. Lordy I've missed you!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          For your b-day,.. why not get yourself a pedicure...and schedule a Doctors appt? :h :h W/ McHunkie?:H
          Make sure & bring the camera..we want photos!
          Have a wonderfulll Day!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Darn it Wee...I was going to talk about that!
            wait a min....
            (Callitrichaceae) are a difficult group - Are you saying we are Callitrichaceae?

            Lusy...HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! To the best Date Assistant Ever!! Have a Wonderful Birthday..


              HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Happy Birthday Lushy, hope it's really good one.

              (nicely understated - I am English afterall)

              take care


                HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                MANY HAPPY (moon) RETURNS LUSHY

                I know I hardly know you yet, as I've not been one this forum long enough, but it's always nice to be nice!
                Anyway I was getting a bit bored on the other wagon I was on so I jumped over here on the band wagon for a bit to wish you all the best and have a great time with what's left of your birthday!!!... Right I'll be off back over to the other wagon I was on where its a bit quieter!!! Have fun!!

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Happy Birthday Lushy!!! Hope you have a great day!

                  You know, I'm still waiting for the see-thru jersey...


                    HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Happy birthday Lushy
                    Sorry i didn't come on here yesterday.
                    Enough is enough


                      HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Happy Birthday to You !!!!
                      Happy Birthday tooooo Youuuu !!!!!
                      Happy Birthday Dear Lushy Poooooo !!!!!
                      Happy Birthday toooo Youu !!!

                      "WE LOVE YA "
                      Enjoy your special day cause you are soooo special to us !!! Hugs,

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        lush is still celebrating today too? gee whiz...

                        Attached files [img]/converted_files/354110=3838-attachment.jpg[/img]


                          HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Yes Duck, my birthday is actually a birthweek in my household, so get used to it.

                          Thanks again for the kind wishes. Chief, I am still searching for the perfect see through jersey but you will be first on the list to see it when I find it.
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            HAPPY BURFDAY LUSHLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            please ensure that you use plenty of those 'Lush cosmetics' on your nipular area before donning that particular outfit........lets keep things tasteful...there is sensitive fruit rolling around these pages I'll have you know

