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9 months today

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    9 months today

    Today is my 9 month annivesary with MWO. All I can do is step back and say WHOA!!! what a different woman I am now from 9 months ago. Getting a handle on a 15 year drinking problem is amazing. MWO saved my life I'm sure. No more waking up feeling like hell, with bumps and bruises I could not explain. No more all day drinking binges, with my poor husband finding me passed out on the floor. It was all so ugly then. My life isn't perfect now, but it is so much better than it was. For all that are new MWO, it works ! Please stay the course, its so worth the effort. My many friends on this site, too many to mention. I value and treasue each and everyone of you. I would name names but I won't, for fear of leaving someone out. I LOVE ALL OF YOU! Your support has been amazing.I know I'm not "cured" but feel so much better about handling my drinking problem. RJ your the best! I can never thank you enough, You should really do an infommercial.
    Smiles Always

    9 months today

    Congrats Mar!!!! It is like being 'reborn' isn't it? Great job on your 9 months of moderating beautifully!


      9 months today

      That's great news Simey. You do sound like you are in a much different place than nine months ago!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        9 months today

        YEAH MAR!!!!! You've come along way baby! I am so glad I have gotten to be part of your success story! You are the best!


          9 months today

          Good going on you Simey. I am surprised, because I thought you were more senior... you know what I mean. So, you have really accomplished a lot in 9 months.

          I think today may be my 5-month anniversary here on MWO. Either that or tomorrow. Either way, I am far from where I want to be. In fact, I'm far from where I was when I first joined, 3 weeks AF at that point. But baby steps baby steps. I will not give up. And MWO is my anchor.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            9 months today

            Happy 9month anniversary! I'm glad you have made some good progress with MWO! Keep it up.


              9 months today

              So glad M.W.O. has helped you turn it all around, simey.

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress x


                9 months today

                Hello Simey,
                Congrats. It's been a pleasure having you around. What does beatle mean about your seniority? You simply have this seniority bearing, no matter what. We love you all.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  9 months today

                  GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Yours was the first post that caught my eye this morning bearysimes as I logged on,
                  I remember when you first 'appeared', and I'm soooooooooo pleased that you're still here and obviously, despite any ups and downs, feeling good about the place you are in.
                  Congrats on the nine months, and having the strength to stick with yourself definitely deserve it.

                  I would also just like to add a thank you for all the stuff you have put back over the nine months....I can remember reading a lot of posts from you, especially directed at newbies, in which you offered such insightful support and advice.....
                  Much love Mar


                    9 months today

                    Congrats Mar,

                    I too don't know what I'd be like if I hadn't found MWO.

                    I always love reading your posts - always full of humour and compassion even when you're having a tough time yourself, you have time for others.

                    love you
                    take care


                      9 months today

                      Right Arm Mar!:goodjob: :woot: So glad you're here! :danthin: inkele:
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        9 months today

                        Great stuff, Mar. Congratulations.


                          9 months today

                          Mar, same from me, I will never forget your grandson and my boobs though ....... LOL


                            9 months today

                            CONGRATULATIONS, MAR
                            IN NINE MONTHS
                            YOU'VE BEEN A SHINING STAR!

                            Thanks for all you contribute to MWO and all of us.

                            You make this a better place.

                            :l :h :l
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              9 months today

                              Happy 9 month anniversary Simeybear! Way to go!
                              September 23, 2011

