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9 months today

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    9 months today

    Kudos to simeybear! this site is a better place because of you mar-



      9 months today

      Congratulations on 9 months! It's always a pleasure to read you posts. I've always thought you were a class act...



        9 months today

        You have been so good to all of us and in turn been good to yourself.

        Make a wish and follow it!
        I will to!



          9 months today


          You are such a huge part of MWO. You have given us all so much. It's nice to know we have given to you also. That's the way it is supposed to work around here. Congratulations on 9 months. I'll add to yours my thanks to RJ.

          You're doing so great - keep it up.

          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            9 months today

            Wow Simey! This is absolutely terrific!!!! Congratulations on 9 months (whoa!)!!!! Am so glad for you, j
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              9 months today

              Congrats, we all love you too Mar.
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                9 months today

                Oh Mar! You are my new inspiration. See my PM. Thanks for being here.


                  9 months today


                  This was a wonderful post. :thanks:

                  More than thanks, though, I am very happy for you that you have been able to beat back the addiction we all are dealing with.

                  I am sure you hubby is very happy to come home and know without a doubt his beloved wife is not passed out on the floor and hurting herself every day with alcohol. I, too, am happy. You are way too special to lose to that beast!!

                  Kudos, best wishes, hugs,
                  and lots of Love,
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    9 months today

                    Guys, I love you all so much! Without you this whole jounrney, well I don't know if I could have made it without you. I sitting here crying like a baby. This is so overwhelming for me. A year ago I was totally bent on destroying myself with alcohol. On the outside I had it all, nice home, good husband, beautiful child and grandchildren, didn't have to work like so many women do. But inside I was dying, a piece missing. I don't know if it stems from my sexually abusive childhood, or the abuse I took at the hands of my ex fiancee. I really still don't know.I'm not perfect now, still am searching for that missing piece, but now I'm doing it with a clear head.When I say this program saved my life it isn't a lie. We are talking Seious alcohol abuse with me. 3 bottles ofwine a day sometimes a 5th of vodka. I am here by God's grace, because I should have died from alcohol poisoning, or by one of my alcohol induced bad judgements. I wish I could personally sit with each of you and tell you what you have done for me. Listened when I thought no one wanted to hear. Rallied behind me when I was on one of my crusades. Loved me when I thought I was unlovable.Set me straight when I was wrong. We at MWO are a family. A big beautiful albeit dysfuntional (at times)family. I say with the utmost sincerity I consider you all closer to me, than my own fa,ily. You know my secrets, my fears, my flaws but still love and accept me. I'm still crying I am so touched. So before I ruin this keyboard, I'll stop.
                    Biggest of hugs for all


                      9 months today

                      good on 9 months Mar.....proud of ya!
                      Gabby :flower:


                        9 months today

                        Mar.. what an amazing turn you have made. I am very proud of you. You have nothing but bright days ahead.. congratulations!

                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          9 months today

                          Oh I'm ruining my keyboard!! :upset:

                          :l to you you brilliant have turned so much around and there's a big pat on the back winging its way to you...

                          What a wonderful family this is!!

                          Love and hugs and :wd:
                          FMF xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            9 months today

                            Smiles to you Mar !!!
                            Being a part of this journey with you has truely been a blessing ... Congratulations to you !!!

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

