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    Hi, I haven't posted for a little while, but have been checking in and reading all the posts at least twice a day. This site is helping me immensly.
    I have had my 2nd visit with my counsellor last week and it is all good (so far). I am still on the naltrexone and still AF!!!! I am feeling very positive 80% of the time. I guess it is only natural the other 20% to have lots of doubts. Still don't handle my hubby very well when he has been drinking....and I don't really know how to get over that one, any ideas??? I do love the clear headed feeling every morning, but I am getting twinges of "gosh it is Friday, wouldn't a wine be nice to chill out". Last time I tried to do that I ended up having 4, so I know it isn't an option.
    Anyway enough about me, just thought it time I put pen to paper so to speak. Hope you are all doing well.
    Have a good weekend.


    Hi Debruce,

    Glad to hear the naltrexone is working for you. It would be so hard to have a husband who drank. I am thankful mine does not because when I want to be AF I just cannot have wine in the house. Good to hear from you!! And great job on being AF!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



      Hi Debruce! Glad to hear that you are AF & that Nalextrone is working. As for the hubby, have you talked to him about it? Could you perhaps place some ground rules because you both live together? (A happy medium maybe) Is this something you were able to discuss with your counselor?

      Keep up the good work -- love your Westie -- my sister has one named Henry. Great Breed!
      Have a great weekend!



        Hi Debruce,
        Iknow just how you feel, my husband drinks, but not a problem. I think you just have to think about yourself, if he does have a problem that's his not yours, try to be selfish, look
        after you,.I know how difficult it is having alcohol in the house. No wine is not an option.
        You are doing well, remember that clear head, you are doing so well.
        Have a good weekend.
        Love Paula.xx



          Hi Debruce: Keep up the good work. I know what you mean about Friday and the twinge. Today is day 126 for me. I'm craving red wine right now. I have craved it all day. It's damn and rainy here in NJ, USA.... and it's Friday. This is the first time in weeks that I have actually craved this badly. I baked up a batch of chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies. I ate 6 of them. I'm rationilizing that it's best that I indulge in eating cookies instead of indulging in wine. Drinking wine is going to bring me down a road that I don't want to go down. Enjoy your weekend!
          September 23, 2011


            GOOD MORNING ALL


            glad to have you on the site!!!!!


            stay strong!!!



              GOOD MORNING ALL


              So good to hear from you and to hear that you are doing well and staying AF. I know it must be so hard with the hubby drinking. I don't have any ideas for you since mine doesn't drink. Maybe your counselor can help you with that one. Please stick with the AF no matter what and try to find a way to work out the problems with the husband.

              Reenie - my NYC buddy - I know you are struggling tonight but I also know how proud you are of all your success. Hang in there tonight. just make it through tonight and you will be fine tomorrow. I'm sitting there with you saying we can do this. Please be good and have a wonderful day tomorrow.
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                GOOD MORNING ALL

                Debruce, glad you've checked in. My husband is a drinker about 3 nights per week, I'll be honest I can't stand him when he drinks. I usually tell him to catch up on his recorded tv and I leave the room and go to bed. But after all I have put him through with my drinking it's a small payback in comparison. Keep on doing what your doing, it is so worth it.
                Take care

                Rennie- So understand the cravings yesterday, husband out of town, cold wet rainy (in VA) all I wanted was a good book, a fire in the fireplace and a couple of bottles of chardonnay ib the fridge. I stayed on the computer looking at Thanksgiving dinner recipes instead. So I'll have a great Thanksgiving dinner, and the best part no hangover or regret. Stay strong honey! Your not alone

