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Tip for Journaling

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    Tip for Journaling

    Hi All,

    I try to keep a log of the tips and suggestions for staying AF and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I used to write them down randomly but my AHA moment came when I simply started a word document and keep it open as I read and I cut and paste to my document.

    I have a generalized anxiety disorder and I can easily slip into wanting to drink because I am overwhelmed with keeping track of things! So, this has eliminated my risk of a "meltdown". Also, journaling relieves anxiety as well. I thought I would share this tip as we are all working to bulid our toolkits with ammunition!
    Best wishes to all! BabyGirl :h

    Tip for Journaling

    Way to go !! Sounds like when you have something tangible in your hand that you have written, you can continue to "make heads and tails" of it... Journalling is a very powerful tool that helps us to organize our thought process... Keep up the good work. Sharpen your pencil and happy writting

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Tip for Journaling

      Hey BG-

      I've been doing the 'morning pages' as suggested in the book "The Artist's Way", and I find it very helpful too. It's journaling - 3 pages every morning right when I wake up. Sometimes dreams come out, sometimes stuff I want to do in the day ahead, sometimes free associtating and talking about whatever.... I agree - definitely a good tool.

      wonder xx


        Tip for Journaling

        These are great ideas, and The Artist's Way is highly reccommendable.

        I will add that I keep track of everything that goes into my mouth, supplements and food, what time of day, and every minute I exercise, etc. -- I write it down on a notepad. It's an obsession, but I feel it is in a way, replacing another obsession...
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Tip for Journaling

          I think we are on to something all!!!!!!


            Tip for Journaling

            I think so BG ! And Beatle - each day I keep track of doing my daily "five to thrive" with a chart I print out each month (nerd!) - which are: morning pages, meditation, exercise, food journal, numbers (keeping track of spending). I'm not great (or even good) with consistency on all of them, but keeping track makes me feel like I'm working on it. And I feel lost if I don't........
            wonder xx

