So, the other day, I was driving home from work, determined to have an AF evening.... and all it did was make me sad. I wanted to not drink and I wanted to wake up the next morning feeling great and I wanted to experience all the positives of not drinking that night, but the thought of going home and not pouring a glass (and then more and more) of wine got me very depressed.
I DO feel good waking up after a non-drinking night... I love that I go workout, and get the kids to school, and get in to work early, and feel productive. But, always, come evening... I feel sad/crappy/depressed that I can't go home and have my wine OR I feel sad/crappy/depressed that I DO go home and have my wine.
When I do indulge, I always pass that point where I know I've had too much and I know I should stop, but I don't/can't, and I know I'll feel terrible in the am...and I do. So, I'm depressed the next morning at how I gave in and now feel like crap.
Whether I have the wine or not, it seems at some point I'm going to be depressed about it. This sucks. I just sooooo want to NOT CARE about having a glass of wine.... I wish I could obsess about having a glass of orange juice or a bowl of peas!! Or obsess about going to the gym (wouldn't that be great!).
It occurred to me tonight that whether I drink or not, I'm down on myself and feeling hopeless.... either way. Have the drink(s) and, well... you know... drink too much, feel like crap, get nothing done..... Drink nothing, feel depressed, deprived?? Think about nothing but the fact that I'm NOT having a glass of wine?
I guess I'm not really asking a question.... maybe just venting a bit. Maybe some of you that have been so successful can offer some guidance.... if so, I really do appreciate it.
Trying to hang in there....