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A Bad Weekend

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    A Bad Weekend

    I am so sorry you are having a bad time of it. Sometimes I think you can get the meds right and then our hormones kick in as well and alter it. Do you think that is the case? I know thats what happens with my sister as she is pre menopausal. I know you can do this!
    Take Care
    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


      A Bad Weekend

      I'm thinking of you both, Cashy and AFM. You both can get through this. You will both persevere.

      Sending you positive, healing vibes and good thoughts. Hang in there.


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        A Bad Weekend

        Thanks guys, I am intears again, can hardly type. I dunno what's wrong - it's not hormones and it's not anything elaly, it's just awful.

        Have not touched a drink - worked out it'll just make this mood worse. perhaps I am having an episode, I dunno. Up one minute, angry the next, then down with an almighty crash.

        Thanks again

        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          A Bad Weekend

          Hi Cashy,

          It sounds like a "mixed episode". I think your Dr needs to prescribe something to get you over this ASAP, they do it all the time. Please call the Doc, OK?


          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            A Bad Weekend

            Good advice myheart.....

            Cashy you are really in distress and this should be looked at. Can you talk to your doctor today?


              A Bad Weekend

              I'll try - docs s bit hard to get hold of sometimes. Mya be a "mixed episode" who knows..I just feel so down at the moment, and then so angry the next - I jusr want to sleep and hate waking up.

              Thanks so much again

              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                A Bad Weekend

                If you can't get a hold of the Dr just go to a walk in clinic or any hospital ER and tell them you are having symptoms of a mixed episode and what meds you are on. They will prescribe you something to stop it.

                I'll be thinking of ya :l
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  A Bad Weekend

                  I don't know what to husbands coming home to pick up my daughter from school. I guess I will have to do something but I have no motivation, just tears all the time...I have lots of pills - too many in the house probably. I don't even know if the docs here in Oz know what a "mixed episode" is, and I don't want to end up back in hospital.
                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    A Bad Weekend

                    God Bless your dear sweet soul. Someone will know how to get you to this site on You Tube... I have the CD... I swear to you... I thought for six months I was going to kill myself... this song got me through it... Donnie McClurkin, BeBe and CeCe Winans -- Stand ..... Donnie McClurkin Stand

                    Donnie McClurkin
                    What do you do
                    when you've done all you can
                    And it seems like it's never enough?
                    And what do you say
                    when your friends turn away,
                    you're all alone?
                    Tell me, what do you give
                    When you've given your all,
                    and seems like
                    you can't make it through?

                    Stand and be sure
                    Be not entangled in that bondage again
                    You just stand, and be sure.
                    God has a purpose.
                    Yes, God has a plan.

                    Tell me what do you do
                    when you've done all you can
                    And it seems like you can't make it through
                    Child you just stand
                    You just stand
                    Don't you give up
                    Through the storm , through the rain
                    Through the hurt , through the pain

                    Well, you just stand
                    When there's nothing left to do
                    You just stand
                    Watch the Lord see you through
                    Yes, after you've done all you can
                    You just stand

                    Don't you bow, don't bend
                    Don't give up, don't give in
                    Hold on, just be strong
                    God will step in and it won't be long
                    Tell me,
                    how do you handle the guilt of your past?
                    Tell me, how do you deal with the shame?
                    And how can you smile
                    when your heart is broken
                    and filled with pain?
                    Tell me what do you give
                    when you've given your all
                    Seems like you can't make it through?

                    After you've done all you can
                    After you've gone through the hurt
                    After you've gone through the pain
                    After you've gone through the storm
                    After you've gone through the rain
                    Prayed and cried,you've prayed and cried
                    Prayed and cried, prayed and cried
                    After you've done all you can, you just stand.

                    Child you just stand,
                    when there's nothing left to do
                    You just stand
                    Watch the Lord see you through
                    Yes, after you've done all you can
                    You just stand.

                    When I realized this was spiritual warfare... between the alcohol and my soul... I started to taking it more seriously... it's only taken me a few mega years to get to that point.
                    You are in my prayers.... Please listen to that song... I did and it saved my life.
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      A Bad Weekend

                      Cashregister;216704 wrote: I don't know what to husbands coming home to pick up my daughter from school. I guess I will have to do something but I have no motivation, just tears all the time...I have lots of pills - too many in the house probably. I don't even know if the docs here in Oz know what a "mixed episode" is, and I don't want to end up back in hospital.


                      If you are too depressed to get yourself to the Dr you've gotta tell your husband. Just tell your husband you need to see a Dr right away because you are feeling depressed and are too lethargic to drive and that you need him to take you....simple as that.

                      In the US you would not be hospitalized against your will unless you admitted to not wanting to live. They will probably recommend hospitalization if you are having hallucinations or delusions but it doesn't sound to me like you are. You sound perfectly sane but more depressed than a person should be.

                      When your husband gets home please ask him to take you :thanks:

                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson


                        A Bad Weekend

                        I know, I know

                        He has been home and is now picking her up. We will work it out when he gets back. There is stuff here I can take which will help (probably) and I will call the doc again and see if she is available - he knows something is wrong but I am just so worried about everything and can't focus on anything and then he gets cross cause of specific issues i bring up, and he can't help that cause i am all over the place and he's had this all going on for the last few days - just so negative it's terrible.

                        Dont worry My Heart we will get through this somehow - at least i havn't called my drinking buddy and gotten her over here - one step in the right direction - somewhere in there my mind is working properly...

                        DOn't worry, I do have help here and I didn't mean to worry anyone.

                        Love Cashy
                        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                          A Bad Weekend

                          Oh and JBean, I do appreciate the sentiment, but it's not really my kinda stuff - unfortunatley cause sometimes all this crap would probably be easier to get through if it was.


                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            A Bad Weekend

                            And, I don't suppose you need stupid people like me suggesting it could "just be the weather".... don't know what I was thinking.

                            Cashy I really hope that you get through this soon. I won't offer any more "sage" advice because I obviously talk crap but just to say I am thinking of you.



                              A Bad Weekend

                              That's not stupid BB, not at's just sometimes it's a little too bad for that! I didn't take it as "crap" at all - seasonal affective disorder can be a bummer - just think this is meds this time...

                              Any comment is appreciated. it makes me feel like you care.

                              And it has been a bugger of a weekend weather wise!

                              Love ya

                              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                                A Bad Weekend

                                Cashy - I was wondering if you'd changed your meds at all? When you posted a few weeks ago, it seemed you'd finally got the right mix and were happy as can be.

                                I also didn't regard Bluebell's comments as 'crap'. I don't have bi-polar (not that I know of) but I'm having a shitful time at the moment. The wind last Sunday just about made me lose it BIG time. I think there's also something that happens when we change clocks.

                                I know your issues are much deeper but I'm wondering if these lesser factors can contribute to your general malaise?

