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A Bad Weekend

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    A Bad Weekend


    Didn't drink on the weekend but there were times I could have killed for one - and have not felt like that in a long time. I got so uptight yesterday I had to hide out in the bedroom for fear of losing it altogether and taking all my anger out on my lttle girl. So, took it out on my husband instead (poor bugger). Today I am in tears every half an hour, and would so like to have a drink, but wont - too hard to drag myself to the bottle shop.

    I wish all this bipolar rubbish would go away - just when you think you have the thing covered it comes up and bites you back. I have not felt like a drink since been on my meds, time for a top up perhaps.

    Just rambling on here, guess i'm looking for some TLC and understanding about that need to drink/medicate/whatever it is that has struck over the last 2 days. Here I am getting teary again - time for a tissue.

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    A Bad Weekend

    Hey Cashy.... hang in there, love. It's rotten full-stop how some days just suck. And bi-polar as well... This WILL pass. And you'll feel so darned proud of yourself for getting through. So, minute by minute and just stay away from the bottle shop.

    I think loads of us have had The Beast leap out at us and want us to drink out of the blue many times. The longer you go the more he stays away and pesters some other poor b**ger. Get a cushion and thump 'him' to death? Get rid of all that #@*&%$.....(and him!)

    TLC by the ton coming down the latitudes. I hope you get it!

    Love and hugs
    FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      A Bad Weekend


      I am so sorry the meds are doing a bounce on you. You were feeling so great about 3 months ago!!

      I have friends with very serious bipolar issues and it did take them a long time to get things evened out but they have.

      Try to remember, it is a disesase much like diabetes. It takes care and vigilance.

      :l and TLC coming to you from me, too!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        A Bad Weekend

        :l Just to say hang on in there Cashy

        :l Sweetpea:l
        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


          A Bad Weekend

          Ride it out, Cashy - just ride it out. I know you can.


            A Bad Weekend

            Hi Cashy, My husband is bipolar....Lithium took away his desire to drink. Have you tried it? Anyways, Hope you are feeling beter soon!!!
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              A Bad Weekend

              Hi Cashy, bucket loads of TLC coming your way ..........:l :l :l


                A Bad Weekend

                Cashy, it's been a pretty weird weekend, weather-wise here in Adelaide. Storms, heavy skies and forceful winds.

                If it's the weather, then, I'm there with you with heightened emotions! Curiously enough, a couple of people I have spoken with today feel the same....

                You never know! It could be just the weather!!!

                I hope so, and I hope that you feel better soon.



                  A Bad Weekend

                  Hi cashy,
                  I know very little about bi-polar. You obviously have your hands full trying to cope with the body chemicals. Just hold on to something, a diversion perhaps. Go have a full body massage, go swimming, go have a facial. I know this sounds very superficial, but it so soothes the body, that it cannot help but have an impact on your mind.

                  Bestow all the TLC you can master on yourself. I am sending you lots of TLC.
                  Love and hugs Lori
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    A Bad Weekend

                    I just want to say, hang in there.
                    peace and light
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      A Bad Weekend

                      Cashy.....:l 's to you......
                      It so hurts but you're are a strong woman....
                      Call your doc and check in on your meds if you need to. It is an ongoing battle.

                      :h Love ,
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        A Bad Weekend

                        Please ride it out...I so wish I had! I gave in and spent a good day sick as a dog and one drunk as a skunk.


                          A Bad Weekend

                          Cashy........loadsa TLC from me to you.

                          Starlight Impress x


                            A Bad Weekend

                            Cashy - loads of big hugs :l to you. In the midst of all of this you were so kind and wrote me back about my own BP problems. Thank you so much.

                            I had a really bad weekend too. I completely lost it Saturday night in front of my husband and his life-long friend that came into town. Just flipped right out. They were stoned and drunk and smoking in the house, and blammo............. here comes the crazy lady!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so embarrassed. I wish I handled it better. Good grief. Sometimes I feel like I am a bloody psycho. :H Yesterday, I shut right down, and hid out most of the day. I didn't want to take anything out on my daughter either. It really does suck so bloody bad.

                            I hope you get things sorted out if it is your meds. Or maybe it was an episode? We are still going to get them, just not as often or as bad. I understand what you are going through - the guilt and shame afterwards. Forgive yourself, as you know it isn't you, but it is the disorder.


                              A Bad Weekend

                              Oh, AFM and Cashy

                              :l :l from me to you.

                              Not an easy disease.

                              I am proud of both of you for tackling not only the disease but the ancillary issues, such as drinking, family relationships, the hard work stuff!!

                              Both of you are awesome.

                              AF April 9, 2016

