Firstly, I`d like to say how terribly sorry I am that my head has been in a bad place since last genuinely sorry for the depressing posts, depressing pm`s and depressing chats I have been guilty of these past few days, but I`d reached such a low that I couldn`t help being in the "poor me" frame of mind.........I was hurting real bad.
Anyway, as I posted a few days back, I finally reached out and sought the help I`ve so badly needed for a long time from my doc. for the depression and anxiety that have plagued me for most of my adult now on an antidepressant and have not had a particularly good weekend........just teething problems `til the drug gets into my sticking with it, as I have faith in the drug to make me well.
I`ve not posted much over the weekend........felt a need to retreat and reflect. Time to myself has allowed me to separate my problems and to realize that my "real" problems, although harrowing, are most likely able to be solved through time. I appreciate now that having my doc address my psychological problems will allow me to weather the storms created by the difficult events in my life just now.
Over the weekend, I have also come to realize just how many of us here have circumstances in our lives which hurt us, some of which we cannot change. I have also come to realize, that........when you hurt, I hurt, and.........when I hurt, you hurt. Where in the world could we find such kindred spirits? We are truly blessed at M.W.O.
I know it will be a long time before I`m truly well, but today I woke up with hope burning in my heart. Thank you for being my friends.
All my love,
Starlight Impress x