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Venting big time !!!!

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    Venting big time !!!!

    How stupid am I ??? It's taken me almost four years to realise i'm in an abusive relationship and I know this triggers my drinking prob.

    I found an excellent article yesterday about mental and emotional abuse. It fits my partner to a T! He completely controls every aspect of my we go..what we do..when we do it..where we live..etc...

    If ever I do suggest anything it's NOOOO!!!! I don't really argue about these things anymore cos I know it wouldn't make the slightest difference. .. I just get accused of "moaning".....It's his way or no way!

    He's really upset me two or three times this past week, done some really hurtful things which, I won't go into now, but believe me, I wonder why I ever got with this pathetic excuse for a man. He's a bully and he frightens me but being the whimp that I've become I'm scared of a future without him. How will I cope on my own. I have no home now....nothing!!

    I am making plans to leave him though, I know I have to be strong..... My confidence and self esteem have hit rock bottom...I didn't drink for a few days last week after the scary stuff I went through but have had a few since cos of all the crap with him. I'm being really careful though...just enough to take the edge off the pain he's causing me.

    Hopefully next time I post it'll be from the UK.

    Lots of love to you all.

    Minty XXXX

    Venting big time !!!!

    Hi Minty

    You are going through a really hard time now but you sound as though you have an inner strength and that together with all the support you will receive from your MWO friends will get you through this. Keep posting and let us know how you are getting on. We are thinking of you.



      Venting big time !!!!

      I hope the next time we hear from you that you are safe and in a much more supportive environment. I think it's really great that you have realized it's time to move on and that you need to take care of yourself. No one should ever be treated badly by another person, life is too short.
      Take care and let us know how you are doing.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Venting big time !!!!

        Make plans, Mintymess, get out of that situation, life is too short and things will be infinitely better, promise!! Keep posting because I am worried about you. :h Suz
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


          Venting big time !!!!

          Minty, I'm glad you are making plans to get out of there. Suz is right, life is too short.


            Venting big time !!!!

            Hi Minty,
            Sorry to hear you feel your relationship has reached the end of the road........I`ve been in your shoes........tough decision to make, but proved to be the right one for me.

            I will say, try to plan ahead a wee`ve spent time with this guy and invested a lot in every way, including financially, so try not to leave with nothing. However, if you end up having to cut your losses, don`t`ll still leave knowing that you have the freedom to allow you to meet someone who deserves you in the future.

            Much love,
            Starlight Impress x :l


              Venting big time !!!!

              Star totally appreciate where you are coming from. But i you have to go with just the shirt on your back (as me and the kids did) then know you will, and you will, meet somebody down the track that appreciates what they did not. You will also make ends meet as we are a strong breed and can do anything we set our minds too. My thoughts are with you - Kimbo
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                Venting big time !!!!

                Minty, I too hate what you are going through, but you have to do what is right for you. If this relationship is causing you to drink you either have to change it or end it. I think it is simple to say, but much harder to carry out. When we invest our time in a marriage we are putting ourselves out there hoping for a return on that investment. Sometimes we find we have made a poor investment and must cut our losses. The only way to stop the loss is to unload the investment. This is a hard decision, but you are the only one who can make it.

                God Bless
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  Venting big time !!!!

                  oh God please help me!

                  Thank you all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                    Venting big time !!!!

                    Just want to thank you all.... assehole's been playing his tricks again....woke up to no electricity...4am....s**t scared I have to say BUT I sorted it.

                    Thank you all for your posts....they really have helped and are keeping me STRONG.

                    Starlight.....I'm so sorry you went through something similar to this....tis total shite eh?.....I have been trying to plan ahead.. but the stuff I'd like to take with me would probably be cheaper to buy in the UK rather than ship it home's only bedding, kitchen equipment stuff etc!!!

                    We do have a joint bank account with a fair amount of money in it....what if I emptied it?? ...would I get done?...

                    Can't wait to leave now.

                    Thanks again....

                    Minty xxx


                      Venting big time !!!!

                      Empty away i'd say, then get out. Leave him the bed etc. he would have to give you half anyway - so you can pay the rest back (minus funiture etc) later. They are hardly going to extradite you for this - and if you have proof of abuse I reckon you're laughing.
                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        Venting big time !!!!

                        Hey Cash!

                        you've made me


                          Venting big time !!!!

                          Hi Minty,

                          Regarding the bank account.

                          At least get your money out, now.

                          A site that might be helpful,

                          Verbal Abuse Pages

                          Good luck, be brave,

                          magic xx :l
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Venting big time !!!!

                            yeah but I was serious - run away with all the money honey - book the next flight outta there with all the dough

                            I mean it!!!!!!!!

                            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                              Venting big time !!!!

                              thanks magic and cash.....hey, will do!!!

                              I'm actually laughing....thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Minty xxx

