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Getting more for your calories.

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    Getting more for your calories.

    Can anyone advise the best low-calorie foods and snacks for energy. Something sweet thrown in would be nice too.


    Starlight Impress x

    Getting more for your calories.


    I eat yogurt w/ some high fiber cereal, or fruit(apple, orange and peaches) and low fat cheese for snacks..........Sometimes will have yogurt w/ a little bit of nuts of some sort in them to(if I am really hungry), nuts (almonds and peanuts) are pretty healthy, or so I have read.

    I try to stay away from energy bars cuz they are loaded w/ calories and fat.........

    This is just me though, I bet you'll get lots and lots of more advise!

    Love and hugs!!! You are doing so well,:goodjob:

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Getting more for your calories.

      One of my fave things is banana and cashews......just half a banana with about 8-10 cashews really stops me pigging out on other (less healthy) things. I also like a few dates with a mix of sunflower and pumpkin seeds. (I keep a mix of the seeds in a jar in the fridge) I've found that a mix of protein and sweet is the best 'filler' to stop naff snacking!

      Mind have to exercise a bit of self control....the banana thing, particularly, is soooo yummy that I could easily eat LOADS and end up with too many calories!

      Another one is a cracker with peanut butter....

      Look...I'm going to have to stop.....I'm getting the munchies :H

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        Getting more for your calories.

        try a handful of almonds; just enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Wait 20 minutes and your hunger will pass; they are incredibly good for you too. If you are still hungry have some fruit with green tea. Ah heck that anyway.


          Getting more for your calories.

          Dried fruit, bananas and nutri-grain bars are food for energy.


            Getting more for your calories.

            Weight wather ice-cream - it's marvellous - tastes like real ice-cream and fraction of the calories...
            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Getting more for your calories.

              McDonalds Double Cheeseburger and large fries followed by Fresh cream cakes from Sayers the bakers then as many Cadbury's chocolate bars you can manage to stuff down your face without spewing. If you have any room left, after that, you can swallow as many high sugar concentrated sweets as possible to be washed down with lashings of Dr. Pepper......You should be well on your way to having your first heart attack in no time Star. Glad I could be of service.

              dried goji berries added to low fat bio yogurt is a fav. sweet dish for me. And if you don't know what goji berries are google it and find out their amazing and you can get them in any Holland & Barrett health food shop.

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                Getting more for your calories.

                ricecakes available at any supermarket topped with guacomole or peanut butter or hummous
                Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                  Getting more for your calories.

                  Yogurt covered raisins, with a few almonds mixed in. I mix up little snack bags and take one each day. It's sweet, salty - with a bit of protein so you don't get hungry!

                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Getting more for your calories.

                    Yoghurt with seeds and nuts added - and yep - I love loads of goji berries too!


                    I'm getting hungry too !


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      Getting more for your calories.

                      Hi Star---I love hummus and olives, with wheat crackers. Little tiny sweet pickles add that sweet touch, and have almost no calories. Grapes and cheese are wonderful---pick a lower-fat cheese like mozzarella.
                      Jane Jane


                        Getting more for your calories.

                        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                          Getting more for your calories.

                          Apple slices dipped in almond butter (not too much though!)
                          And don't forget about walnuts - they are very high in omega-3s.
                          Hummus with veggies for dipping (if you make your own hummus you can make it less fattening by using less olive oil and tahini).
                          Frozen berries!! Especially blueberries, which are a superfood.
                          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                            Getting more for your calories.

                            greens lots of greens and fruits. if you make a salad, use light dressing or just vinegar/ lemon and olive oil.
                            no bread or pasta. lean meats are ok.
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              Getting more for your calories.

                              Oh yes....scrummy goji berries....I like to stuff 2 or 3 of them into a nice soft date, with a pecan nut....yum!

                              BTW....having conducted copious experiments....the best dates and dried apricots are (IMHO) Sainsbury's organic ones. The apricots are particularly great.....dark, dark brown and soft and sweet - not orange, sour and chewy like the usual sort....yuck.

                              Dare I ask Star......are for ciggie substitutes???

                              Suze x
                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

