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I'm Struggling .....

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    I'm Struggling .....

    Hi all,

    was doing really well ....

    I made a pact to never drink alone ... I've managed that but hubby drinks more than me now so that doesn't help .........

    Anyway at the min im back to drinking every night, 1-2 bottles of wine .......

    I'm really annoyed at myself ..............

    I tell myself that its ok, but I know that its not ..............

    Help me guys, please ..................

    I'm Struggling .....

    I know it took a lot of courage to post this P. My hubby doesn't drink but, if he did I know I would be in trouble too. Getting back to basics is the answer. Take your supps and dust off the CDs. You are strong enough to turn this around. You were doing great and can do great again.

    Big Hugs to you right now!:l

    Will going away on your vacation help?
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      I'm Struggling .....

      BB - thinking of you.... you can get back on track!!! I know you can. I totally slipped last night and feel like poo!! **BIG HUGS**


        I'm Struggling .....

        Oh BB!!! You cna do this thing - again. Get back to your real mods. You can. Maybe you need a 30 day abs though first?

        Hey...I'm sad for you - no wonder you've been feeling a bit low! I so want to say something both useful and supportive.... what's it about? Is something getting to you? Or is it just that the going over the one/two glasses wrecks the inhibitions...and down go the next few? ('Easy' for me to say but I'm lucky not to have the stimulus of an imbibing hubby though.)

        Well, I am so good at 'over-egging the cake' and banging on for pages and that wont help and that's what you need... so all I can do is send big hugs and promise to order you a big black coffee next Saturday...

        Love FMS xxxx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          I'm Struggling .....

          Hey BB.. I feel really bad and wish I were there to talk you through in person. I agree with Finding, maybe a 30 day cool-off period may be a thought. I don't know if this is in the cards for you, but I know that when I go from one day to the next without a break from alcohol it is very hard to get my head around what is causing the deeper reasons. I am sure it is not a help w/ hubby drinking more. Does he want to slow down or quit? Is it an option to try together? I wish I knew your circumstances better.. anyway, know I am thinkig of you.


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            I'm Struggling .....

            well girl i'm sending you love. i can't mods so well, can't help on that one. i can't drink 2 bottles of wine either. are you taking the topa or lglut or kudzo/ anyway love you girlie


              I'm Struggling .....


              You can make better choices. 1-2 bottles of wine is beneath you. I feel like a BB cheerleader but I so believe in you!



                I'm Struggling .....

                Have you tried counting your drinks? I find it helpful to put a little stickie on the counter or my desk or wherever and I tally up all the drinks for the evening. Somehow visually seeing you are on your 4th sends a signal to the brain that maybe it's time to STOP for the night. It makes the quantity harder to deny. BB, I still have nights where I can drink almost 2 bottles but I just don't stop trying and I keep coming here.

                :l Luvya
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  I'm Struggling .....

                  BB, We can help you if you want to work at it, you know we can.

                  You can't make progress trying to mod if your husband is drinking. The only way it will work is if you tell him you want to quit for 30 days, then he knows, and you can take it from there. Let us know what you want to do. It doesn't sound like you're very happy doing this...



                    I'm Struggling .....

                    Hey BB, glad you told on yourself. Sounds like you dont like whats happening so make it different. Before you know it you wont mind about the 1-2 bottles and then ya know your in trouble. Listen to your conscience.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      I'm Struggling .....

                      Ah s***! I drink almost two bottles of wine a night. My husband has a glass?? If that!
                      I am currently waiting for supps and new CDs for a second attempt at this program. If that fails, I don't know.... being an alcoholic for the rest of my life maybe.
                      sooooo fed up with being addicted to drink! I used to be in control of my life and now just waiting for when it is okay to have another glass of wine.
                      I did the programme before and was okay for about six months and then it all felll apart again. back to drinking every night almost two bottles of wine.
                      i have to go to bed. this sucks.
                      sorry to be so stupid.


                        I'm Struggling .....

                        Oh BB..take some time out, breathe, & just figure out a will know what you need to do..& then stop beating yourself up..and just do it


                          I'm Struggling .....

                          Hey BB.
                          You can do this.
                          but remember the old saying:
                          "How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but the lightbulb's gotta want to change"
                          I know you want to, so go and do it, and don't be annoyed with yourself. So you had a bit of a slip with a few more bottles than you should have - big deal - you know you can change. Just take baby steps.

                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            I'm Struggling .....


                            Is the darkness getting to you?

                            If it is you might want to look into a light.

                            30 days AF sounds like a good starting point.

                            You certainly have lots of support. :l

                            magic xx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              I'm Struggling .....

                              Come on BB ... you've organised the London get-together. Sort yourself and look forward to connecting with wonderful people. Use that thought as the incentive.

                              Wishing you well.

