Betty - howz you doing, love?.... If you're down to 'only' a bottle or two a day from all day last year...well, that is brilliant....but, those 1-2 bottles are going to build up in your system and cloud your judgement more and more until you're back to all day.... B, you deserve a life better than that....please don't let it get to that again?
This alcohol stuff is so bl**dy insiduous.... you know, I absolutely hate the way it so infiltrates life today....for everyone. 75% of the population is walking around in a just slightly mind-altered state each day!! For what? For why??!! I seem to be able to tell now if someone's had only a glass!! The radio is full of jokes and inuendo about it....weird! (Sorry, I'll climb off the soap-box I've just found myself on!

Anyways! You mention how it was for you last year...any good writing (or reading it again if you already did) it down in as much detail as you can muster? Just to remind youself of how it CAN get (not saying it will) so's to maintain 'reality' around the 'evening cocktails'?
I'm right behind you support all I can. You deserve soooo much. You're such a giver and a bright light here...
(And I'll buy you your first Coke/coffee next Saturday if you like!!)
Love and hugs
FMS xxxx:l :h