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I'm Struggling .....

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    I'm Struggling .....

    Hi, thanks again all, yes cyberhugs help an awful lot .....

    Soooo glad that I found this place .....

    Love you all :l :l :l


      I'm Struggling .....

      Boopsie Doopsie

      Sorry I picked up on responding late. You are one of my very most special people. I admire you so much. You have been through so much and are going through a slip right now. That's understandable - shit happens. Don't make a slip into a slide. I know you will stay in touch with us (cause you know we love you) and get back on the AF train. You are too wonderful and valuable a person to do anything else. You'll get through this because you are a tough boopster and you know you can. And because Lushy will bitch slap you if you don't. :H
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        I'm Struggling .....

        Hi Betty,
        Late in reading as usual lately.

        I think the decision to have an AF stint is a good one. You've done it before. The Kudzu will help and the fact thaqt hubby is trying too is great. The only worry there is that when one gives in it doesn't help the other, ( experience speaking there).

        Wishing you all the best.

        Enough is enough


          I'm Struggling .....


          A million cyberhugs to you. Hope they make you feel better!



            I'm Struggling .....

            Betty, I am not doing so well myself. However I do know that I have gone AF for various lengths of time before and EVERYTIME have felt better for it. So I know I can do it. All you or I need to do is put our mind to it and we can do it. We have proven it by doing exactly that before.
            You can do it when you really want to.

            Thinking of you.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              I'm Struggling .....

              Miss Boop---are we still on for tomorrow's fresh start together? I'm ready!
              Jane Jane


                I'm Struggling .....

                jane jane;219475 wrote: Miss Boop---are we still on for tomorrow's fresh start together? I'm ready!
                Absolutely ..... Amelia why don't you join us ????


                  I'm Struggling .....

                  Hi BB,
                  hope your ok, my computer has been down for 3 days, I've been tearing my hair out.
                  I would have replied to your post earlier, but that's cyberland for you.
                  Love Paula xx


                    I'm Struggling .....

                    paula;219490 wrote: Hi BB,
                    hope your ok, my computer has been down for 3 days, I've been tearing my hair out.
                    I would have replied to your post earlier, but that's cyberland for you.
                    Love Paula xx
                    Paula, you know I agree when you cant get on to this place its awful .....

                    I'm good thanks, only had a couple of glasses friday night and saturday night, we have one bottle of a very nice merlot that we will have between us tonight and then AF starting tomorrow ............

                    Thanks for your wonderful caring thoughts ...........


                      I'm Struggling .....

                      Hi BB,
                      It's a bloody struggle, isn't it. I'll be thinking about you.
                      Love Lori
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        I'm Struggling .....

                        BB, which of us will start tomorrow's "fresh start" post? I feel the need of a buddy to keep me on course---too easy to "hide among the posts" otherwise!
                        Jane Jane


                          I'm Struggling .....

                          Hey Buddy, I will join you on Monday our first day AF. I am having a hard time too.
                          Hang tuff sister.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

