smart ww!
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SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
Welcome Jane Jane!
Hubrius: an excess of pride?.oh you have no idea how close to the bone that description cuts.
To admit that I have a problem that I struggle to control, that I perceive will make others think of me as weak (hey, and make me think that I am weak) is one of the most difficult parts of this experience for me. Retrospectively it?s strange that drinking took away so much of my dignity and pride over the years, yet my pride made admitting it more difficult than anything else.
As for alcohol; I think that the reason it affects all types of people is that it is a ?filler? drug, a crutch.
Bored? Have a drink. Lonely? Large one please. Shy? I can get over that *opens bottle*.
I think that lack of mental stimulation is a huge cause of alcohol abuse, whether it is mothers staying at home to raise their children (a wonderful time and one that should be applauded) but often not the best company to discuss the socio economic report published in the morning paper. To the homeless that need to get through their days in any way that makes it easier and less terrible than it must be.
I believe that this is where high IQ?s and alcohol link up. Where people of higher intelligence are less stimulated they therefore find ways of filling that void, alcohol climbs into that hole and fills it pretty well. At this point Oscar Wilde could provide an appropriate quote but for now:
Elizabeth Braddock: Mr. Churchill, this is a disgrace. You are quite drunk.
Churchill: This may be well and true, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.
Anyway Jane Jane I wish you all the luck and welcome again.
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
Amashed - wonderful! And how good to 'read' 'sound' soooh different! I hope it's all going well for you still! (Sorry about my "sooooh's" - some attempt to 'speak' on these boards! Um, and while we're at it, all my '!'s !!! Yes, that key on my 'poota' has to be replaced once a week!)
For those of you who enjoy 'wordsmiths', may I suggest here..... The Adventures of Mr Stephen Fry Click Blog and and read the full 'blessay', (entry No. 2) "I give up." Some if his views on addictive personalitites.....
Right, off to glue up my infinitives and drop a few whatsits... (and my life is blessed; I've never heard' irregardless'!!! Bit too, "Dreckly" down 'ere! (Directly, meaning next year!!)
Love FMS xx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
Hey FMS (Fondling My Sheep)!! I think the literary types should have a go at at finding the most amusing, intelligent or not, name for your acronym?
ya no warra mean like?!!
Hugs from the Scouse Hippie!!"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
I, too, await the short-lived vs. -lyved verdict. I'm of two minds; on one hand, instinct and common usage makes me lean towards the former (and that's the way I say it) but then there's an argument for "lyved" too. Until this dilemma is resolved by your mom, WW, I'll just not use the phrase at all!Or consult the Oxford English Dictionary? (The "Big Dick" as we called it in school...)
While we're waiting for the jury to come in on that one...what about the gross and almost-universal misuse of the borrowed French phrase, "a propos"? It means "concerning" or "about"---it does NOT mean "appropriate," even though it's an obvious cognate of that word.
To whomever axed about dialect in literature somewhere back there: yessirreebob ah sho does love a good dialect sturry, and Flannery O'Connor is one of my very favorite writin' gals.
Best on a beautiful Saturday,Jane Jane
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
Hippie - love that! And, by the way... 'A propo' (!) your post ending, "Oggy, Oggy, Oggy"... I 'forgot' to reply back then.....
...because they're HORRIBLE!!! Over-estimated, soggy lumps of pastry with a sad, grey cube of 'skirt' (skirt?!?!) in the bottom corner!! And you're not meant to eat the pastry; it was just to protect the food (?!) insides (from miner's grubby hands)....often meat and parsnip one end and rhubarb and custard the other...don't even consider what the middle was like.............!)
But, if you really insist, as you may well like pasties!!!
Oi, Oi, Oi !!!
Love FMS xx (Too tired to come up with anything clever!):heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
Okay Ladies (and Hippie)-
I forgot to ask my Mother about short lived when I saw her today (how COULD I forget !?!?). So I just called her to discuss the matter. I merely mentioned the idea of mispronunciation and immediately........"we're going to hell in a handbasket! the world is coming to an end! things (horrible things!) are becoming acceptable because of common usage, and it's just awful!!!......". Okay, I weathered that storm. On to short lived...... her answer:
short 'lyved' is just the correct way to say it! We learned it in school! (she's 77). It is NOT short lived - it doesn't mean that the living was short, but that the person (or whatever) was assigned (this was not the word she used- was it ascribed?) a short life! The meaning is entirely different! (Jane Jane - hit the OED, we need a less hsyterical explanation).
And....since Pandora's box was opened, she went on to talk about other linguisitc horrors in our current usage ..... "it's not a television! it's a television set! 'television' is the process, and 'set' is the instrument!.......... more crimes: " I feel 'badly'! - this means you're not adept at feeling, not that you feel 'bad' - it's supposed to be 'I feel bad'!, .......'irrespective' !! (along the lines of irregardless - we already nailed that one).....using 'their' when 'his or her' is called for!!.......the complete willy nilly mix up of 'I' and 'me'...... 'whose' and 'whom'!...... putting prepositions at the END of a sentence!!!......radtiator!!!! (incorrectly pronounced like 'radish' instead of ray-diator)....... and...... President Bush, who, like President Carter before him, says 'nukular' instead of nuclear!!! disgraceful !!!"........
I asked if there were any more off the top of her head (I was amused at this point). She said 'my brain is fudge. I'm too tired to think.....but there are MILLIONS!!!! (desperation in her voice).
So there's my report. Jane Jane - the "big dic" please. I tried to look short lived up on the OED online, but you have to subscribe.
There's my report. I'm exhausted.
wonder xxx
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
Crikes, lawks and lummox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wot, in the name of all that is mossy, wet and green, is goin' darn 'ere then?????????????
I read the first post that J.J biffed in with interest, and then carried on scrolling down into a load of loosely contained mayhem about punctuation and 'grimmer'??????...
Now as we know...
(yes, I DID see the comments, and no I have NOT passed my 'ducking' driving test yet thank you awfully for inquiring Lucky...shut up and stop talking now.... mumble, mumble, change the subject, why did you have to bring that up....??)
...I do not like to adhere to ANY writing rules apart from my own. I speaks as I torks.....and cannot be bothered to get off my round, rindy arse to gambol through the pages of Big Dick in case of spelling mistakes...I am obviously the exception to the 'alkies are smart' rule.....
Luckily, as the rest of you are such clever interpret melonspeak with ease, as you do ancient Hebrew, Mandarin Chinese and Tax forms.....
This is why I stick around here, where I am at...
I was on another website, but was put off continuing membership when a post I ran collected rather a disturbing response .....An extra 'o' I had unwittingly inserted into the heading seemed to welcome more concern than my 247 kilo frame for some reason....I realise now of course, that the heading SHOULD have read......why I want to lose wait........Gosh...I can be dim sometimes
Now...can we pleeeeez go back to the original topic????? I have plenty to say about intelligence don'tcha know................
SO Smart Yet SO Stupid?
Tawny - I'm rolling!! you're too funny.
and wee!!!! Please tell me...... are you an earth melon, or is there a wee melon planet up in the sky from which you have fallenlike a sweet lunatic melon meteor? you are very dear (and humorous I think?) but what the hell are you saying?