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The real Southernbelle

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    The real Southernbelle

    Hi everyone,
    I don't know how many of you will remember this but, soon after I came here my avatar was my dog..."Southern Belle".
    She was our son's dog but he lets her live here on the farm with us because it is better for her than city apt living.
    Well some of you know that he is a marine and deployed until May 2008.

    Last Thursday Belle was hit by a car...she is ok..hip out of socket and lots of road burn on her underside. The vet says she will be very sore for a few days but should recover.

    I surprised myself (and hubby did too)by "loosing it "when it happened. Whew! I didn't drink but my blood pressure went way up and hubby had to take me by my doc on the way home from vet.

    I said all that to say....we CAN get through trouble times without turning to alcohol. I know it is only our dog but it really was a "test" to see if I could survive...I did...thanks to coming here and reading and knowing that all of you have problems too but we can do this. I also prayed all the way as I drove to the vet.
    It all works together to get us through.
    Thank you friends.
    :h Nancy"Belle"
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    The real Southernbelle

    Nancy "Belle,"

    I am so sorry your little girl was hit. I worry about mine all the time because he has the propensity to get away and run as far and as fast as possible. He does not fear or understand cars.

    I am also extremely glad she is okay.

    And, last but NOT least, I am very proud of you for realizing that getting through that crisis did not require alcohol!! That is one of my pitfalls, once my anxiety hits, I have a very hard time not drinking. Good for you, sweet southern Alabama Belle!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      The real Southernbelle

      Glad to hear your wee dog is going to be fine. I also have a wee dog who means the world to me.........I can imagine just how distressed you must have been.

      And yes, I think it`s just wonderful when we can get through all life`s upsets without turning to drink to steady us.

      Much love,

      Starlight Impress x


        The real Southernbelle

        Southernbelle, you can't say 'only' your dog, she is part of the family ......

        Well done on not drinking, I lost a pet 3 years ago and it is really distressing ..........

        Big hugs :l :l :l


          The real Southernbelle

          Nancy...Long time no see...I know Belle is your world...I and lisa and the kids wish you and Belle a speedy recovery....Love you and all to bits..
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            The real Southernbelle

            I am so glad Belle is going to be ok!!! Give her some love from me.


              The real Southernbelle


              There is no such thing as "only our dog." At least there never ever should be. Your girl is a part of your family. Of course you lost it for a while - you love her just as she loves you.

              So glad you and she are both doing well now. You made it through this AF. That was a great test of character and you passed with flying colors. Now go give that sweet doggie girl a hug as your reward!
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                The real Southernbelle

                Nancy, I'm glad she's going to be ok. Give belle a big belly rub from me!


                  The real Southernbelle


                  Wow! Thank you for sharing that.... it will inspire everyone who reads this. Go easy on yourself as far as taking on too much stress... I know the fear of losing Belle is holding hands with a fear of losing your son. You are an awesome giver here, and thank you once again for being such an inspiration.

                  If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                    The real Southernbelle

                    Nancy, So happy for you that Belle is going to be ok. These darlings do become our children, so I could totally understand being worried anxious and wanting to take that edge off. I applaud you that you didn't. Yesterday I found a very unusual bump/knot on Mamie Eisenhower's tail, my first thought skin cancer. Do dogs get skin cancer? She's so wooly how could the sun even reach her skin. Long story short i worried myself to death for about 2 hours, her vet isn't in on Sat. so Monday I'm taking her in to have it looked at. I want it removed and biopsyed. My vet will look at me like I'm crazy I'm sure, but the love we have for these animals is so deep. I really belive if you can't look into the eyes of a dog and not feel your heart tug, you have no soul.
                    Speedy recovery to Belle and Hugs to her wonderful Dog grandma


                      The real Southernbelle

                      Nancy my heart dropped when I saw that Belle was hit by a car but so thankful that she is alright. Even better that you stayed strong and were able to keep from drinking. Hugs
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        The real Southernbelle

                        Hello Nancy,
                        I was so sorry to hear that your darling dog was hit. I'm glad that he will be ok. You take care of yourself, you hear. You need to go swimming tomorrow.
                        Love Lori
                        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                          The real Southernbelle

                          Thank you...ALL
                          Belle is a very big part of our family. I've always been big on taking care of pets and protecting them ..sometimes from themselves! She loves to run outside and if she see a buzzard...well lets just say she is after it even though it is high in the sky! We don't have her home yet but she is getting lots of TLC at her vet.
                 is good to hear from you! Please kiss Lisa and the kids for me. Honey...lets nail it down. We'll all help you.
                          Lori, Cindy, Mary, Beaches,Allie, Mags, Memarcie, Lucky, Starlight, Betty and everyone of you are so special to me...You have earned a place in my heart...
                          We are visiting with our grandsons for a few days. Getting lots of healing, loving huggs...some times on the sly because the oldest is a teenager now! I'll take all I can get.
                          Love you all too.
                          :h Nancy
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            The real Southernbelle

                            Nancy - enjoy those loving, healing hugs.

                            You deserve them.


                              The real Southernbelle

                              So glad to hear that Belle's OK.:h

                              You Too...:l

                              Bungee goes just about everywhere I go. He's really quik, so it freaks me out if he gets anywhere near a road..
                              I figure my doggies know me better than anybody... and they still love me. :h
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

