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The real Southernbelle

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    The real Southernbelle

    How is Belle Doggy today? When is Belle coming home?


      The real Southernbelle

      So sorry about your dog. hope she heals. well job done on not drinking while under stress

      god bless

      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        The real Southernbelle

        Hey everyone.
        Belle is home!
        She is on her new "Queen" bed being hand fed and given anything she wants!
        She is very sore and her hip may pop out again. We are carrying her down the steps to poop but once she gets outside she starts walking around smelling to see "who" has been in her space! )
        Her eyes look happier today...
        We are keeping her still with a big kennel in from of our door where she loves to sleep anyway. She perks up and looks out often .
        We have very high hopes of a full recovery...maybe she won't chase buzzards quite as fast but I miss my ball playing buddy!
        She sends many licks and kisses to you all for thinking of her. You are all dear to our hearts!
        :l Nancy & "Belle"
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          The real Southernbelle

          how is belle today? my thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and doggy.


            The real Southernbelle

            Sorry Nancy, this is the first I am seeing of this thread. I wish Belle a speedy recovery.........
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              The real Southernbelle

              I started anewjob Nancy & I have not been keeping up. I trulyam so sorry to learn about Belle and I can relateto howtraumatizing it all was. Youare a beautifulbeautifu soul Nancy & I will add you both to my thoughts & prayers. I so believeprayer works.


                The real Southernbelle

                Nancy - so glad that Belle is home, and doing better. They are our babies that never grow up. Be proud that you didn't drink - takes great resolve. :goodjob:
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  The real Southernbelle

                  Dear Nancy,

                  I'm horrified with myself for not having seen this sooner. That being said, I am so happy that Belle is on the mend, and so proud of you for not having a drink during this time. I'm glad you are okay too.

                  Our pets are very special. I love my cats, and they are devoted to me, each in their own way. They all have their own personalities and become part of the family. The world would not be the same without them. Heck, Belle is special to all of us, too!

                  Anyway, lots of love, Nancy. Take care.


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012

