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Long time no see..

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    Long time no see..

    Thankyou for the welcome back and the words of encouragment...Its my first night off the drink here for the last 80+ days...Its not even 6 oclock yet and im feeling a bit shakey..Well a lot..
    I'm gonna do my best...Have a read round for a bit and see what i've missed..
    Its great to se all the familiar names and avatars..Its given me a lift already:l
    Oh and Lisa and the sprogs are all well...Thanks for asking.
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Long time no see..

      Macks I don't know if you've read my struggling thread??? I've slipped lately too, I'm starting AF tomorrow so we can spur each other on ....

      Missed ya, BB


        Long time no see..

        Hi Macks!!!

        You have been missed. I have thought of you with fondness often.

        I like Weemelon's message to you. Sit and Stay! hehehe

        You do have to check out the F thread already mentioned. It is like a padded room on the site!


          Long time no see..

          :welcome: BACK Mack! :l
          Great to see ya!

          You've been missed!:h
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Long time no see..

            Hey Macks,
            welcome back and we really missed your fishy stories. Are the Mrs. and the small fry well? I fell off the wagon big time myself and am struggling on. You are not the only one.
            Hugs Lori
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              Long time no see..

              Hi all,
              I managed to get through tonight without a drink, and frankly i surprised myself..I had that little voice in the back of my head saying why are you even trying..Your gonna get a drink tonight and you know it...But i didnt and i know i'll wake up tomorrow a lot happier than i have for a long time..

              Thanks chaps... You give me the edge i need.
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Long time no see..


                I hope that this post comes off as it is meant...a mocking of myself. I used to be discovery and I remember when you were thinking of dipping your toe back in....and my thoughts he crazy....why would he mess up such a good thing. At that point I had been abs for a few months. Yep...well I stuck my toe back in. At first it was all downhill. Now it has leveled off....and I do have an the "off" button that I so dreamed of. But reality does not fit the dream. I know that I prefer is the only real way to be 90% free of it. The crazy thoughts that run through our heads. For me even with an off button I would "fear" of running out before I was through. So off I would go to the store to buy not even end up drinking it. Which is great that I didn't drink it....but I hated the insane part of going to get it "just in case". Some nights I would drink some just to justify actually getting in the car to go and get it.

                If I read your post right....I don't think that you are sorry to us. But more to you and your family. We all have regrets...but that is no reason to create more of them. I remember reading about how you loved nights just watching TV cuddling with your wife. I had those too...and why in the world I gave that up I will never know. I guess I thought that it would be different. This time it has....but those total AF nights in consecutive order have not.

                I just want to stand as testament that being AF is better for me. What I dreamed of happened and yet I remember the total AF after 3 or so months with so much more fondness than this "dream world" I wanted to reach.

                It just got time to be honest about what I wanted and how much better it could be....because I knew...I had lived it. I am still striving for that...and I don't know why. When I know the grass is greener somewhere why don't I just hop my ass over there for good? You are not alone. And thanks for giving me the opp. to get some of my crap off my chest.

                aka discovery


                  Long time no see..

                  Welcome back Mack.
                  I've been a bit of a stranger for a while too.
                  Letting myself down as well by not staying AF. So, here we all go again. you, me, Betty Boop and others. Somehow I know our mutual support will win the day.... and the night... and the next day.


                    Long time no see..

                    Welcome back brother. Mods has been hard for me. We are all stronger together. I could use a partner to get thru this next week.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Long time no see..

                      welcome back and happy you got a full on fresh day one. good to start brand newwahoooo. we started a little af 30 day on today is the day thread. so come check in anytime you wanna. so happy to see your smiling fishy face.


                        Long time no see..

                        Welcome back there Mackeral! You can only decide what you want.... the rest is gravy. You have been around these boards a long time... Utilize it!!!! I am the last person you want to get advice from, but I have had a LOT of AF time and I know what booze will do to a family.

                        Anyway, welcome back!


                          Long time no see..

                          Your presence has been missed - keep on keeping on - they say, for instance, that the more times you have tried to give up smoking, the better your actual chances of quitting become. Good to have you back.

                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            Long time no see..

                            Macks, welcome back, its great to see that little jumping devil of an avatar of yours.. Listen mate, we all go walkabout from time to time, it may be for a few days, weeks or months, it doesn't matter, what does matter though is that there is always a warm welcome for each and every one of us when we return..

                            Love to Lisa and the kids, and to you of course.

                            Love, Louise xxx
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              Long time no see..

                              Hi Macks - I just saw this thread...Big Welcome Back and I have sure missed seeing you here and reading what's going on with you.
                              This place has been growing lots - so there is lots to read and catch up on and keep you busy and hopefully a bit motivated too. I just made a year at the end of Oct - and I think a lot of that success is due to coming here. I just read sometimes and try to remember why I don't want even that one glass of wine.
                              I'm sorry you have had it tough lately but I am sooo happy to see you back here.
                              Take care - :h
                              Lisa.....oh- I changed my name - formerly Lisa3102


                                Long time no see..

                                Macks, that's what we are here for, we are here for you! You know that I think the world of you and Lisa. I wish you both happiness. Tomorrow is a new day.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

