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Help me find peace please.

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    Help me find peace please.

    Feeling very strange recently. The alcohol doesn't seem to be giving me that 'high' anymore. It still takes me out of the here and now. And I still want to drink of course, and I am drinking (though not more than usual) but the last 2 nights i have barely slept (despite sleeping pills) and the last 3 days have felt a bit 'out of it' and shattered. Must stop soon. Otherwise I'm going to get into that other thing of 'we're so near Christmas, I'll start in January'. I feel that it's making me feel so sluggish that I'll become ill soon.

    Have got my knickers in a complete twist about the family coming to stay for 4 days over Christmas. At first I was worried about the emotional side of it (how my father always riles me and how I end up snapping or in tears, etc.), but now I am in the most ridiculously, silly, state that I am not going to be able to relax between now and Christmas because we'll be so many people that I can't possibly synchronise the entire cooking and Christmas dinner as well. Everyone will help out on the day. I know that. But I've still got to prepare not only all the peripheral stuff like stuffings and sauces before they arrive on Christmas eve, but I'll also have to shop like mad and cook for the freezer. I'm even in a state how I'll cook a turkey at the same time and a different temperature from the roast potatoes and parsnips.

    You cannot imagine reading the above (if you are still awake) that I am an intelligent, amusing woman who can talk about many things. I feel ashamed. I sound so undynamic and sad. No one meeting me would ever imagine I waste nervous energy on the above. Intellectually I cannot imagine why I let such stupid worries into my brain. But I do. 'Too much time on her hands' is what I'd say if I were reading this. All I can say is that there's a huge gap between rational thinking and the general agitation I feel that stops me sleeping. I can't find peace. I'm beginning to feel a bit like I did when I got post-natal depression. At the time I didn't consider myself depressed (I don't now either) but I do remember not sleeping well and getting more and more tired until that in itself led to feeling overwhelmed by life.

    Help me find peace please.


    I suffer the same problem. Brain just won't shut up.

    My family calls my mom "create a crisis" and I guess I learned well from her. Worry about things you can't do anything about and worry about things you can but don't do anything about...

    Sorry. I can't help you. It is 2:30 in the morning here and my head is buzzing around all kinds of little worries and things I need to do.

    Lack of sleep it a killer, huh?


    Perhaps others can answer and give us a clue??
    AF April 9, 2016


      Help me find peace please.

      Cookinghappy is not a name that suits you at the moment! I do know what you mean. You are completly over-whelmed by everything and it is stopping you from sleeping properly. You may not be depressed but the signs are there and should not be ignored. If it was me, I would go and see your GP? Can you do that? Feeling over-whelmed by life is not a good feeling. I got to the point where I had to go and sort it out. Just a thought. You will do what is best for you. I can't say, stop worrying because I'm sure it won't help. I hope you are okay. Bella xxxx


        Help me find peace please.

        Hi Cooking,
        A few years ago my sister put her foot down and told her husband she was NOT going to deal with the stress and hassle of cooking Christmas dinner for her family. He suggested they went to their local Indian restaurant instead - and they've done that every year ever since. Any family/friends are welcome to join them, everyone pays their own way, and there's no mountain of washing up/turkey left to deal with afterwards. Our mother, who is a staunch traditionalist, thought the idea was very odd at first but she joined them one year and had a great time.
        Of course, Christmas dinner is only one meal you have to deal with but maybe going out somewhere would take the pressure off the 'big day'. Then Boxing Day - long walk and a pub lunch? Etc. I always find most people are desperate to get out of the house over Christmas and are only too happy to go out for a meal.
        As for the emotional stuff - arrggghhh! Christmas!!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Help me find peace please.

          Hi Cooking,

          I have to agree with Bella. There are more than a few indicators of depression apparent in what you say. If I was you, I would go see my GP. You may not want to take prescription meds but s/he should be able to put you in touch with people who will offer you coping strategies. Of course this site is great for people helping too so log on and post in regularly and chat with friends who care and have undergone similar experiences.

          Best wishes,



            Help me find peace please.

            How about a break from pills and drinking. If the pills are not working, it may be you have developed a tolerance to them. The only way to help that is to not take them for a while. It will clear out the cobwebs.
            Take deep breathes and sit down and make a list of what you think is important to your family for the holidays. Go over the list and mark off at least half of it.
            Take your list and start doing one thing on it a day...mark it off the list as you get it done.
            Moms have a ways of feeling like it is totally up to us to make everyones holiday perfect...this is NOT humanly possible. It is so NOT your job!
            Last Thanksgiving, we went to our son's house and had dinner from Cracker Barrel for around $50.00!! That was four adults and two kids. I don't think we'll do it every year but it was nice to have a break from the stress. We did roast a turkey breast for sandwiches..Piece of cake!
            I learned that being with loved ones and not being stressed was more important than the "Perfect" meal.

            We are soooo blessed. Let's try and remember that and try to do less for ourselves and be thankful for what we have.
            :h Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10

