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    Can I dump this down the line? - can't quite get my head around it....

    Excuse me for being stupid here bit I think I'm not very good at spotting true friends over....well, others....

    When I moved to Cornwall I made few friends due to the jealous nature of my then partner....when he left I was able to make a few. The lady next door became, what I thought was, my 'best friend' - as in, for someone I hadn't known that long, only for geopgraphical reasons... When I moved to this house, a couple of miles from hers, we met frequently...or did I just drip in frequently (she rarely, if ever came here even if asked...) as I had bought my little boat from her (D. discovered she was selling it and negotiated the price, I paid and yet the ownership certificate had both his and my name on it....?!?.. so he could keep his mooring by putting my boat on it....he said....he never did!!)

    So, H and I struck up this great friendship...she's a great 'tippler' and mostly drank me under the table.... She had a horrendous time with a second hubby who is still a crazy (tried to blow up her car with a huge firework pack last year?!?), she recoginsesone she ssaid and I wasn't one - for definite. We met about twice a week for 4 years.

    Then I lost my licence - she was total support, came to the hearing and everything. Then I fell at New Year - another story unwritten about; everyone thought it was booze but I slipped on washing on the stairs in the dark at 2am going to the loo and had 50 stitches in my mouth/face.....we'll go there if relevant another time!!(Just ALWAYS turn the light never know!)

    She was coming round on 4th Jan to see me but cancelled that morning saying 'she had a bug' - she'd ring in a couple of days'....that was 10.5 months ago. (I couldn't ring her back in January - I couldn't speak for a couple of weeks - ouch!)

    By March I was sooooo upset by this that - well, all the daft things you add in to the cocktail of why we drink eh?!? I'd had 'that letter' and lost my business. I fetl even more lonley....D came and went and I got low - let's leave it at that!!

    WHen D came back in about May, he kept saying that H hoped I was OK; she frequently rang D to ask about me and was 'still there for me and would support me all the way...' ???? (Of course, now I know what he was up to????) I said why doesn't she call me then?....and got a heap of excuses....'she's really busy on her book...' being one of them. This has hurt each time I have thought about it since....not driving I don't get near her house ever boat has had a lean year; no water, no tides, no time, no money and no weather - let alone transport!!

    Thing is, it 'happened' today...........on my way back p from town.....saw her car for the first time. Well, thought it was hers....kept walking and a timid voice said, "Hello?".... Hello I replied.... I have never seen such flustered excuse speak in my life!!! Including, she didn;t recognise me and how amazing to see me 'come back from the dead..........' 'What a truly terrible year you've had' she says.....'Really?' say I? (There being no other way she could have known about AA, stopping drinking, any actual need to stop drinking, anything at all - except through David. And she went on to say how many others have asked about me (having also 'disappeard'...) He must have started ladling it on with a trowel in about January..... possibly even (we might never know of course...) on TOP of that letter...

    I amreally wondering just how much 'damage' this guy's done.....! And back to feeling very uncomfortable about 'the locale'.... I have no friends. Is this why? (BTW - she's not been writing her book, that was just D's thought up excuse or....I don't know who to beleive any more...)

    Good thing was that as I stood talking to her I felt strong....I thought of you guys.... I looked at her levelly when she said how absolutely incredible it was to see me (um, on the end of the same old phone line there, dear!) and she''d missed me, and said, I've missed you too, H...very much..." Ring me and come for a cup of tea she said. (She would never have suggested TEA in a million years before!!!! Something tinto yes....!) I suggested she ring me. Dave's dropped in a few times andsaid he hasn't seen you she said.... The conversation went on to suggest that they'd been fishing around for info on me!!!!

    (D once said to her apparently, "I don't know how she's coping...." quite sweet of him I guess in its way...but went on to say after I remarked thus..... "Oh no, he said, I don't know how she's possibly coping without me" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    So, I'm just feeling rather queasy about the whole thing.... I'd always rather believe people and trust that they have their hearts in the right place..... but this isn't one of those is it? Or is it? Am I just being paranoid thinking that D has really 'spread it about and it's now growing potatoes'!! It's horrible..... he made such mountains out of moleshills and told so many people - I hope there aren't too many people laughing their face off behind my back!

    Thing is you see, I can imagine that many ARE saying, why's she just joined the choirs, coming to church, getting involved NOW....after being here for 9 years? With what D's saying it could well be 'seen' that I have spent the last 8 years as a raving alcoholic - and I haven't! And he knows it! I can'r bear to think of all the people I know who I've always known here but are now just being polite and not genuine.....

    BUT, I CAN look in that mirror - I CAN think of all you guys - I CAN think about the amazing strengths and courages that reside here at MWO.....and boy, are they bigger and better than the petty goings on here!!! (But I do feel saddened by it all.............. Dog, what damage can be done to another's life under the guise of 'being helpful' and 'caring'........)

    So, I don't know what to think, where to go with this.....except just carry on of course.

    AND, big this more to do with denial - that bl**y river in Egypt I've so studiously avoided so far....or is that what D wants me to 'admit' - for, seemingly his own end - what ever the heck that is??? If he's 'told' half the area what he thinks I am and I deny it, then I shall REALLY look a laughing stock............. I so don't want people's 'pity' and 'praise' in stopping.... not needed. I would love their respect for being ME just as I am - not for overcoming anything as seedy as drink...........Now I just feel a PRATT walking around here smiling and doing and chatting.......(Bloody man.)

    I AM in denial aren't I...........? F*** it. NO.

    Thanks, :upset:

    FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


    Finding My Self,

    Girl hold your head up high; trun your balk and walk away from it all; wiggle your little A@@@@@ (behind) and say ta ta. You are so much better than this. Don't give it a second thought.




      FMS-- this (what you said), says it all:

      "Good thing was that as I stood talking to her I felt strong....I thought of you guys.... I looked at her levelly when she said how absolutely incredible it was to see me"

      Sweet revenge, it is!

      Yes, you could look her right in the face, no shame, no tail between the legs. GOOD on you!

      As for the rest of the story, well I've got lots of questions, but think I'll wait until next saturday then.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



        Thanks Free Bird and Beatle....

        Yes, just being daft here really - TG I'm not 'famous' (?!); I'd be in more than 'Rehab' along with Amy Herself!!! All those prying eyes and published lies?? Um, don't somehow think I'd be very good at that do you?!?!

        And, just to say, I do know it seems a bit arrogant really as I am not suggesting for a moment that the whole area around here does nothing but think/talk about me!

        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



          FMF.........move on from this in your head........I`m the talk of the place for many folk who remember me from my particularly heavy drinking days. NOW???.........well, I don`t give a flying f*** who is talking about me..........I`ve got my act together and can hold my head high, as you should`ll all soon be "yesterday`s news" as they move on to slagging off the next unfortunate soul. Be proud of who and what you are........I`m proud of you. :l

          Starlight Impress x



            FMS I agree with what everyone else had said, as my confidence has risen i've started to hold my head high walk away ....

            Glad that you thought about us though ......... can't wait till saturday!!!!



              I just don't know.
              This whole alcohol issue is crazy. It is difficult to, as you say, wrap your head around it.
              As I read this, I thought, oh, is this the story of alcohol paranoia? Then, I remembered so many unbelievable events in my own life. Including two financial conspiracies and one that had no regard for my well being. And, if I hadn't gone to court... I probably would have walked away thinking, it was all my fault, in my head and the booze.
              So... as Sen. Barry Goldwater from AZ plaque on his desk used to say, 'ILLEGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM' [latin translation... don't let the bastard's get you down]
              Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!




                I also have been the victim of someone who delights in making sure everyone knows about my "problem." And now I guess everyone does. It makes me extrememly angry and upset and paranoid at times. But I have pretty much gotten over that. I learned that you just have to say f*** it to all of those people and go on with your life. Funny, I have found that my true friends live in a computer, not in my neighborhood.

                Hold your head high, look them straight in the eye, and don't be afraid of them. You're way above all that crap. And you have much better friends than they do. They should be jealous of you!
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                  Sweetie........I'm thinking of you.

                  Lots and lots of love .

                  Minty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



                    Dare I swear????

                    Bu**er Boll**ks SH*t Shi*te Fu*k

                    Just want to say thank you all for your well wishes...

                    Can't believe this but earliest flight is THURSDAY...cheapest is Saturday!!!



                      Minty - Good luck!!! And no, I don't think you f***ing swore did you?!?!

                      Thank you all - just done a beautiful Requiem Mass....there, of course, in the light of stunning music and peace and togetherness - all their petty, possible shallowness just disappears!

                      'Interestingly' this friend (?!) wrote about people under the Ivy sign (me) in her revered Celtic Moon Signs book, "For Ivy people generally, it appears that you will sometimes attract the notice of others who have dark intentions and your prime lesson in life may be to become more conscious of other people's real motives - including your own." Hmmmm! Well I never!

                      Yes, I need to see 'em coming!! I've always been like the kid patting the rabid dog!!!! (And i haven't 'missed' the 'including my own'...hmm, mirror in place...)

                      So, I don't know - 'silly me'!!! And thaks for all your loving reassurance....means so much.

                      (Wonder if you'll remind me of these posts one day....cringe cringe!!)

                      Lots of love
                      FMS xxxx

                      (Thought of so many of you in the service.....loved ones lost....Guerrino and Ade and...........)
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



                        FMS....I'm sorry....shouldn't have posted that last thread.

                        Hope you're feeling a little better today. I'll think of you.

                        xxx Minty xxx



                          Minty - don't worry! I'm glad you did! I hope your plans are going well... England awaits!!

                          Feeling much better today...why do I let such a little thing as gossip bother me?!?

                          (Hmmm, poor self-esteem and a big ego.... NOT good!!)

                          Love and thanks for your time...
                          FMS xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."




                            My daughter has the same issues with "friends" she used to hang out with. As a matter of fact, they all warned her fiance to stay away from her because she is a "drunken whore." It broke her heart because the very same people who told him that were the very same people whom she has seen passed out drunk and doing pretty much the same thing as she was. It confused her.

                            It does not confuse me. Being a bit older, I understand projection. These people deep down know that they live in glass houses and it is better to throw rocks at someone else's.

                            By the Grace of God, her fiance ignored them and has told my very beautiful, kind, caring daughter that no matter what she did and how she lived, it was all good because all those steps led her to him. (wow)

                            Hold your head up, keep your chin up and smile. You are so much beyond the petty gossip and rumors. Remember, you don't live in a glass house anymore!!

                            AF April 9, 2016



                              Wow, Cindi....thanks...but wow for your daughter and her fiance!! How lovely!

                              It is amazing isn't it to stand and look (from a bit of a distance) at people I was so close to, so looked up to, was so in awe of and see them a bit more clearly... yet on top of all the seeing myself now (good and bad!) more wonder it's confusing and a bit overwhelming!

                              There are so many people I've 'lost the plot' over - got really angry about/with...and taken on board their poo about it being my problem and my failings (although that led to drink for me - not becuase of drink)....and yet (even though it might indeed be so at times!) never in a million years seen that it was/might be them...that other people truly do have 'ishoos'!! I mean, where've I been all my life?!?!?

                              If I was to say that it was because I needed to see the significant others (partners/close friends/bosses) in my life to be 'faultless', 'perfect', 'right', 'strong', 'knowledgeable' I mad?! Or just severely anally retentive and naive! Or, I suppose, still desperately looking for the parent figure so I can at last 'grow up'?! (Dog, that is SAD!) Grow up into someone who recognises and feel she deserves someone, OK, with 'stuff' (50 with no 'stuff' = probably boring!) but nonetheless OK...and really
                              go with the feeling I have had for some years now that if I am spending most of my time mad at someone becuase I am hurting insde about... e.g. serious lack of commitment, or love or respect - then remove them from my life!!
                              Not go on getting mad and bad and then feeling bad about that! (And boy, yes, if there's a projector out there I'll attract them like moth to a flame!! NO MORE!!)

                              Lots of 'learning' for me going on here in this little thread corner....thank you to everyone's input... I really appreciate it... it's as if I want to keep it going but in tiny print though...all a bit embarrassing but soooo important!! Not a shout out loud thread is what I mean....!

                              Love FMS xx
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

