DB2 I could not agree more. Ima...you are only 42! Do you know how real it is that you will live to be 84! I am 36 and I feel like such a baby in this thing called life. Sure when I was young I "looked" up to my elders (now I realize that they were just babies themselves)...but now that I am getting there...I realize that they didn't have a clue about life...just much like I don't now. It has made the path to forgiving my parents so much easier...I realize now that they were doing the best that they could....they are now 56. I realize just now are they really "getting" life. And boy are they...call it a mid-life crisis...but I am glad to see it and learn from it at the age I am now. And I would not be learning a damn thing if I had not walked the path I had. Could you imagine me...thinking I had it all together in my 20's and 30's.....then to wake up now and realize that I didn't know a damn thing. It would be such a let down. Yet, now I realize I am much just like the rest in my age group...or almost ahead of the curve because I had the path I did. I see so many people who walk around at the age of 36 "looking" like they have it all together...I know better. Even Oprah says that she didn't get it until 50...so put it in perspective.