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It's too dark too early!

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    It's too dark too early!

    Just have to complain - it's only 5:30 p.m. here and dark as a witch's ... uh, well, you know. I hate the time change!! This is going to do wonders for my depression.

    :durn: :blah: :argh: :upset:
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

    It's too dark too early!

    I know.. I started dinner at 5:00! Sheesh.. Guess I better just go to bed...
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      It's too dark too early!

      I guess what's really weird about the early darkness is that a couple months ago I was rarely conscious (sober) enough to notice the fall of night. Frigging weird. Amazing all the new awarenesses that come with not being f**d up all the time, eh?
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        It's too dark too early!

        btw... MM - I just noticed in the community calendar a "Learn to meditate" class on Monday nights. I just might go tomorrow (thanks to your encouragement in the other thread).
        Gotta be better than sitting home in the frigging dark!!
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          It's too dark too early!

          MWO (formally, Imatree)

          Years ago. Okay, MANY YEARS AGO, I lived in Germany. Over there at this time of year the days start getting dark at 3:00 pm. (light at 8:30 am or so..)

          I would "crank up" and get out at noon and wheel my son around in his "pram" before it got dark again. Wow. When I look back at it, it was so hard. No TV (we were kinda poor,) only radio and whatever I could do to make things "right."

          I recognize, now, that it was "SAD" because someone put a name to the problem but that just doesn't seem to make things better. We can shine all the lights on our faces we want, we still can't go out and enjoy the day when it is FREAKING DARK RIGHT AFTER LUNCH!!


          However, I also realize that what we are dealing with is just a part of life. Get up earlier and enjoy each and every day as it comes to you/us/me.

          Just be glad we don't live in the Arctic or Antarctic. But hey, there is a reason people don't live there, heh??

          I am not making "light" of the situation, just saying it is something we need to learn to deal with, just like the other issues we deal with.

          I live in Alabama. For some reason the "powers that be" decided we would be on Central Daylight Savings Time. So, here we are, after DST kicks in, light at 6:00 and dark by 4:00. The rest of the states above us are on Eastern Daylight Savings Time and doing much better than me.

          Anyone have a "gig" for me, long term, where this crap doesn't happen? I do databases...

          AF April 9, 2016


            It's too dark too early!

            Fall is wonderful!
            It's the end of a season. Crisp, cool, clean.
            Time to shed the old dying husks, hunker down and save up energy for a bright new Spring.
            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


              It's too dark too early!

              It is crazy at how early it gets dark now!!! But at least it will be lighter a bit earlier in the morning!!!! I can handle that.

              My daughter and I went for a nice walk about an hour ago and it was absolutely refreshing outside. We took the LOOONG way around the block.............. I love this time of year.


                It's too dark too early!

                In Oz it's too light too long at the moment - used to love this time of year, could play tennis after work etc - but when you are trying to put a recalcitrant 9 year old to bed - arggghh - send a little darkness my way

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  It's too dark too early!

                  Isn't it great that, being all together in 'cyberspace', we can hear everyone's differing views on light!!! Or dark! And imagine at least one friend in the daylight/sun/dark/night at ay time!

                  I mean, I personally do not like the dark - except that if I put my mind to it yes, there ARE things I appreciate - like not being woken at 4am by the dawn, blackout curtains or not! And, about now in the year, I do get a little ripple of excitement about Christmas lights.....! (And romantic candles 'work' so much better in the winter! Just find me that romance!!!)

                  Guess, if I am completely honest, there are two reasons for not liking shorter days.....
                  1) I find it harder to 'sit with myself' in long evenings on my own. Summer brings lots of 'escaping' mechanisms...(and it's always been like that!! Time to address it!)
                  2) The winter evenings remind me of my growing up => being inside for longer => being witness to and in the firing line of the sh*t from/between the parents.... aaagh!

                  But....... (2) is past....loooong past!!! And (1) is just part of the journey I'm on; funny. years ago, I used to love being on my own, music blaring, writing being done, house being cosied/decorated, dreams being dreamed......and I think that last one's the one....I've become too fearful (cynical?!) in the dream stakes....50 is different to 23!! I now know many dreams just can't come true and need to learn to sit with that without this awful fear!

                  AND, dreaming and feelnig good on my own reminds me of drinking evenings on my own...I don't want to go to those memories; too darned embarrassing...but this one will pass I guess...(hope!)

                  Realised that I think, at the moment, the last one's my biggest reason for feeling poo in the evenings.....mirror-looking guilt! Oh well, only I (and time) can deal with that one!!

                  Hence, I've joined so much evening stuff! Which I think is probably 'healthy' running away?!! (Grimmer on the bus and under an umbrella with a torch than in the longer days but OK nonetheless!)

                  Thanks for letting me - here I go!!! - ramble and clarify some thoughts!

                  What about if we all post one real, specific dislike about our light preferences and one pleasure??....shine a light on them so to speak...!!!

                  Hope you find your way through the long nights to the short ones, MOW! :l If you were still your tree we'd be admiring your beautiful fall colours!! (But, I agree, we can hide behind our leaves in the spring/summer...:H ..!!!!)

                  Love FMS xx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    It's too dark too early!


                    Just thought i'd give my life situation for you to compare with.. Might make you feel better about your life..
                    I work permanent nights, 4 x 10 hour shifts on my feet most of the night. I get home around 7 am and go to bed by 8 am, i then get up just before 3pm to see the last rays of sun before getting dark again. So as you can see in the winter time i see very little light due to my work. It's pretty rubbish... But, a big BUT, it's really up to me if i want to stay in a job like that forever or do something different. And for the time being it suits me okayish. So instead of feeling sorry for myself or for the lack of light, i try to find the nicer things to think about and enjoy. I.e. on my days off, i try to go for a walk whilst it's still light.
                    And don't you think lighting up loads of candles on those really dark nights makes everything look warm and cosy (you won't see the cob webs etc in part Just put your favourite pyjamas on a bit earlier, nice warm socks and cuddle up by the tv, computer or a good book.. or your partner, if you're lucky enough to have one. (i've been on my own for about 5 years now and i'm only 41).

                    I do know life is a hard grind at times, but i think it's very important to remember that every day counts. And to be honest, you should never give up your dreams. There's so much you can do about things. So many courses to take, new things to learn, you're never too old for that. I picked up sign language this autumn, next year i want to add belly dancing to that.. etc..

                    I'm 5 days AF, day 6 today and i'm beginning to wake up now.

                    I wish you all the best for the autumn, try to keep your spirits up. Look for something new to do, that always help.

                    Take care.
                    Finski :l


                      It's too dark too early!

                      Finski! Thank you! I shall think of you each time I have a moan!! I am indeed blessed!
                      FMS xxx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

