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Monday 11-5 Club?

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    Monday 11-5 Club?

    Good morning all! There have been a few of us who had done quite well, then slipped off our good behavior for whatever reason, for whatever length of time. I know I'm not the only one who decided (on Friday) to make today, Monday November 5, the new beginning.

    I thought it might be helpful if all of us who are starting, or starting over, this very day, keep an eye and an ear on each other. Sort of a community within a community? This is NOT, I hasten to stress, to be in any way "exclusive"---but I will be honest: I feel very much in need of people on my exact page. As inspired as I am by those who have been AF for 30-60-90-plus days, as much as I long to join those ranks (and plan to!) I feel a little (a lot) inadequate and ashamed in their presence!

    I thought it might be fun to "meet" each morning from today until the day after Thanksgiving (Britishers, that's not to exclude you! It's just that, for us statesiders, Turkey Day is a BIG excuse to drink nouveau beaujolais and it's the day I most dread, as I gird up my loins for the weeks ahead.

    So, if anyone's with me, let's start the first day of our VICTORY MARCH with a questionnaire. My answers will follow.

    1) What, for you, made "today the day?"
    2) When was this decision made?
    3) How many AF days had you had before the last "slip'?
    4) Was there a particular post recently, or something you read, that resonated with you, and gave you new determination?
    5) Is your goal total abstinence or moderation?
    6) What was the very scariest thing you ever did while drunk, that you really can't remember but were told about later?
    7) What did you drink this weekend as your "goodbye-to-all-that" final fling? (Oh, yes, you did, too, or today wouldn't be your first day, right???)
    8) Name a book/books whose alcoholic protagonist scared you.
    9) Name a movie/movies whose lead character made you think about quitting?
    10) What precipitated your last slip, and what plans do you have to fight it this time?
    ************************************************** *********

    1) I just got tired of feeling ashamed, and the difficult task of hiding/disposing of the wine bottle before my trusting husband arrived home was getting to be like a stressful part-time job! After our "Big Talk" in July, I was AF for about 7 weeks, then eased back into my large-bottle-of-Bella-Sera-du-jour habit. Mr. Jane never knew a thing, because he was not playing "cop"---that is the level of his faith in me, and it's really my love for him that has shamed me into becoming what he thinks I've been for the past 3 months!

    2) This past Friday. I knew I had a big party on Saturday, so figured I'd let that be The End. Husband wasn't going because of a conflict, so I thought, nice chance to tipple unobserved (by him).

    3) Around 50.

    4) Whoever said: "Don't think of it was deprivation, but as a gift you give yourself"---something like that.

    5) Moderation, I hope, but we'll see. Dangerous thinking for me!

    6) Years ago, it was a beautiful starry spring night, and I decided (after my nice bottle) to go out to the pasture in the moonlight and take a bareback ride on my horse. We circled the field a time or two, and Jane the Crazy decided to kick him into a canter. After he took about 3 strides, I sailed right off into a huge oak tree. By all rights I should be dead of a broken neck!

    7) I actually skipped the Saturday party. On Sunday my older daughter and I met at a lovely bistro and shared a really good pinot noir from Oregon---2 glasses each. I wanted to end on a happy note, not a miserable drunk one.

    8) *Running with Scissors* and *Dry* by Augustine Burroughs (although he did drugs, too, never my thing.) And *Drinking: A Love Story* by the late Caroline Knapp.

    9) *My Favorite Year* with Peter O'Toole. A comedy, oddly enough, but---oh, just rent it and you'll understand.

    10) Plain ol' pride: I thought I had licked the enemy, but it was only lying patiently in wait. Also, I wanted to reward myself "just once" for being so good for so long. "Once" Ha ha. Sure, Jane! Plans: to keep coming here, and to keep Miss Bella Sera OUT of my fridge!

    Best to all...
    Jane Jane

    Monday 11-5 Club?

    Good post Jane Jane. I may have to study this later today.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Love and Peace,

    Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


      Monday 11-5 Club?

      Really good to read... especially for me this morning!!!
      Wasn't there a movie with Jack Lemon... something like Lost Weekend?
      And another one.... I'll Cry Tomorrow...
      I'll look them up. and get back to you
      I like what you wrote. And I think this is good.
      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


        Monday 11-5 Club?

        Thanks jane jane, will be back later with my answers .....


          Monday 11-5 Club?

          I've tried to join in several of these AF group threads... only to disappoint myself. I'd like to give it another try. Today is a new day, right?

          So jane jane - I'll give a go at most of your questions:
          1) Because today is a new day, and there has to be a day that is the first day of a long, maybe lifelong, AF stretch... so why not today?
          2) heck, I make the decision weekly. But this morning I'm feeling rather crappy from last night's jag, and so this morning I move forward with renewed resolve.
          3) The longest stretch was 9 days. I've been drinking 2-3 days a week the past several weeks (which is a HUGE improvement).
          4) The support I received from many here in the thread I started last night "Waking up to my self ... sucks". Encouragement from all who posted has given me new optimism.
          5) Yuh - I'd love to say moderation, but uh, I really ought to be AF forever.
          6) It's been a long time since I've had a really scary drunk... can't remember.
          7) Well, um, last night I drank a pint of whiskey. I haven't drank anything but beer or wine in months.... don't know why I got it, really, but I did!
          8) Can't think of a book right now.... I probably avoid books with drinkers!
          9) That movie from years ago... Meg Ryan was a drunk mom and had a wonderful husband who loved and helped her get sober.
          10) What precipitated last slip - well, I slip twice a week - I'd say mostly it's escape from being fully conscious. But I'm learning that not being fully-counscious ain't so great afterall. I've really been enjoying my sober days.

          Okay then... here we go!
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            Monday 11-5 Club?

            C'mon in, MOW! We're going to have fun in this club. And thanks for the reminder of the movie "When a Man Loves a Woman." SCARY! I've been told that I look a bit like Meg Ryan...after drinking! One of my goals is to look more like her SOBER---this wino life sure does play Hell with the under-eye bags and pasty skin...maybe VANITY will ultimately be my booze cure?

            Others: can I make a motion that the first person to answer each day's little questionnaire gets to make up the next day's? Doesn't have to be a lot of questions---just one good one would do, d'you think? I always enjoy the things other people want to know; sometimes it's something I haven't thought about but need to.

            So---My Own Woman, you keep those pretty paws away from that bottle today and tonight, and start us off tomorrow, okay?
            Jane Jane


              Monday 11-5 Club?

              Uh, jane jane... is it just you and me? Well, I think there are a group of others on the Fireworks thread working on a Nov. 5 start. Should we just jump into their party??
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                Monday 11-5 Club?

                Jane Jane - I'm sort of bumping this for you as I think it's great....

                But also 'fessing up to something I think of (sort of gratefully as in stopping any complacency!) from time to time as, probably, my scariest moment....the weekend before things changed in May!! My answer to #6!

                I had gone out on my own (which I had often done) in my little boat - 21' and big enough...this time.... I was down the river and it was getting dusk...I needed to race back for the tide (not 'concentrating') and - having drunk far too much on board - in my rushing around on deck I tripped....I can still see the water below me as I soooo nearly fell overboard. What stopped me I don't know - the great hand of The Good Guy I think! I had always been careful about 'boating and drinking' ; it is very dangerous....yet there I was. If I had fallen in I think the cold would have got me and a large draught of air/water..... or banged my head on the way quick. (Nearly dark, nobody around for miles....)

                But I'm here and sober and happy and forever grateful!!! 'That Stuff' simply isn't worth it! (I have to 'remind' here, to be honest, that I have 70mls wine plus soda from time to time....but I am blessed in not wanting more. And with this memory coming up from time to time....all is well just now!! Stay AF for a good long time before attempting mod-ing if ever....stay safe.)

                Thanks for reminding me JJ!! Living is good.

                I hope you get lots of answers to help you/folk prefer 'sober-ness' as well!! (I am glad you and the oak tree wasn't worse...)

                Love FMS XX
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  Monday 11-5 Club?

                  Hi Jane and everyone else in the 11-5 club. Here goes-

                  1. When I read the "Fireworks" thread that sweetpea started - the one that introduced the 11-5 club - it really motivated me to go AF.
                  2. I knew that I had to go AF because Mods doesn't work for me. I've been working on going AF for about a month now. I just needed a kick in the butt to start. "Ouch"
                  3. I've never tried AF. I did 3 weeks MOD when I first started at the end of August.
                  4. The "Fireworks" thread and reading comments from long time AF members has been my motivation.
                  5. Total AF
                  6. On a beautiful ,windy, autumn day, I was home alone and decided to listen to music and drink. Of course, it didn't take me long to hammer down my first bottle of wine when I decided to go outside for something. Well, the wind made the door slam behind me and locked me out of the house. I live out in the country, so at least there were no neighbors involved (thank god). I took a ladder from the garage and tried to open up a second floor window - no luck. After 30 minutes I finally managed to pry a window open with a crow bar and climbed in. I was very lucky I didn't fall off the roof.
                  I was very ashamed of myself!
                  7. I bought 2 bottles of Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon. I drank both bottles (not going to waste a good wine!!)
                  8. Lost Years - Confessions of a Woman Alcoholic by Megan Moran.
                  9. 28 days with Sandra Bullock - I also often think of the movie - Days Of Wine And Roses with Jack Lemon. My dad was an alcoholic and I remember watching it alone when I was 12 - it made me very sad.
                  10. I was upset by a visit with my brother and sister in-law on Labor Day. Their materialism, and selfishness really gets to me and I know I can't talk to my husband about them because he gets mad or just doesn't talk when it comes to my complaints about his family.

                  Good Luck 11-5 club!!!!


                    Monday 11-5 Club?

                    I'll start with an answer to this question:
                    3) How many AF days had you had before the last "slip'?

                    Nineteen is the most AF days for me this year. Prior to this year...maybe 2. I drink beer every day. Well, until MWO and I have had a few AFD's since joining this site. However I still have not made it to 30 days.
                    More later,
                    Love and Peace,

                    Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                      Monday 11-5 Club?

                      The best I have done lately is 28 days!

                      Haven't seen any of the movies but read the book, 'Drunk, Growing Up a Smashed Girl', and identified with it, just got through Melbourne Cup Day, better than years past, but it's hard to ignore a culture of drinking.

                      I don't know what to feel, would love to not drink at all, but really hard in a culture that looks at you like a freak if you don't!

                      Luv Jas xx
                      :thanks: :h

