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42 Days: Day 1

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    42 Days: Day 1

    Hi everyone,

    I posted in "What we are reading" a few days ago and told people of how I had read a self-help book called "42 Days to Wealth, Health and Happiness" by Robin Seiger, and wrote about my desire to give his programme a go. The main reason for attempting it is because to successfully conclude it you must be AF for the 42 days of the programme; an amount of time AF that I have not maintained since I was a teenager.

    I am doing the programme in conjunction with MWO because I hope to get support and encouragement from others: Seiger simply says don't drink, but I don't think he has any real idea how hard this is for omeone like me.

    Well today is day one and I thought I would post to let people know how I am getting on

    The programme obviously doesn't want you to drink; so far,so good.

    The nutritional aspect calls for you to avoid processed and canned foods. Again so far so good.

    There is also an exercise component and I have to admit it I have not managed to fit it in yet. I am supposed to undertake a brisk 20 minute walk or do some exercises such as press-ups and squats.

    These are pretty lame excuses I know, but I have had a shitty day at work, was supposed to be picking up a new car and the deal has, temporarily, fallen through, it's fireworks night and I can't be bothered running through all the banging, and my daughter has friends in and I don't want to be doing press-ups when they are wandering through the house.

    Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day. I'll try hard tomorrow to get into the whole programme more rigorously.

    Thanks for reading


    42 Days: Day 1

    Interesting and ambitious. I wish you the best of luck and I WILL be following. Now do those press-ups man!
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      42 Days: Day 1

      Raoul you duck......A good start my friend, and I'm sorry, but the thought of you puffing up and down in front of your daughters mates made me laaarrrff out loud....just the sort of actions a teenangel would be THRILLED for a parent to be performing in front of those that matter most......
      Pleeeeezzzz Raoul...just do them...perhaps wear a funny little costume too....and sing a song about goblins......As a parent, you must find your fun where you can!!!!!

      Day one seems to have gone fine though...I am replying to this v. late though as I haven't been on all week and have only just found it...I'll scamper through the rest of the days and see how you progress..........

