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Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

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    Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)


    We are all behind you because without MWO all of us would still be leading a meaningless life feeling alone, worthless and just waiting for our next drink

    I will leave feedback and do youthink it would be in order to suggest that people visit the community wesite to actually see just how much support we give each other as a direct result of reading your book

    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


      Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)


      Hi and thanks again, everyone. Congrats also to you Barry, and to all who are doing so well!

      Sweetpea, regarding your question, I think your idea about encouraging others to visit the forum is great because it will allow individuals to decide for themselves whether or not this place is right for them. However, I don't know if Amazon allows web addresses to be included in reviews.

      What Amazon does allow is anyone with an opinion to post a review. Sorta like our forum, most anything goes. Unfortunately, it's a little more difficult to balance misinformation about MWO on an external site than it is here because those of you who have been at this for a while can speak about your own experience and what has worked for you. I've always believed that in the end the truth would prevail.

      I am very grateful to those of you who posted feedback on Amazon UK because the latest review is an example of what I'm referring to. It's not my style to do this, but I've got to take exception to a review that was posted by an ex MWO member. Had she written it with integrity, I would have left this alone. I understand that MWO doesn't work for everyone--nothing does. I respect an honest opinion even if I don't agree with it. However, there's more to this story so I really feel I must respond in the event that those who read it actually do come here to check out the site, and specifically this thread.

      [ame=]kelly[/ame] - [ame=]See all my reviews[/ame]

      I'd advise against purchasing this book as I believe it is just a way of drumming up trade for the authors web forum. Unfortunatley it will appeal to vunerable people who are looking for an answers to a problem that this approach just can not claim to have helped.

      RJ: Yes, looking for vulnerable people to help and I make no apologies for that. Disagree that we cannot claim to have helped people.

      Kelly: I've tried the program and found it to be rather like embarking on a new diet fad; works well for a time then old habits creep back in.

      RJ: This is no fad diet and if approached in that manner there's little chance it will work. Alcoholism is a serious, progressive condition. Those who find this program helpful work very hard at it but it's often the first time they have reliable tools--and a support system--at their disposal. Hundreds of posts address strategies to help achieve long term success by those who have been there and are doing it.

      Kelly: Members of the forum (which is free to join) are encouraged by other members to "subscribe" to the site in order to help with the sites running costs, and alot of members do this as it also "unlocks" certain message boards which are enticing in their ability to let newbies into the clique. The money raised by the relentless ad popups surely must provide all the necessary funding.

      RJ: Membership is always free and will continue to be free so those who need help can find it. Unlike most any other recovery board, visitors can read all but one forum so registration is not required. Tools like DrinkTracker, chat, and research resources are available at no cost to anyone who wants them. The relatively new Subscriber forum costs $9.95 a month and helps support administrative, technical and marketing costs. It provides a smaller, more intimate venue for discussion. Over 1,500 people, including guests, visit our fourm each day. We currently have approximately 4,400 registered members and of that number, approximately 3% are paying subscribers. The relentless popup ads are part of the site's Google AdWord campaign and generate less than $300 in revenue per month, however we hope to initiate a more aggressive banner ad campaign in the future to help underwrite costs.

      Kelly: One has to ask themselves why an author who claims to have such "answers" needs to use a pseudonym. Maybe perhaps to avoid any ensuing litigation.

      RJ: A pseudonym would never protect an author from litigation--sorry, that's just silly. As I stated in my book, I am protecting my family's privacy. I make no excuses for it. Anyone who comes to visit here understands the value of anonymity. To be honest, a close physician friend told me before I released the book to tread carefully...that I was dealing with a rather volatile population. What I've learned is that I'm dealing with a really wonderful population, but indeed, there have been some volatile individuals along the way. I've received hate mail and threatening phone calls. I've been accused of some really ugly things. One day I may divulge my identity. But I stand by my decision to lay low. It has served me well.

      Kelly: I would be extremely wary of any kind of "self help" book that is self published and would not have purchased the book had I fully understood that the book is merely a marketing tool.

      RJ: If by marketing you mean marketing the program, then yes, guilty as charged. And I will continue to market the program until I find something more effective. If you know of anything, please share.

      Kelly: Checked out the author's forum today and all I say is watch this space for a flood of "5 star" glowing reviews.

      RJ: I never asked for five star reviews. I asked for honest feedback.

      Kelly: A good and informative book at first glance, but I worry about the author's motive, whoever she or maybe even he is.

      RJ: This is what gets me. I know which member this is. She's been on this forum for ages and certainly she know what my motives are by now. If she didn't like the program, or it didn't work for her, I'm very sorry. Had she asked for additional help or support, I would have offered it. I don't mind so much someone blasting the program--or me--out of ignorance. But to discourage others from exploring it because of personal issues related to forum politics is just plain wrong.

      I ask that any of you who are new and reading to please post whatever questions you have to members here. You've come for help and I believe that's what you'll find.

      Thanks for reading through all this. I may delete it soon, as I'm not terribly comfortable going on the defense publicly. It's probably a response that should have been slept on. But I'm posting nonetheless so those who read the latest feedback have a little more context about where it's coming from.

      Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


        Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

        Great answers RJ. Who is this Kelly anyway?

        I just hope all our UK friends can send in outraged responses and great reviews to counteract this ridiculous, malevolent review.

        Do you think those of us who do not live in the UK can also respond?

        We who have benefited from this truly wonderful self-help programme must make sure it is available to others who also stand to benefit, and to do that they must not be turned off before they even try.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

          Dearest RJ,

          I do not see your interview as going on the defense at all. In fact, I see it as clarification. Hopefully the silver lining to all of this will be that more will be helped through all you have so selflessly done for those that suffer from problem alcohol issues.

          I would just like to add that no amount of letters after a name guarantees that the person is honest, informed or right.

          As Always, I thank you for all you do,
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

            I love your question, beatle........."Who is this Kelly?"

            Obviously, "Kelly" is a PSEUDONYM!!!!!!!. :H

            Starlight Impress x


              Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

              RJ - I think your post is brilliant... full stop.

              Kelly who?...................... %&#+*?#@!

              Love FMS x
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

                Good one Starlight :H What is Kelly afraid of??
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)


                  Please do not delete your post.

                  I will go to Amazon, UK and post.

                  If only others who live MY life could undertand. I CANNOT got to AA. I travel every week. Us travelers are notorious drunks.

                  If was not for this site, I would be all alone on the road.

                  I wish the topa had worked for me but the supps have helped tremendously.

                  I am, however, waiting for the Baclofen and will try it this week.

                  I do wish that being an alcoholic meant that a simgle drug could make things better, but your book does not say that or infer it.

                  All of us have different degrees of alcoholism. Your site makes it PERFECTLY obvious that those of us who are really addicted need TRUE MEDICAL HELP. I point people there, myself, all the time.

                  Better to be safe than sorry.

                  However, your book and story help ALOT OF PEOPLE who would never try ANYTHING AT ALL.

                  I tried the "mods" thing for a while and figured out I was truly an alcoholic. BUT, I do not begrudge those who can mod. I wish I could, but I cannot. Your book addresses both types of addictions.

                  I will go online and support you.

                  You deserve HUGE amounts of support and adulation. You founded MWO without AA support. For some of us AA is simply not an option.

                  I am doing very well and am physically and mentally way ahead of where I was a few months ago. My husband, my children, my grandchildren and I are all grateful for you and all the others on your site.

                  True love and admiration,
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

                    It seems that your responses are very good and informative.

                    The comments from Kelly seem a little odd to me. I don't think commercialism is the thing that stands out about this site-- far from it. I could understand the doctor's concerns about promotion of topa (in the medical sense) more easily than I can understand these comments from "Kelly".

                    I have read defensive items on Amazon before and I think they work if they are neutral (not emotional). and your responses seem pretty neutral.

                    However, how do you keep up with these kinds of people? We have had some weird visitors from time to time and I imagine it would be hard to defend against it. I imagine you are exactly right, that there are some volatile individuals in this community.

                    I am glad that your family members are protected from all this.


                      Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

                      To RJ and all who read
                      I think Kelly should be outed, in every sense of the word!
                      Kelly, if you are reading this, be brave,speak to us directly on this forum.
                      Personally, I do not think "Kelly" represents a single person, more like a group or organisation jealous of the success of this site and its accompanying programme and book.

                      I agree with Nancy-I have never felt any pressure to buy anything from MWO. I have been visiting the site since September and I am deeply indebted to RJ for creating it. The wealth of free advice and the quality of support has to be unique. The opposite of mean-spirited.

                      This site grows bigger by the day. It doesn't need Amazon. Soon it will be bigger than Amazon. Everyone on this site who has read your book highly recommends it to those starting out. These are intelligent people with experience and insight who do not stand to gain from such a recommendation. The downloadable version available from the MWO website is not expensive. If people who read it get even a small bit of practical help or advice or comfort from reading it, then it is worth buying.

                      I have to be honest. I have not read your book, RJ. Never got round to ordering it. I will tell you this, though, I am going to now! You know what they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity!!

                      who has visited this site virtually every day since living without alcohol for 75 days. Not bad for someone who drank habitually for 35 years. Thank You RJ.
                      IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                      Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                        Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

                        Have to agree with Nancy and the Londoner - I've been here a year now and NEVER been asked to buy into the program (I've taken what I've needed) nor have I been asked to subscribe (I do, voluntarily).

                        I'm the biggest sceptic in the world, but I don't see anything disceitful here....
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

                          I strongly believe that anyone has the absolute right to review any publication or movie according to their take on it. But, I believe that if one is going to criticize, it should be the "work" that is criticized and not the "motivation" of the individual author. When one attempts to psychoanalize the "motivations" of another....they are really out in left field and grasping at straws!

                          My second thought is a criticism for "Self Publishing". Many, many authors have beenand remain, self publishers. This is not vanity, this is good business. Take a look at Louise Hay, her now very successful "Hay House" publishing company began with Louise herself and her first book, "You Can Heal Your Life".

                          Now to the question of Profit.......I believe in free enterprise, I believe in profiting from our work, whether it be, driving a truck or writing a book and yes, even a website. A worker is worthy of wages. In my opinion "This Slim Volume", is rich with the information needed to help people stop or moderate their drinking, if they are truly motivated. The fact that it is a "Slim Volume", helps in it's appeal. The information is all there, as are the links to further information that one can choose to use, if they want more information.

                          As for the website, it would be perfectly OK for RJ to charge to join. She chooses not too. Weight Watcher's does Jenny Craig and many others. So what? RJ does have an opportunity for those of us that choose to pay a small fee with extra benefits to join there as well. Some of us choose to do so, but there is absolutely no difference in the true, bottom line support on the website as to whether or not one chooses to be a paid member, it is clearly a personal choice. I personally chose to be a paid member, for a tiny fee, because I wanted to financially contribute in a small way.

                          Anyway.....just my thoughts, thanks for letting me vent!!

                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

                            Great, Kate. You said it all.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)

                              I think Amazon should be a lot more selective as to what they`ll allow anyone to post by way of a review. When I posted my review of RJ`s book on Amazon, it said it would upload within 24 hrs., but actually uploaded immediately. All reviews should require to be approved by Amazon.

                              I`m appalled to see that someone claiming to be a member of M.W.O. has now posted that RJ is "BEGGING" us to post a review of her book on Amazon. Excuse me!!!, but as I read it, on this thread, RJ asked if any UK member would care to post an "honest" review on Amazon........RJ did not seek to influence any of us to post a favourable review. RJ has no need to influence anyone.........she has a strong following because M.W.O. works, pure and simple.

                              Starlight Impress x


                                Calling all UK MWO'ers :-)


