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42 Days: Day 3

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    42 Days: Day 3

    Hi There,

    Today is day three of my masterplan. I intend to conquer myself. Surely one of the most difficult challenges any of us ever face. Having always been a sucker for self-help books (they have all worked I suppose to a greater or lesser degree) I picked up a copy of Robin Seiger's "42 Days to Wealth, Health and Happiness" and decided to give the programme a try.

    Seiger's emphasis on spending an hour on yourself in the morning: meditation and visualisation; focussing on your goals for the day; reading his daily reflection; combined with good nutrition; no smoking and, most important for me, being totally AF really appealed to me and here I am giving it a go.

    Seiger also wants you to do some gentle exercise each day but unfortunately this is the one thing I haven't managed to get into yet. I don't seem to have the time and yet I look back and think about all the time I had for boozing - incredible!

    On a brighter note, this morning's daily reflection was about being 100% positive in your life and why it is important to be a positive thinker. I took this on board completely today and I can't help but feel good.

    As far as drinking goes, I have had no cravings at all for alcohol but that might be to do with the supps I am taking and the knowledge that I can always log on here for advice and support from fellow MWOers.

    I'm off to the theatre in half an hour in case anyone was wondering why I don't exercise tonight. I will soon I promise!

    Best Wishes,


    42 Days: Day 3

    Good man......positive thinking HAS to be the key to everything....this sort of mindset will boost your ability to stick to the new lifestyle you are creating for yourself.
    And doesn't matter WHY you are having no cravings...just that you aren' seem to be building up a good portfolio of 'reasons not to drink' can never have too many...keep going Scotty R......
    but.................................DO the press ups!!!! hahahahahahaaha
    hang on...I've just read the post a bit more smoking?????????????????????? If mr Seiger lets you off push you think he may kindly overlook my tobacco habit??? I have cut down a lot...let me know....


      42 Days: Day 3

      how was day 4,5, be very interested to see how its going Raoul.

