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    some of you had pmd me asking about how to create visioning/dream boards. and perhaps to create a thread so others who may want to do them could join in the fun. I'll share some of the ways that i do my own or work with my clients to do them. perhaps, others want to share the ways they do them as well.
    A vision or dream board is a creation and manifestation board. some people do several of them separately. say one for friends, relationship, money, business, spirituality. etc. i prefer to do mine all on one board. it is a glimpse of creating the future in a variety of ways and then allowing it to unfold and mold with me. This last board i've done and continue to work with i started 3 years ago and we've been dancing together quite abit. It is almost time to begin a new board. i think these next few months really. as this board has brought everything to fruition in all the ways it was going to do so. amazing really simply amazing. and i'm not sure if it lives me or i live it, but i know we breathe each other... we are that connected.

    so, on to how to create for yourself. it is about your own creativity. so i will say the basics and then you get to add to that......
    a board comes in three stages really
    WORDS AND PHRASES and $$$$
    going through lots of magazines, i begin to just find all the kinds of phrases or words that just pop out at me. i use my poetry as well, i also always include fake money like a million dollar bill and a bank deposit receipt. bills showing zero balance.
    i then go through magazines and cut out pictures that attract to me something that sparks or calls to me, objects in nature, or anywhere, colors, textures, fabrics, furs, you name it anything that really just attracts to me, crystals, buddhas mala beads whatever it is.
    the point is i throw nothing aside.
    i personally paint mine. most people don't. but i love color so i just use all types of paint and texture etc..... and i use canvas obviously not regular poster paper. but you can use whatever you like.
    then i may sit down and think about what are all the ways i want my life to show up
    health and vitality
    the world at large
    my animals
    you name it whatever comes to you.
    then i go back through all of what i've collected and i sort it out and i then begin to allow the board and i to create my life together.
    i like to put a mirror in the center of my boards so that i reflect myself back in them. i tend to have nature represented, fake animal furs on them, a money bag that i put gold coins in. you know i just allow myself to open up and co create with the universe whatever wants to show up.

    the best part is that all may end up taking me a few months to do. and in that time something gets set into motion. then i release any expectation and pay attention.

    so let me know if you have questions. sure to have left something out. and let me know also different ways your boards are shaping up. my latest one is i'd say 4 ft by 5 ft but i've made them as small as 1 ft by 1 ft. :0


    Sounds great. Do you think it is something one can do together with kids?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      Ooooh, I'm excited! I just remembered I had a friend who did this (but was drunk when I saw it so forgot~~~~~~~~)

      Now I gotta figure out where to get a bunch of magazines....
      Can one's own photos and drawings and writings work you think?

      Reminds me too of a box for manifesting - special box, put in it your own written words of what you want, photos, money, etc. Meditate with it... and (I've heard) it's supposed to bring forth what you want.
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!



        They are fun! My wife and I always have one going. It is amazing how things on them start to materialize and you need to keep updating them as the real stuff starts to show up in your life!
        ?If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.? -Wayne Dyer



          BootCB - you gather all the images and such for a months then put the board together? Does the "magic" happen as you gather or only after you've posted on the board?
          Do you think it works to just add images/words as you gather them?
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!



            yes kids love doing dream boards and they are so really very inventive. i actually took big sheets and had kids lay down on them and then drew the image of each child and made that into dream boards. each of their shapes. fun fun. and we went into nature and gathered leaves, dirt, feathers etc.... and they really had a great time.

            as for magazines and then your own images. i say make it as personal as you can get it. i put friends photos on their. mwo is on there. funny enough some of those friends are gone though hummmmm i put photos of my relationship and hearts around it that i paint. it is afterall your board. there are nooooooo rullleessssss



              now, here is i think what makes me a little different then most on these types of boards. i personally feel the process begins the moment i start dreaming about the board. and i'm now dreaming about the new board which tells me time to start a new. and that process is what starts the manifestation. it isn't the final outcome. there never is one. i cover over photos, take them off. but that beginning process begins now and we are dancing. also, i'm going to start something called photo montage and use images of me really (i know crazy but true) and then cover them over in various different ways as it just feels now i want to see my face more in that board not other models.
              but again, it doesn't matter. this is just the new work i'm doing. and if it comes out the way i think i'll actually do nature with nudes of women as they are so beautiful and then use my poetry intertwined and it will be very subtle so you won't be able to tell where one starts and one ends. all fusing together in harmony.
              i think to me the key is harmony on these boards. it represents your future you are creating. so if it is AF then plaster it with all the ways you would be socializing without a drink. does this help???



                oh and the thing is this it doesn't have to take months. it can take you a few days. it's just me... this next board will probably be lots of compiling as is my process then the actual board swear when i start it well it will actually wake me up sometimes and i have to work on it more in the middle of the nite. does that help my? sometimes boards manifest really fast and sometimes they take a while. so you can start with a small piece and then work your way up if you like.. now let me know what you all are dreammmmming



                  Dreaming of My Vision Board

                  thanks so much for this Boots-I can't wait to get creating! OMG the dreaming has started!
                  Love it! Now we know what to do with all those extra AF hours!!

                  Will keep you posted.
                  Anna :h
                  Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter



                    Thank-You Bootsie !!!!
                    I think that this is "Just What The Doctor Ordered" for me right now !!
                    Love Ya !!!

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



                      Hey ya Bootsie! I love dream boards......thank you for reminding me. I have wanted to do one with my 4 year old granddaughter, loved your idea of personal photos, I will be printing of photos of her as well as other family members for us to use on her board. I think it will be a great exercise into her thinking and dreaming process at this time.

                      You're Awsome, Blossom!! Love Ya!!
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        DREAM BOARDS/VISIONING BOARDS

                        I did a vision board a few motnhs ago, I think August. More of a goal focus than like bootsie's full dream board.

                        Did it following guidelines from The Secret & assoc. works. It was about 3'x4' to hang above my desk so I can see it while working.

                        First, I made a list of things that I would like to have manifest in my life - big things, small, etc & did not hold back -- just random & no thoughts of how or can't or obstacles, etc.

                        Then went about cutting words & px from magazines as well as printing images from the internet (that was my best source) and printing some of my own words.

                        It is a scary thing -- some of it has already come true!!! My new job for example. I mean I had the word "Publish" & a picture. At the time I was thinking someday I really want to publish a book. Funny thing..I am now working in the publishing industry!!! Never in a millions yrs would I have thought ...and the interview & job offer were one of those "made in heaven/ meant to be" phenomenons..

                        The amazing thing to me is that a plan of action is not required...simply the vision..

                        OH and ..on each pciture/vision I meditated & practiced Ask, Believe, Receive ..and tried to le t it sink in & feel how I would feel when I already had it..

                        Simply amazing!!!


                          DREAM BOARDS/VISIONING BOARDS

                          time for me to do a new one. they are fantastic!


                            DREAM BOARDS/VISIONING BOARDS

                            amazing how it works...mystifying


                              DREAM BOARDS/VISIONING BOARDS

                              I am going to try it and the kids want to make one too. I saw that on the Secret but forgot all about it. Exciting. bird

