A vision or dream board is a creation and manifestation board. some people do several of them separately. say one for friends, relationship, money, business, spirituality. etc. i prefer to do mine all on one board. it is a glimpse of creating the future in a variety of ways and then allowing it to unfold and mold with me. This last board i've done and continue to work with i started 3 years ago and we've been dancing together quite abit. It is almost time to begin a new board. i think these next few months really. as this board has brought everything to fruition in all the ways it was going to do so. amazing really simply amazing. and i'm not sure if it lives me or i live it, but i know we breathe each other... we are that connected.
so, on to how to create for yourself. it is about your own creativity. so i will say the basics and then you get to add to that......
a board comes in three stages really
going through lots of magazines, i begin to just find all the kinds of phrases or words that just pop out at me. i use my poetry as well, i also always include fake money like a million dollar bill and a bank deposit receipt. bills showing zero balance.
i then go through magazines and cut out pictures that attract to me something that sparks or calls to me, objects in nature, or anywhere, colors, textures, fabrics, furs, you name it anything that really just attracts to me, crystals, buddhas mala beads whatever it is.
the point is i throw nothing aside.
i personally paint mine. most people don't. but i love color so i just use all types of paint and texture etc..... and i use canvas obviously not regular poster paper. but you can use whatever you like.
then i may sit down and think about what are all the ways i want my life to show up
health and vitality
the world at large
my animals
you name it whatever comes to you.
then i go back through all of what i've collected and i sort it out and i then begin to allow the board and i to create my life together.
i like to put a mirror in the center of my boards so that i reflect myself back in them. i tend to have nature represented, fake animal furs on them, a money bag that i put gold coins in. you know i just allow myself to open up and co create with the universe whatever wants to show up.
the best part is that all may end up taking me a few months to do. and in that time something gets set into motion. then i release any expectation and pay attention.
so let me know if you have questions. sure to have left something out. and let me know also different ways your boards are shaping up. my latest one is i'd say 4 ft by 5 ft but i've made them as small as 1 ft by 1 ft. :0