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Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

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    Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

    Deep Feelings About This

    I originally posted this on the subscriber's board because it is so deeply personal and disturbing to me. But I decided to re-post it here also because I think it is important for me to get this off my chest.

    I have hesitated to respond to any of the posts about Carol because it is so painful to me I can barely talk about it, even here. As went Carol, so could I have gone so many times. Her story is so painful for me to hear. It strikes through my heart into my very core - few things affect me this way.

    I almost feel myself as her in that airport - panic attack - psychosis - I was very psychotic during my drinking years - intense paranoia and fear - hallucinations. I have been there my friends many times. One is not able to make rational decisons. Not at all. One is drowning, smothering, shaking, gasping for any bit of air and the only thing one has to hang onto at those times is one sip, one drink. Been there done that I'm sorry to say. It is not a craving like I sit there at night and want a drink. It can be a totally psychotic and overwhelming need like a need for air. I know. I have felt it. That is a total physical dependence and unfortunately sometimes some of us get to that state. There is no more decision making at that point. It is pure survival from one second to the next because you really believe you are dying - you really do. Some of you have been there and you know what I am talking about. I cry for her because I truly feel that she was there and it probably wasn't the first time for her. She was alone and afraid and powerless and she needed help.

    I cry because she was alone and she should have never been alone. I cry because she needed help and all she got was handcuffs and isolation. I cry for her children. I cry for a life that was trying to save itself but couldn't find the support it needed even when it cried out for it so loudly. She was drowning and they threw her an anchor.

    No one really understands this problem. None of us. Except maybe RJ who has put herself out there for us to tell the world what we are about and to give us a place where we will not be alone and not be thrown an anchor.

    We can honor Carol's memory and help RJ in her work. We can try to help people understand this condition and not to throw us all into AA like they used to throw lunatics into an asylum.

    Sorry if I got too carried away here. Forgive me. It's how I feel.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

      Want to chat, Mags?


        Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

        Here here Mags, I agree absolutely. And you know what? It is may be that by going through such horrendous experience that we learn compassion? I'm not sure but there must be some reason for it.. there certainly is a tremendous heart-opening happinging here on these boards for one another.
        I had an experience I need to share.. once I found a man slumped over on a bench in a city street. The kind that you sit on to wait for a bus. There were people standing around waiting for the bus, ignoring him. There were lots of other people rushing past and quickly looking away as they saw him. He was red in the face, his collar seemed tight and he did not look like he was even breathing. I just stopped and stood there thinking OMG!! I leaned over and toughed his chest, and said "are you alright?" and after a minute he opened his eyes and sat up. He was clearly disoriented and loosened his tie, coughed. He said "yeah, I'll be alright" and took out a bottle of pills, got up and walked off. Everyone was looking at me like I was a complete idiot and I felt like one too. It seems I am the wierdo in this world.. but I feel like I am in good company here.


          Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

          This story has also touched me deeply. The children that have been left behind. The husbands phone calls to the airport and little did he even know that she had already died with his first call.
          Mags, you are wonderful.
          Fickle, I think what you did was great. Good for you.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

            Oh, Mags.

            I have been there too, and been thrown an anchor by the one I trusted most, my husband.

            Thank you for your post. On a bad day like today it gives me strength, to fight.

            To continue to fight for the people on the street, the lost and forlorn and to continue to teach my children to do likewise.

            Finkle, Bless you. You are in fine company here. :l

            m. xx
            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
            I am in the next seat.
            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


              Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

              when police place someone under arrest they are under the legal protective custody of the arresting agency no matter WHAT the circumstances are. they F*cked up bigtime and I hope that department gets sued to high heaven and a few heads roll.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

                I hope the "Phoenix woman" finds some comfort in the "arms of an angel", "Phoenix" itself is a symbol of rebirth. Let's hope her death will not be in vain and something good will come of it. Bring on the publicity, if that's what it takes to stop the neglect.

                I wish her peace for all eternity, we all loved her here on this board!

                [ame= ]YouTube - sarah mclachlan - angel[/ame]
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

                  I have not been on here in a while but have followed this story. Someone should have been her on that trip to get her admitted and support that. End of story. They knew she was not stable.

                  If I were going to that same rehab, which by the way, I've heard that she told the cops at the airport she was going to, she should not have been going alone. Her hubby, estranged or not, should have gone, or a friend. This family bleeds money and she needed support before she got admitted. :h

                  I miss all of you. :h
                  P & L call me.
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

                    So sorry all, I did not realise that you knew her personally or that she was a member of these boards? I am very deeply grieved to hear and understand how hard it is for you all.

                    20 years ago in Australia we had a Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody because there were so many. I and many others worked very hard on United Nations papers to address this exact issue here. People who were considered intoxicated were being locked up and dying in large numbers, the highest percentage of deaths in custody are still our Aboriginal people. There was a case I remember where a man had an epileptic seizure on the side of a highway while walking home and cars drove past him all afternoon, well into the evening, assuming he was drunk and ignored him. There are many, many cases of this happening here and 20 years on, our government has still not accepted the findings of the Royal Commission or the recommendations of the United Nations (which they only delivered this year).

                    Police still lock up people who are 'intoxicated' and either neglect or beat them. Suicide rate is extremely high and 'accidental' deaths also. I am still totally phased that in 20 years nothing has improved. That is half my life!!

                    I hope you have better luck in the US. (apologies if no-one relates to this, just carry on)


                      Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

                      Magic you are a strong gal...kudos to you! glad you are ok now XXX
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

                        Just to clarify fickle, I never knew Carol Gotbaum personally and she was not a member of MWO. I just felt that I had related personally to her struggles, but I had never met her. She was not a member of MWO but sometimes now I think that maybe if she had been, she would have had a better and longer life. Who knows? It is a bitter tragedy either way.

                        Thanks for your wonderful post. It certainly gives me much to think about maybe to at least write my Congressman about. Some research may be in order for me.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

                          Lets make Carol an honorary member then.

                          Thanks Det. I've learned a lot along the way. :l

                          m. xx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Accutely Intoxicated on Alcohol Prescription Drugs

                            this is awful. I can't believe people can be so cruel
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

