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    Hi All,
    Haven't posted much the last week, but reading twice a day. Have had many AF days and then the odd day with 1-2 wines under my belt. Feeling good and positive 80% of the time, even got through Melbourne Cup Day function without a drink!!!!
    But.........tonight we are going to a show and dinner with friends. I have been saying all along that I will drive, but now I am sort of thinking that I might not and have a few drinks. My friend said to me "just drink for tonight and have a good time and go off it again tomorrow". Why do people think that you are not going to have a good time when you don't drink.
    How do I get over this gnawing feeling in the back of my head????



    Just say no. Today is today and that is that. Today I choose not to drink. I have to do it somedays, so why not today? Everyday I drink is every day I wish that I hadn't.

    So say, "I am driving. Sorry friends, but I am not drinking tonight because I am driving." It may be very difficult for a few hours, but you will feel so good, so wonderful tomorrow and the next day.

    As they say on the Nike commercials - Just do it.

    Good luck. And you can have lots of fun without the alcohol.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



      Not much you can add to Mag's post...



        Are you sure your friend won't have a good time if you don't drink? Or are you trying to justify your own drinking.

        Sounds like you might have been discussing how you want to drink with your friend and your friend thinks he or she is helping you by allowing you to drink. Your friend may want you to be happy, not make himself/herself happy.

        I think people with drinking problems are uncomfortable when others don't drink. people who are moderate/don't have a problem should not care whether you are drinking. Don't draw attention to it and go ahead and be that designated drinker. And remember when things go wrong, some friends are understanding, but many will just be irritated to have to take care of a drunk.




          Drinking today makes it harder tomorrow.

          Enough is enough


            NEED HELP PLEASE

            Just to let you all know, I made it. Had a great night, thoroughly enjoyed myself. Driving is the way to go.
            Hubby was very under the weather, so suffered with a BIG hangover on Sunday. Can't win, cause then I was bored as I felt on top of the world. Actually enjoyed watching all the drunken bums carrying on like idiots.
            Good luck to all


              NEED HELP PLEASE

              Sorry I couldn't contribute yesterday, but well done .....

              It really does feel good the morning after doesn't it!!!! :l :l


                NEED HELP PLEASE

                Coming in here late as well - but WELL DONE - you made the right choice!

                I am now happy to be designated driver - and we actually go out more BECAUSE I am always be able to be the driver.

                Believe me, standing in a taxi queue in Scotland - in November - does not make for a pleasant end to an evening out!

                Well done



                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  NEED HELP PLEASE

                  Thought for the day: I don't think I recall anyone ever saying "Gee, I wish I had more to drink last night". . . . .

                  It's always such a gift to wake up refreshed and hangover free!

                  Good Job DeBruce
                  Admitting you're an a-hole is the first step


                    NEED HELP PLEASE

                    Just say NO! Rehab teaches on How to say NO! You have to be honest with yourself and stay clean because having a few can trigger a host of troubles.

                    My Best Wishes....


                      NEED HELP PLEASE

                      Great job saying no. It's so hard to quit again after "just one night".


                        NEED HELP PLEASE

                        yes living proof ,I agree ,many ,many mornings I have woken up regretting drinking the night before but I have yet to wake up regretting I didnt!


                          NEED HELP PLEASE

                          I have noticed those tough nites drowling and being anxious only to wake the next morning to another day hangover FREE! It is hard and I understand, its the morning after that counts the most now. It used to be the night tipping was the best. Rather feel good in the AM. to have strength to continue sober.

                          :l Hugs.


                            NEED HELP PLEASE

                            Thanks a heap guys for all the positive responses and encouragement. Makes me feel great to face the day ahead. I have just got back from a 45minute walk on the beach with my little dog, ready now to have brekky and head off to work.
                            Life is good


                              NEED HELP PLEASE


                              You all are inspiring, cuz I have been thinking of getting totally SCHNOCKERED tonight (drunk) that feels like the only way I can face hubby, don't even know what to expect when I get home, but will go to the gym first and blow off some steam, maybe have 1 or 2 beers, but really wish I had the motivation not to........................all these feelings make it tough for me, lack of friends to call etc.................I just feel alone in this, maybe an AA meeting?? NAW! Maybe tomorrow.....................

                              sorry, but if I just get through this night without any verbal or physical problems it will be a miracle..................

                              He has been spying on everything I write here too, so I need to be really careful until we are separated................this sucks!! I have NOOOOOO life!! and it is getting worse!!:upset:

                              Love and hugs, needed....................................:l :h :l
                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

