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    Hi everyone.

    Have any of you tried Evenol. I read about it on another alcoholim site. It's basically one pill you take to help restore some of the health you lose from being an alcoholic.

    THis is from its web site: (I'm not promoting it! I'm just wondering if it works. I like the thought of not having to swallow a bunch of pills because it's hard for me to digest them)

    Evenol? is a complete, single-dose formula designed to supply the body with the most common nutrients depleted in alcoholics and chronic, heavy alcohol users.- most notably, dose-effective amounts of Thiamin and Folate.


    I just ordered some. It will be good to take for those times that I "screw up" and drink too much. Thanks for posting about it.
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson




      I've been taking Evenol for more than a year. My physician recommended it to me because of the serious vitamin deficiencies my body had endured from pronlonged alcohol abuse. It's an awesome product. It's cheaper ordering directly from their website EVENOL.COM .



        I'd like to throw out a Bull Sh*t Ball, please.:exclaim: This thread originally started back in November '07 which is about the same time that a PR company was PAID to send out a press release for Evenol. Today, Michael28211 joins and posts his first thread about Evenol being successful.

        I went to Evenol's website to see what it was- looked interesting, but I couldn't find a list of the ingredients, or the side effects. So, I googled. Hardly anything. Yahoo'ed. The only information I could find was sending me back to their website, or to the purchased press release. I went to, an independent testing company for nutrients~ they have tested more than 2,000 products, representing over 350 different brands and nearly every type of popular supplement. However, I couldn't find Evenol or Systema Nutrition LLC identified. Weird. So, I did a reverse lookup on their web site address and it belongs to a Mail Boxes ETC in Texas. FINALLY, when I googled again, I saw something about a "wrong diagnosis", and I read it. What caught my attention? It was also written by michael28211. I've attached it below-

        If you'd like to see why I'm throwing down the BS ball, go to and search for michael28211
        . He's writing testimonials on other sites (aol's group- "living with alcoholism" is one) promoting Evenol. On the aol's people directory, michael28211 is listed as a "Marketing Development Director" from Charlotte NC (zip code 28211). On this first quote listed below, he describes his "near-death" experience ~ but he posted it mid October 2007, and claims that it happened in 2005.... you'd think if he had two years of success with this product, he'd have been shouting from the mountaintops- kind of like you guys do about the supplements and topa!!!!! WTF?

        I'm not saying his "supplement" doesn't work. But I wanted my FRIENDS here to know that michael28211 has a documented record for joining forums, promoting evenol, and then never posting again. It's a documented HIDDEN AGENDA
        . Dare I suggest that Michael Anthony, is also michael 28211? Only Michael knows.

        I don't know if MWO has a policy for posting with the intent to market your product, but I wanted everyone here to have a "heads up". As long as you know that michael28211 is affiliated with in some way, then you can make an informed decision about this supplement.

        1. Alcohol Related Vitamin Deficiency
        In 2005, I presented twice to the Emergency Room with what appeared to be the onset of a heart attack - left arm cramps, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, cold sweats and some discomfort at the center of my chest. After spending hours in the ER being monitored by ECG and having blood tests (for cardiac enzymes), I was told that it was all STRESS RELATED. I was prescribed sublingual Ativan to deal with future "episodes" which they said were panic attacks. A few months after my second visit, GI bleeding sent me to my gastroenterologist for endoscopy exam. At that point, the Doc was able to see that I was a heavy drinker and that my symptoms, including the original cardiovascular symptoms were alcohol related. He referred my to an MD who specializes in alcoholism and addiction (NOT A COUNSELOR). FINALLY ... all the pieces of the puzzle were put together, and the MD explained that I was suffering from a serious vitamin deficiency (mainly Thiamin (B1) and Folate (folic acid). He gave me a 30 ct. bottle of EVENOL ( a thiamin and folate rich multi-vitamin designed specifically for heavy drinkers ). Within 2 weeks, ALL of my Cardiac AND GI problems were gone. I've done lots of research since, and ALL of the clinical evidence is available on the internet. Chronic, heavy drinking causes thiamin and folate deficiencies that can lead to serious health problems, including congestive heart failure, neuropathy, and chronic IBS and GI bleeding. The medical community needs to learn MORE about vitamins and supplements! This product, EVENOL, which is NOT a prescription drug (and likely why many physicians are not prescribing it to their patients), has helped me tremendously! Read more about it at or !
        2. Novel Supplement Launched for Alcoholics and Chronic, Heavy Drinkers
        WEBWIRE ? Thursday, November 29, 2007
        Contact Information Michael Anthony
        Media Relations
        Systema Nutrition, LLC
        While a thin line seems drawn between the alcoholic and the "heavy drinker" spawning much debate within the medical and mental health communities, one common thread exists among both ... critical vitamin deficiencies, leading to serious health problems. Such problems may include cardiac arrhythmias, cognitive impairment - including bain damage, or ultimately heart failure. Systema Nutrition, LLC has announced the launch of its novel dietary supplement, EVENOL, which provides the specific vitamins and nutrients most commonly deficient in alcoholics and chronic, heavy drinkers - most notably, thiamin (Vitamin B1) and folate (folic acid). Tam Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Systema Nutrition, explained today in an interview, "There are an estimated 10 million alcoholics in the United States and nearly as many ?heavy drinkers.? Many of these individuals experience early symptoms of potentially serious health problems. These symptoms include heart palpitations, cold sweats, irritable bowels, fatigue and confusion. Those who do visit their physicians are often dishonest about their alcohol consumption, because of social stigma surrounding heavy alcohol consumption, and are therefore misdiagnosed - often characterized as having ?anxiety attacks.? Rather, they are suffering from critical vitamin deficiencies directly attributable to chronic, excessive alcohol consumption"
        EVENOL has been uniquely formulated to deliver these very nutrients and vitamins in a single tablet form, taken once daily. Smith is clear to note that EVENOL is intended for those who currently consume a high volume of alcohol and those in the first two to three months of sobriety. According to Smith, "Once a person has abstained from alcohol for a period of 8 to 12 weeks, assuming they are eating a balanced diet, they should no longer be at risk for the specific vitamin imbalances targeted by EVENOL" .EVENOL is now available through its website at Evenol - Thiamin and Folate Multivitamin for Alcoholics.
        P.S. Sorry this is so long, but the GOOD news is that when the next person googles Evenol, they will have these facts, too.

        Tampa, FL



          michael 28211 could very well be a PR guy or a sales rep for Evenol..........
          it really is up to us to do research and to find out if a product is legitimate or not.
          As for folic acid and B1 vitamin deficiencies in heavy drug and alcohol users is the cause for so many health problems. finding the right brand of supplements is up to us.
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



            Thanks for the info and doing this research for us Not Happy!



              Great job on the research. It wouldn't be the first time someone has entered the site to plug a product.
              Enlightened by MWO



                I bought it and I like it, they do the work for you as opposed to you having to figure out what you are deficient in as an "over imbiber". Too bad it was pesented under false pretenses but I do like the product, no complaints.
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson



                  Very interesting Not Happy (Patty).
                  I'm really impressed and thankful when folks do that kind of research and share it. Thank you (and shame on you michael!)
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                    You're welcome, everyone. The reason this bothered me so much is because Lori Sunshine was happily promoting a product that makes all of us look better, but it wasn't for her financial gain, it was for us. I normally don't look to see how old a thread is, and when this one popped up with My Heart ordering it, I was ready to buy it, too.... it wasn't til I got to their website that I started to question it....

                    Anyway, I was trying to figure out what exactly was in Evenol when I got sidetracked by it's lack of history and accountability in the supplement market. My Heart, I'm glad to hear that you weren't ripped off.

                    By the way, I was in the U.S. Army after I graduated from college.... I was a Military Police Officer, stationed in Frankfurt,Germany. That's where the "attention to detail" and the love of German Beer comes from. :H

                    Tampa, FL



                      Thanks not happy, it is good to know that you care. I have been taken advantage of on another web site.To long of a story to talk about, I was in a bad way and not making sound decisions, they also did not list the ingredients ...hmmmm. Not to say that this supplement doesn't help, but ingriedients need to be posted on all ingested products. This is a no brainer....I would say if they can't list the ingredients that is the first clue. There are to many people out there who could at any given point develop an allergy to products. One would want to know what it was, so as to avoid future problems. Well again thanks, oh yeah I noticed Michael was making his first post??



                        Shame on michael28211

                        Thanks Not Happy Hour-Happy Life, googled michael28211 and you were spot on. Michael28211 your post was dishonest and there will be no welcome from me. Wonder what else he will try and sell us?



                          Thanks for the work, Happy. Can we note also that the ingredients mentioned in Michael's post...Vitamin B-1 and folic acid (which is also a B vitamin).... are included in any B-complex vitamin you can buy in any drug store? Also, these two B vitamins work together with all the other B's not a good idea to take one or two B vitamins alone for an extended period of time. I don't know if the other B vitamins are included in the Michael28211 product or not, but if not, the B complex would work much better.



                            Evenol contains 6667% of the RDA for Thiamine(100mg) and other "everyday" vitamins, I take it probably once a week. I swear it almost takes away the craving to drink, I wonder if there is something to in we dig ourselves into an alcoholic hole and get partially trapped by the vitamin deficiencies and if we can correct these deficiencies we help ourselves get out of the trap.

                            I was reading a wonderfully written post on one of the other forum sections on this site a while back by a man who had traveled the world (drinking) and finally went into rehab. When he left rehab they sent him home with Thiamin. Just Thiamin, nothing else, very interesting.

                            I know this product was marketed somewhat dishonestly by somebody but I can't knock it.

                            PS I am not affiliated with Evenol, LOL!
                            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                            - George Jackson



                              OK, I had to know so I emailed the company and Michael sent me the ingredients. So i have pasted them just incase anyone wanted to know. I must add though that I did E mail Evenol and I received and E mail from Michael... but like I said before, not trying to knock it just want to be sure.....

                              The Evenol™ Formula Vitamin Component Amount (mg/dose) % RDA Vitamin A 5000 IU 100% Vitamin C 250 417% Vitamin D 400 100% Vitamin E 30 IU 100% Thiamine 100 6667% Vitamin B6 3 150% Vitamin B12 0.012 200% Folic Acid 1 250% Riboflavin 3 176% Niacin 20 100% Biotin 0.03 10% Calcium (as carbonate) 68.5 9% Iron (as sulfate)60 333% Magnesium (as oxide) 150 38% Zinc (as sulfate)4 27% Selenium (as selenomethionine) 0.01 14% RDA = Recommended daily allowance* International Units________________________________ w w w . e v e n o l . c o m
                              all in all sounds like a great MV!!

