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Rememberance Sunday in London

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    Rememberance Sunday in London

    I was lucky enough to be in London today standing as near to the cenotaph as we could (not very close I must admit) when Big Ben struck 11am and we had the two minutes silence it was one of the moving things that I have ever been part of. I didn't plan to be there, we just stayed an extra day after the UK meet yesterday ............

    The silence was awesome, and seeing all of our elderly soldiers with their medals, many of them in wheelchairs, tourists from all over the world joined in, it was amazing ...............

    Rememberance Sunday in London

    I had totally forgotten about it today Boots but thanks for the reminder. Where would we be without those war heroes who died and fought for this country. It is something we truly have to be thankful for and I kind of feel a bit guilty forgetting myself. I hardly watch the TV these days or read the papers much as there is too much death and destruction being plastered about in the media that I choose to blanket ignore the lot at the moment (too depressing!)

    I can't stand seeing pictures of that little girl Madeline in the papers anymore as I get so angry and annoyed with the whole Enquiry and particularly the Portuguese Police. I dread to think what is happening to that poor girl if she is in fact not dead already. It brings a lump to my throat just thinking about it.

    Glad you had a good meet and an enjoyable day out in London today. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the stories etc.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Rememberance Sunday in London

      Boots, my partner and I had decided to do a 'Sunday Walk' and have breakfast somewhere first.... We went out with our poppies on and saw the High St 'blocked off' and realised that the servicemen would be marching past our restaurant, probably before we had even eaten. Yes they did too and my goodness, what an awe inspiring, sombre, sad and powerful sight. A real mixture of emotions. 50 yards from our breakfast spot was the local war memorial at Ruislip, where at least four or five hundred servicepeople and civilians turned out to pay tribute. I was happy and proud (and sad) that I was there.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Rememberance Sunday in London


        I was in central London as well and saw the veterans with their medals coming back from the service at Victoria station.

        It was amazing looking into their faces and wondering what they had seen and how much we owe them.

        It was also sad being at the gym earlier and watching the news and seeing that another soldier had died. Very sad.

        Best wishes



          Rememberance Sunday in London

          I watched that Daniel Radcliff programme last night and it was very sad ,to think of all those young lives cut short ,what a horror it must have been . I believe they were all heros .

