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Atkins Diet

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    Atkins Diet

    Ok you Atkins addicts... I've heard this is one of the best diets. Got some substitute ideas for the fish. Can I just stick with Chicken or red meat?
    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


      Atkins Diet

      You definately just stick with Chicken and Red Meat, if you wish. I would add an Omega-3, and Flaxseed oil to yoru diet if you are not going to eat fish, though.

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Atkins Diet

        panadol;223102 wrote: I'm thinking about atkins again. Had great suceess a few years ago with it. Only thing is I do alot of exercise do you think I will be able to sustain this on Atkins?
        I guess I could add a few more legal vegies and see. Need to have a good shot
        at AF this might be a good carrot.
        Good idea Mama!
        a diet like this high in proteins is great for working out.
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Atkins Diet

          You are talking about Healthy Atkins as opposed to the original Atkins. Does anyone have a book or website with the revised version explained?
          I have bought a British book 'Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet' which is very much along the Atkins lines. Does anyone know it (to save me buying another book). They, by the way, also have a website slightly along MYO lines, although I find, based on only one visit, much harder to navigate. It's called 'pig to twig'!
 Please don't think I'm trying to sabotage your Atkins initiative. I just thought we might enjoy a forum like this where we can ask lots of advice. The different subjects are at the bottom of the page. Thanks.


            Atkins Diet

            As usual, coming in late to a discussion. I am pretty much in "permanent maintenance" mode on a version of Atkins. I never had more than about 5 pounds to lose, so it wasn't too hard. My trouble is, I[m a vegetarian (I'll eat a very little fish here and there when there's simply nothing else on a restaurant menu.) Atkins CAN be done as a vego, but it's harder. But basically, my "simplified version" of the diet is: NO sugar, white flour and rice, potatoes. And regular exercise.

            Mr. Jane (who is not a vegetarian---oh HELL no---) has done "strict Atkins" for a couple of weeks in the past year, but didn't lose a pound. He simply ate too much of the "allowed" foods! Sorry, but even if fatty marbled steaks and eggs/bacon are technically permissible on the diet, you still have to put that fork down when you're still a little hungry.
            Jane Jane


              Atkins Diet

              I think I am gonna join you guys. i have already been prepped with the master cleanse.
              was eating raw for a few weeks in October.
              I actually have lost a few pounds since laying off the wine.
              just think pasta, bread,potatoes and any sweet out of your diet. drinking a lot of water also keeps from retaining.
              I am not puffy anymore my eyes are clear, I don't feel bloated and tired.
              eat loads of greens
              watercress, parsley, spinach chinese greens. I am not sure about the bacon, too many chemicals in that stuff.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                Atkins Diet

                cooking happy heres the book: "Atkins for life"
                and my favorite Atkins book is called Dr Atkins Vita-Nutrient Solution".
                most folks don't realize this but his diet wasn't his real passion, he was a nutritionalist
                and herbalist WAY before it became super trendy. Dr Atkins is perhaps the most fascinating and misunderstood MD's in history.
                My former boss who is now 81 years old has been on the traditional Atkins diet since 1969 ( goes that far back) his blood pressure and cholesterol are considerably better than mine and he never gets sick. this notion that Atkins is some unhealthy temporary weight loss scame is pure BS. What is a scam are the hi-carb cereal based diets that sell you these stryrofoam tasting crackers and other highly processed crap.
                ok, class is over.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Atkins Diet

                  I'm in

                  Haven't had too much luck AF this past weekend w/ all the drama/fighting, violence etc.............but what a way to jump start my new life?? I am going to be a new single mom, why not look good too?? I really don't need to lose too much weight, but I heard you are full of energy on Atkins, I could use a little of that! Thanks meditation mama!! This is just what the doctor ordered!:thanks:

                  Love it!!!:h :l

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Atkins Diet

                    hey cowgirl eating healthy makes you strong and positive. and laying off the juice helps you stay focused.
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Atkins Diet

                      Yahoo.. OK, I put up a new post thread with all the infor on the diet..

                      see "Atkins, Week One"

                      Let's use that thread. I will start a new one each week so we can keep it fresh and keep each other motivated!!
                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

