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An off topic question about wash machines ??

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    An off topic question about wash machines ??

    I've been using my new front loading washmachine now for about 3 months.
    It is a high efficiency washer that uses much less water and spins the clothes out quite well...
    I have noticed lately however that my towels especially have a distinct musty odor to them even when they are freshly washed.... ARGGG !!!
    I use the special liquid laundry soap.. H.E. tide for front loading washers,,, liquid colour safe bleach, and downey fabric softener (purple bottle, vanilla or something like that ).... I've even put the settings so that I have an extra rinse on my laundry... any suggestions, or has anybody else experienced this ??? I'm just wondering if this machine uses wayyyy to little water... I will try just doing say a few towels at a time to see if that helps... Tonight I handed hubby a clean towel for after his shower and he didn't even want to use it because it would make him smell badly... :upset:
    I'm open for any suggestions anybody might have... Thanks in advance,

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

    An off topic question about wash machines ??

    Could be the goat. He seems to be everywhere in your family - spying you know.

    Maybe throw some baking soda in - it is always great on odors. I'd even start with 1/2 a box per wash load and then work down from there.

    Good luck
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      An off topic question about wash machines ??

      I would just stop doing laundry...

      Seriously.. this is a common problem.. look: Washing Machine Odor Remover - Smelly Washer

      I would also try running a load or two with just Vinegar or Bleach.
      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        An off topic question about wash machines ??

        Thanks so much everybody... MM I will be checking into that stuff you are telling me about...
        Haaa !! Haaa !!! My spy goat stays out in the barn and in his outside pen during the nice weather with his very best friend, Kiwi.... Neutered goats thank goodness have no odour.. Have a great day everybody, and thanks again !!!

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          An off topic question about wash machines ??

          yeah my towels sometimes smell like that . gross. I thought it was because the dryer is not hot enough.
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            An off topic question about wash machines ??

            I just bought a new washer but chose the top loading High Efficiency for the very reason you are talking about. The salesperson told me that the rubber gasket around the circle of the glass on the front door gets mold in the creases of the rubber. Suggested you clean it good and leave the door open frequently to let it dry out real good.
            Hope this helps.
            It's a brand new day!


              An off topic question about wash machines ??

              FYI adding fabirc softener to towels diminishes their drying ability. The fabric softener coats the individual fibers to make them softer but also prevents water from absorbing.
              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                An off topic question about wash machines ??

                Thanks again everybody !!!
                Peggy Sue you have hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD my girl !!!!!!!!!
                That is exactly where the smell seems to be... I will do as you suggested tomorrow morning...
                Yesterday I put about a cup of bleach as well as a whack of baking soda through... but I will wash the gasket, sanitize it and leave the door open... Makes sense !!!
                My laundry today smells tons better after running all the bleach and soda through..
                You guys are the best !!!

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  An off topic question about wash machines ??

                  wow! who knew! I am disappointed to learn the answer but @ least the mystery is solved. good to know.

                  i swear- you miss a day around here or a thread and you really do not know what info you need to know but did not have a clue you needed to know it!

                  so glad it was not the spy goat!


                    An off topic question about wash machines ??

                    Just a tip from a long time bachelor, but here in the US, there is a product called Lysol liquid deodorizer. Small expensive bottle, about 3 to 4 dollars for 8 oz or so. Very potent stuff, and is indicated for laundry use. Usually found in cleaners or laundry stuff aisles, and is easy to miss. Been used for ages for curing the "stinkies".

                    When the towels, or anything gets rank, I pour about a third of a bottle in the laundry with double detergent.

                    That stuff will knock out the worst funk, as it will sanitize completely to hospital level.



                      An off topic question about wash machines ??

                      xtexan- i took you for a greenie!


                        An off topic question about wash machines ??

                        That sounds great fo rmy husbands bathroom xtex..thx..I no longer clean it...just complain about the smelll..cannot bear to go in there


                          An off topic question about wash machines ??

                          OMG - I am SO glad to read this thread!! I thought my stinky towel problem was indication that I am the epitome of a bad housekeeper.
                          I am so relieved that may not be the case!
                          (or, at the very least, I'm in good company!!!!)
                          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

