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Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

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    Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

    If it's any consolation I can't work our scanner either (and I run my own secretarial business too!!) Although I'm not losing too much sleep over the one abberation early on I really would like to build up a good run of totally AF days. 30 seems like a big number but taken one at a time really isn't that bad. I find I need to plan ahead a few days. I know today and tomorrow should be easy-ish and Friday too. I go out trail hunting on Saturdays so have to spend the evening before cleaning tack and horse, plaiting him, sorting clean clothes etc and need to be up early the next morning so drinking would only get in the way. Sat night am out again (just me so driving) There, that takes me through to next week. I've also sorted all my meds out into a not so little pill box with the instructions in the lid so I know what to take and when. Be interesting to see what difference they make. Really hope the kudzu reduces the craving. I would love to have the kind of experience that I have read others having on here - that kind of disinterest in a bottle of wine! Take it or leave it attitude. I can do it with cigarettes so why not alcohol?!

    Have you managed many AF days in a row before? And I'd welcome any interesting cooking with pheasant ideas!! Do you post in the cooking forum too?

    BFN x


      Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

      Didn't succeed

      Was going to entitle this 'I failed' but then thought twice. I was on third night and really felt like a drink. Husband out playing football. He said 'you either don't drink or you do, and if you do I'll make sure you don't tomorrow'. So I did. Drank under 2/3 of a bottle of wine and immediately got an upset tummy (having yesterday been almost constipated). Isn't it strange how our bodies 'talk' to us? Went to bed, didn't take sleeping pill (about 6 nights without them now having taken them for 6 years!) slept better than the other nights.

      This morning husband said what I'd drunk didn't worry him as it was heaps better than the 1 bottle plus 1 or 2 glasses that he's seen me drink regularly. Don't quite know how I feel. I feel I've failed because I've broken the perfect abstenance of the 30 days. Feel it means I have to consider today DAY 1 again, but on the other hand (influenced by husband) also feel that I've been a lot kinder to my body over the last 3 nights compared to how I usually abuse it. Ultimately I think that where I really want to be is drinking in a way that neither damages my body, nor renders me under par the following day. Have never really tried to do one month before.


        Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

        I have found that every time I try to go af again it gets easier than the last....dont beat yourself up about it ,just keep going foreword.


          Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

          Here here Limers! The only way is onwards and upwards. Beating yourself up about it doesn't achieve anything (I know that cos I do it). You've learnt a lesson, taken a positive view on it insofar as you realise you have been kinder to your body over the last days than you have been before. Back to day 1 true - but don't discount the days that you had before the lapse. They still mean something. Do you use the drink tracker on this site? It really helps me to visualise how I am doing. I've started taking all the meds exactly as described. Haven't noticed any effects - good or bad - though I did have a really deep sleep and some totally involved dreams last night. Could put that down to the curry though...!!:H


            Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

            Thanks for your thoughts. My natural inclination today is not to post. That's what I do when I feel ashamed that I've failed two nights in a row. Then people will forget about me and I can disappear. However, today I'm going to let you all know that I failed again. I am just not being serious or committed enough. I don't expect support or sympathy. It's quite boring really that I am not trying hard enough. But there it is. I will try harder tonight.


              Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

              there are ALOT of people on here ,including myself ,who have posted all guns a blazing ,that were gonna do this and that and then for one reason or another it has all crashed and burned! Dont be ashamed ,its all a part of the healing process .


                Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

                Absolutely. Part of admitting you haven't done as well as you hoped on here is part of the whole process. The fact you are here at all is testimony to your desire to conquer alcohol. You WILL get support as so many other people have been there plus there are those who are doing well and can encourage. You WONT be able to disappear - I know where you 'live' hahaha! :H

                I found that when I started the One Day at a time post every day i nthe newbie forum were really helpful. There was no pressure to do a certain number of days in a row - just to take it ODAT. Just one day AF was a big improvement on where I was prior to finding this forum. So several in a row is a real bonus. Have you read the book, taken any meds or looked at the hypnosis side of things? I'm not normally happy 'buying in' to anything like that but the book was cheap (downloaded) and makes sense and I don't see that any of the meds can do much harm and even if it is just pyschological it helps that I have to focus on taking them and the reason I am taking them several times a day.

                Hope that helps. I can be a bit of a nag sometimes.....:goodluck:


                  Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

                  sorry I didn't post guys...guess I was doing the "I failed so I will hide" thing...

                  I drank, but much less than usual...well..I I did not do the AF I wanted.

                  Still wanting to try though. Not giving up.
                  formerly known as bak310


                    Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

                    Bak310 - you drank, you posted. And what happened? Nothing bad! We're still here, supporting and not judging and you drank less than normal - is good. And tomorrow is another day. Keep in touch - that is the strength of these boards.

                    I really would quite like a drink tonight but there is none in the house, I have a lot to do and am so enjoying the feeling of snuggling into bed tired and SOBER that it makes me smile. I'll be on and off here most of the evening whilst doing jobs and that will help me no end.



                      Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

                      BAK310 and Cooking Happy - how are you doing? Gone a bit quiet....

                      I've got a challenging day today insofar as hubby coming home, nice dinner to be cooked, would be sooo good with a bottle of wine but there is none in the house and as long as he doesn't bring any home (I'll ask him not to) he has beer so that should do for him. I am feeling better and better without drinking and really want to get the first full week under my belt so will keep focussed on tonight. Good luck and keep posting.


                        Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

                        Bessie, thanks for prompting us to reply. I posted yesterday in the 'need help asap' section under 'please help me get serious'. I don't think I need add anything else to what I put.


                          Mon 12 Nov. Join me on 30 days AF!

                          SLAP!!! (only joking!)

                          I replied to your post there. Keep going.

                          Bessie xx

