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Men Who BULLY.

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    Men Who BULLY.

    Oh and Morrison, you really can't change anyone, people can only change themselves.

    Will shut up now
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      Men Who BULLY.

      men who bully and the women who support them

      If you meet someone and feel like they would be better if they changed. then you are actually just projecting your idea of what that person should be, which is in a way a lie.

      It takes a mean and nasty person a really long time to face that they are mean and nasty.
      I mean, who would want to admit to that?
      why not just project, makes life easier. this is the mentality of the bully.

      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        Men Who BULLY.

        If you meet someone and feel that you want to change them then they are not your type of person - run for the hills. I don't project, I get outta there.
        problem is when you are vulnerable and they prey on you and you think they're bloody marvellous whilst they erode your self worth from behind. Bullies are such good hiders and pretenders - they may even really think they are trying to "help and be a friend" to you - gross.
        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          Men Who BULLY.

          One place you can get change is a cash resister. Cash, I'm just playing, but that is a very unique user name. Can you explain the origin of that? You have piqued my curiosity.
          where does this go?


            Men Who BULLY.

            oh yeah, it is kinda - it was about when i had a Ka-ching moment (cashregister noise!) and realised that I was drinking a wee drop too much - the penny dropped

            Play away Morrison, it's cool


            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Men Who BULLY.

              Cashy comes from a land down under? Where women glow and men plunder.

              Really, that is all I know about Australia. Men at work. Haha. Well, that and Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, and Mel Gibson. Is everybody down there that good looking? If so, I'm getting the next flight out of here!
              where does this go?


                Men Who BULLY.

                Of course We are upside down so automatic face, bum etc lifts all round!

                There is not a more relaxed place in the "western world" i reckon - but the rest of those laid back meditating buggers give us a run for our money cause they don't have to do it with beer.

                This is the land of the big long binge

                men at Work - whoa - that's a while ago - I think we took your America's cup for a while back then. I think it was men "thunder" - no-one ever reallly knew the words! At the time i thought it was chunder (as in puke).

                Don't forget Cate Blanchett...

                come on down, the weather's fine and the beaches are mainly unpolluted (not Sydney of course!).

                nice getting to know you M!!

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  Men Who BULLY.

                  Did I just miss a fight between the beast? Who won... was it me? Did I know? Was I there? As usually I'm the last to know. Do I at least get a gold star?
                  Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                    Men Who BULLY.

                    fight, what fight - i think we just went a little weenie bit off topic here at the end of the thread - go figure
                    Two gold stars and yes you won!
                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      Men Who BULLY.

                      IMHO, bullying comes from deep underlying insecurity. At least that has been my experience. In the relationships that I've had in my life, in one I was a bit of a bully, and in one I was bullied. I didn't like myself in either one of them, and I worked hard not to be a bully in the one where I was a bully. It didn't matter though--it ended up costing me the relationship eventually, because the early damage was too much to undo. Being on either end of bullying sucks, and I know both male and female bullies.
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Men Who BULLY.

                        YEP - my soon to be ex husband was a bully and a control freak. He definitely enhanced my drinking problems. The only way I could stand being around him for the most part was when I was drunk. It was really tough this year staying sober and having him around. Had a couple of slips, and it could of been worse. F*ck him is what I say now. I am so glad I left his nasty, mean, drunken, druggy ass. Life is good and sober - 100% completely sober. Not only by the means of ingesting the stuff, but I haven't thought of it since I left either.


                          Men Who BULLY.

                          Writing too much info.
                          where does this go?


                            Men Who BULLY.

                            The ONLY way you can change anybody is.............................if they're in diapers(Nappies)

                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10

